Make Your Opponents Suffer More with the Amplify Ability and Amazing Battle | Splinterlands Social Media Challenge

Hello everyone, Welcome to my Splinterlands Social Media Challenge post. In this post, I will talk about the Amplify Ability and more, as well as an amazing battle. I hope it will be useful for you.

  • Amplify Ability increases Magic Reflect, Return Fire, Thorns, Retaliate and Corrosive Ward damage to all enemy units by 1.

In the Splinterlands game, almost all abilities can be very effective in battles when used with a good strategy, and some of them increase their effectiveness incredibly when combined with other different abilities. Let's review some of these abilities in battle.


Battle Link

Battle Ruleset

  • Briar Patch: All Monsters have the Thorns ability.
  • Fog of War: Monsters lose the Sneak, Snipe and Opportunity abilities.
  • Counterspell: All Monsters have the Magic Reflect ability.

According to the ruleset of the battle, all monsters in this battle will have the Thorns Ability and Magic Reflect Ability, and the Monsters will lose the Sneak, Snipe and Opportunity abilities. And I will choose ILTHAIN as Summoner so all monsters in my team will have Return Fire Ability, which also means all enemy monsters will suffer. Additionally, I will also include the Amplify Ability in my lineup, which means all enemy monsters will suffer more. Also, thanks to ILTHAIN, all monsters in my team will have +1 speed.

Meanwhile, Monsters with the Reflection Shield Ability do not take damage from Blast, Magic Reflect, Thorns, or Return Fire. This is exactly why I will add Corsair Bosun with the Reflection Shield Ability to my team. I will also include the Tank Heal Ability in my lineup, thus making it harder to destroy the friendly Monster in the first position.

It is really difficult to counter such a strategy in such a battle, which is exactly why I love this kind of battles.


You can watch the entire battle from the video or from the Battle Link

The opposing team was obviously much more powerful than my team, but the opposing player's lineup lacked the Return Fire Ability and Reflection Shield Ability, frankly, I was very happy about this because I was almost sure that I would win this battle if the opponent player did not have any of these abilities in their lineup.

The opposing team was quite powerful, but no matter how powerful the opposing team was, they had no chance of countering my strategy in this way, so I knew at the beginning of the battle that I had won the battle. The +1 increased back damage received by Monsters on the opposing team made them incredibly easy to destroy. With my strategy, I made them all suffer more, which brought victory to my team.

The battle lasted 4 rounds and at the end of the battle, while all the monsters on the opposing team were destroyed, 3 monsters on my team were still alive. The opposing team was obviously much more powerful than my team, but thanks to my strategy, my team managed to win this battle. Combining the Return Fire, Magic Reflect and Thorns abilities with the Amplify Ability helped win this battle, which is exactly why I like such combinations.

By the way, my team could win this battle easier if my ILTHAIN card was at level 3, so I'm aiming to upgrade it to level 3 by buying 6 more copies of it this month. Also, if I could include the Headwinds Ability in my lineup, I could win this battle incredibly easily, so I aim to buy the Anachron Bolter card as soon as possible, I clearly see that I need it very much for these types of battles.

Brief descriptions of the abilities I mentioned above;

  • Return Fire Ability : When hit with a Ranged attack, Units with Return Fire will return half the damage (rounded up) back to their attacker.
  • Magic Reflect Ability : When hit with Magic damage, does half the Magic damage (rounded up) back to the attacker.
  • Thorns Ability : When hit with a Melee attack, does 2 Melee damage back to the attacker.
  • Amplify Ability : Increases Magic Reflect, Return Fire, Thorns, Corrosive Ward, and Retaliate damage to all enemy units by 1.
  • Reflection Shield Ability : This Unit doesn't take damage from Blast, Magic Reflect, Thorns, or Return Fire.
  • Headwinds Ability : Reduces the Ranged attack of all enemy Units by 1.
  • Tank Heal Ability : Restores a third of max health to the Unit in the first position each round.

The combination of Return Fire and Amplify is very effective against Ranged Attack Monsters, the combination of Magic Reflect and Amplify is very effective against Magic Attack Monsters, and the combination of Thorns and Amplify is very effective against Melee Attack Monsters, and we clearly saw the two in the battle above. I highly recommend including these combos into your strategy, and winning battles will be much easier for your team if you make your opponents suffer more.

If you have any questions about abilities, rulesets, the battle above, and Splinterlands, please feel free to ask and I'll be happy to answer them.

All Images Taken from Splintelands.

What are your thoughts on the battle and my strategy? I would be glad if you write your thoughts in the comments.

Battle Link

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Thank you for reading.

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