Reverse Speed ​​Ruleset | Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! Splinterlands


Hello everyone, I hope everything is going well in your life. Welcome to my Battle Mage Secrets post. In this post, I will talk about the Reverse Speed Ruleset.

Reverse Speed Ruleset

In battles with the Reverse Speed ​​Ruleset, Monsters with the lowest Speed ​​attack first, in other words, Monsters with lower speeds will attack before Monsters with higher speeds. And Monsters with the lowest speed have the highest chance of evading attacks. And Attack Accuracy based on speed will also be reversed.

I recommend that you avoid using Slow and Swiftness abilities in battles with the Reverse Speed ​​ruleset, because increasing the speed of Monsters on your team will be a disadvantage for them, while reducing the speed of Monsters on the opposing team will give your opponent an advantage, so both abilities will help your opponent. Additionally, Monsters with the Bloodlust Ability will have their speed increased after killing a Monster, and when Monsters with the Martyr Ability die, the speed of adjacent Monsters will also be increased. Therefore, I recommend that you think carefully before including these abilities in your lineup.

  • Slow Ability : Reduces the Speed of all enemy Units by 1.
  • Swiftness Ability : All friendly Units have their Speed increased by 1.
  • Bloodlust Ability : This Unit revels in the glory of combat and becomes more dangerous as the battle goes on. Every time it defeats an opponent, it gets +1 to all stats.
  • Martyr Ability : When this Unit dies, adjacent Units get +1 to all stats.

In short, in battles with the Reverse Speed ​​​​Ruleset, I recommend adding Monsters that have low speed and can be effective in battle to your team. Let's review the Reverse Speed ​​ruleset in a battle.


Battle Link

Battle Ruleset

  • Stampede: The Trample ability can trigger multiple times per attack if the trampled Monster is killed.
  • Reverse Speed: Monsters with the lowest Speed attack first and have the highest chance of evading attacks.


According to the ruleset of the battle, in this battle, Monsters with the lowest Speed will attack first and will have the highest chance of evading attacks anda the Trample ability can trigger multiple times per attack if the trampled Monster is killed.

Before starting the battle, when I reviewed the recent 5 battles of the opposing player, I saw that the opposing player had very powerful cards, and I guessed that the opposing player would prefer Melee Attack Monsters in this battle and I determined my strategy accordingly.

First of all, in this battle, I will take care to add the Monsters with low speed to my team, and I will reduce the armor of the Monsters in the opposing team by 4 and give the Monsters in my team an extra 2 armor. I will also include 2 Repair Abilities and Blind Ability in my lineup, I believe these abilities will make the opposing team's job very difficult. Although I usually do not prefer Bloodlust Ability and Martyr Ability in battles with Reverse Speed ​​ruleset, I will include them in my lineup as I believe they will be useful in this battle.

The continuation of the strategy and my team's lineup is as follows;



Eternan Brune is a Fire Summoner who reduces the armor of all enemy monsters by 2 and allows the use of one additional Gladiator card in battle. I especially believed that reducing the armor of the Monsters on the opposing team would be very useful in this battle, so that it would be easier to destroy them with my melee attack monsters.


In the first position, I put Grum Flameblade, which has Bloodlust, Void Armor, Void abilities and only 1 Speed. I believed that Grum Flameblade could be very effective in this battle, both defensively and offensively. I will also include 2 Repair abilities and Blind ability in my lineup so Grum Flameblade will be a big problem for the opposing team.

  • Bloodlust Ability : This Monster revels in the glory of combat and becomes more dangerous as the battle goes on. Every time it defeats an opponent, it gets +1 to all stats.
  • Void Armor Ability : Magic attacks hit this Unit's armor before its Health.
  • Void Ability : Reduced damage from Magic attacks by 50%.


In the second position, I put Chimney Wallstop, which has Reach, Bloodlust, Repair abilities and 2 speed.

  • Reach Ability : Melee attack Units with the Reach ability may attack from the second position on the team.
  • Bloodlust Ability : This Monster revels in the glory of combat and becomes more dangerous as the battle goes on. Every time it defeats an opponent, it gets +1 to all stats.
  • Repair Ability : Restores a third of max armor to the friendly Unit whose armor has taken the most damage.


In the third position I put Ferox Defender, which has the Protect and Repair abilities. Thanks to Ferox Defender, not only will all Monsters on my team have 2 extra armor, but it will also restore a third of max armor to the friendly Monster whose armor has taken the most damage.

  • Repair Ability : All friendly Units gain +2 Armor.
  • Repair Ability : Restores a third of max armor to the friendly Unit whose armor has taken the most damage.


In the fourth position I put Sorriel the Bale, which has Double Strike, Blind, and Rust Abilities. I added Sorriel the Bale to my team because I believe that it will be very effective in this battle with its abilities and will benefit my team. Rust Ability will reduce the armor of all Monsters on the opposing team by 2, and the Blind Ability will cause all enemy Melee & Ranged attacks have a 15% higher chance of missing their target. I believed that these two abilities would give my team an advantage in this battle. Additionally, Sorriel the Bale has the Double Strike Ability, so its attacks will be devastating to its target.

  • Double Strike Ability : This unit attacks twice each round.
  • Blind Ability : All enemy Melee & Ranged attacks have a 15% higher chance of missing their target.
  • Rust Ability : Reduces the Armor of all enemy Units by 2.


In the fifth position I put Venari Marksrat, which has the Martyr and Snare abilities.

  • Martyr Ability : When this Unit dies, adjacent Units get +1 to all stats.
  • Snare Ability : When attacking enemies with Flying, removes the Flying ability and cannot miss.

Position 6 : URAEUS

In the last position, I put Uraeus with Sneak and Poison abilities. I especially thought that Poison Ability could be very useful in this battle.

  • Sneak Ability : Targets the last Unit on the enemy Team instead of the first Unit.
  • Poison Ability : Attacks have a 50% chance to apply poison, which does automatic damage to the target at the beginning of each round after the poison is applied.


The opposing team was quite powerful, but I was very surprised that in a battle with the Reverse Speed ​​ruleset, the opposing player preferred Monsters with high speed and gave them +1 speed with the Kelya Frendul summoner, and I think such a strategy will help my team in the battle.

Round 1

In the first round, all Monsters on my team hit their target while 3 monsters on the opposing team missed their target, it was like a good example of having high speed vs. low speed in such a battle. Grum Flameblade dodged 2 out of 3 attacks, which was actually what I expected since it only had 1 speed. Also, Uraeus poisoned Kulu Swimhunter but Deeplurker also poisoned it.

Round 2

In the second round, 3 Monsters from the opposing team were destroyed, while Uraeus from my team was destroyed.

Round 3

Although the Monsters on the opposing team were powerful, they were helpless in such a battle, and in the third round, while one more monster from the opposing team was destroyed, no one from my team was destroyed. Also, even though Grum Flameblade's speed was increased by 1, Kulu Mastermind missed it.

Round 4


In the fourth round, the last 2 Monsters remaining on the opposing team were destroyed and my team managed to win this battle.

The battle lasted 4 rounds and at the end of the battle, while all the monsters on the opposing team were destroyed, 5 monsters on my team were still alive. In fact, the opposing team was quite powerful, but the opposing player seemed to have ignored the Reverse Speed ​​ruleset, which caused the opposing team to be defeated quite easily. In this battle my strategy worked pretty well and my team achieved victory pretty easily. It was especially helpful to add Monsters with low speed to my team and to include Blind and Repair abilities in my lineup. In battles with the Reverse Speed ​​ruleset, I place great importance on adding Monsters with low speed to my team, and this strategy usually works quite well.



All Images Taken from Splintelands.

What are your thoughts on the battle and my strategy? I would be glad if you write your thoughts in the comments.

Battle Link

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500 HP1000 HP2000 HP5000 HP10000 HP15000 HP20000 HP

