Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets - Little League



Hi guys,

Welcome to my blog. This is an entry into the splinterlands battle mage secrets contest. This week, looking for the battle mage game was hell. I say this because on my main account, I couldn’t seem to get the Ruleset and each time I got it, it seemed something would stop my opponent from submitting his or her team on time. I got the Ruleset about 4 times and on each occasion, the opponent surrendered, the funny part about this is that it only happened with that one Ruleset. So what to do? I’ll be using a different account to make an entry today.

The Ruleset for this week’s battle mage secrete contest is small league. What this means is that you are only allowed to choose summoners and monsters who have a mana of 4. Now, I’d be lying if I said I like this particular Ruleset. As you know, most cards that have low mana usually have low health stats and low attack stats. You’ll be pretty fortunate if you get the equaliser Ruleset alongside this Ruleset to help with the cards with little health.

Since am in silver with this account, the other Ruleset was weak magic. This means magic attacks hit amor before reducing health.

Since it was this type of Ruleset I decided against going for magic cards and sticking to range and melee cards. I have a pretty good line of melee cards and range cards on the fire side so I decided to go with that.


My summoner of choice was Tarsa. A summoner of 4 mana that grants +1 melee and +1 health to all my cards.

My first position card was chaos agent, a no-attack card but has pretty good advantages. It has the dodge ability, meaning it has a 25% chance of evading melee and range attacks.

It also has the phase ability which means attacks of melee and range can miss it, which brings its last ability which is the backfire, after missing it, the attacker takes 2 melee damage.

My next card was xenith monk. A card with 2 melee attack, 8 health and 4 speed. It has magic reflect ability, void magic and heal as well.

I put in venari marksrat into the lineup for its martyr abilities. Put in scorch fiend to also reduce my opponent’s melee attacks.

Uraes was a force to reckon with as it has 3 melee attack, 4 speed and 2 shield. The health of 4 is a big problem though but before it dies you’ll get a few good attacks from it.

The last card was scavo firebolt. A card which has range attack of 4, 4 speed and 6 health.

Let’s rumble.

Well, in round one my chaos agent wasn’t able to cause any agent as all the attacks that went its way were able to penetrate through. It didn’t take long for it to die. So xenith monk took over and did some pretty good stuff. Most of the attacks that came its way in round one missed it.


Until my opponents uraeus vanquished my scavo firebolt in round 2. It was frustrating as scavo made no damage to any card in the battle. Well, my uraes made a reverse attack on my opponent's uraes and was able to vanquish it. So it seems my first position card wasn’t having it as most of my attacks missed it hence causing a back fire to my cards. It didn’t take long for venari marksrat to die from all this backfire. I was glad it died before my xenith monk did boosting its attack to 4 and speed to 5. It was of no use to me as the attack still missed and was returned to my card killing it off.


It didn’t take long for my remaining cards to be killed in battle as well. It was simply 3 rounds of no glory and boy it was frustrating.

The difference for my opponent was the riftwing. It did a pretty good job at evading attacks and returning the attack to opposing attackers.


This is my battle link

All unsourced images are from splinterlands.com

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