Community Engagement Challenge: Domo, I am Night Stalker desu. / コミュニティ エンゲージメント チャレンジ: ドーモ、ナイトストーカー デス。

Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge: New Promo Card Battles

The theme of this year's Engagement Challenge is New Promo Card Battles. To be honest, it's a very annoying theme.

今回のエンゲージメントチャレンジのテーマは New Promo Card Battles デス。正直、非常に困るテーマ デス。

As the theme suggests, new promo cards. In other words, they have to battle with Sanctus Vicar, Elanor Bravefoot, Night Stalker, and Delya and discuss their strategies.

テーマにある通り、新しいプロモカード。つまり、SANCTUS VICAR 、ELANOR BRAVEFOOT、NIGHT STALKER、DELYA を使ってバトルし、戦略を話し合わなくてはいけないらしい。

I don't have to buy these promo cards separately. I didn't have them because I thought it would be a good idea. Sure, if I had them, I might be able to create a new strategy, but to be honest, I didn't buy them because they don't seem to be very useful for the price.


Still, if I had to choose, I would want NIGHT STALKER the most.

それでも、どうしても選ばなくてもいけないというのであれば、 NIGHT STALKER が一番欲しいかな。


3,000 DEC x 25 pieces, so 75,000 DEC. I think it's strong and it would be very useful if I had it, but if you ask me if I would pay this amount of money for it, I think... I think it's very strong.

3,000 DEC x 25枚 だから 75,000 DECか。 強いと思うし、持っていれば使い勝手がすごくよさそうなんだけどこの金額を出して買うかと言われればうーん...って感じ。


Now, let's put aside the price. It has some very nice abilities and I would like it very much if I could get it. First of all, it has the Execute ability, which I'm really interested in. And the fact that it has 3 attack power from level 1 is also great.

さて、値段のことは置いといて。能力は非常にいいものを持っているので、手に入るものならすごくほしい。私がすごく注目している Execute アビリティを持っているし、レベル1から攻撃力3っていうのも素晴らしい。

Monsters with the Sneak ability often need multiple Sneak monsters in a row to deal enough damage, or they are often protected by armor.
NIGHT STAKER has the new EXECUTE ability, so if the monster's HP is less than 5, it can be quickly destroyed.

NIGHT STAKERは新アビリティの EXECUTE を持っているのでHPが5以下であればさくっと葬り去ってくれる。

Also, even monsters that cannot be defeated in one shot because of their armor, such as URAEUS level 2 for example, can be buried by destroying their armor with the first attack and then activating an additional attack.

また、例えば URAEUS レベル2のようなアーマーを持っているため一発で倒せないモンスターでも、最初の1撃でアーマーを破壊し、さらに追加の1撃を発動することで葬り去ることが可能なのである。

Now, let's see what the actual battle looks like.



This is a battle with the OSHANNUS team that I often see. I have the advantage of attacking from behind. And since my armor is gone due to the Unprotected rule, I have an even greater advantage.
In fact, I think it would be better to fight a little harder to see the advantage of NIGHT STALKER, but that's OK.

よくある OSHANNUS 編成とのバトルです。 後ろから攻める編成の私のほうが有利ですね。しかもUnprotectedルールでアーマーも消えてるからさらに有利。
ホントはもうちょっと苦戦するほうが NIGHT STALKER のメリットが見えてよさそうな気もするけどまぁいいです。

Oh, don't worry about RAVENHOOD WARDEN being in there. I just made a mistake in my haste in many ways.

あ、 RAVENHOOD WARDEN が入ってるのは気にしてはいけません。色々焦って間違っただけです。


It is a little difficult to see, but the MERDAALI GURDIAN with 4 HP is killed by a series of blows. It is very powerful to be able to defeat a monster with up to 5 HP without armor (or 2 HP or less with armor) in a single turn.

ちょっとわかりにくいですが、HP4ある MERDAALI GURDIAN を連撃で倒しています。アーマーが無ければHPが5までのモンスターなら(アーマーがあってもHP2以下なら)1ターンで倒せるのはとても強力ですね。

Unfortunately, EXECUTE is a bit pricey because it is an ability that you can only get at level 4. I would love to have it on a gold frame card, but I wonder how much a gold frame level 4 would cost.

しかし、残念なことに EXECUTE はレベル4にならないと手に入らないアビリティなのでちょっとお値段が高い。金枠でのカードで欲しいけど、金枠のレベル4なんて一体いくらになることやら。

However, except for the disadvantage of its high price, it is a very good card.

  • Must be a Sneak monster that can be used with Fire and Death.
  • It has a cost of 4, so it can be used under the Little League rules.
  • Must have 3 attack power and 3 speed from level 1.
  • At level 4, it must learn EXECUTE and be able to make additional attacks.


  • FireとDeathで使用できるSneakモンスターであること。
  • コストが4なので Little League ルールで使用可能なこと。
  • レベル1から攻撃力が3、スピードが3あること。
  • レベル4になれば EXECUTE を覚えて追加攻撃できるようになること。

The three above are valid from level 1, although only EXECUTE is useless until level 4.


I really want it when you itemize the benefits. I really want to buy it! But it's expensive!
I'll just have to hope that people who buy them in large quantities will sell them on the market at a low price...!


Those of you who have purchased in large quantities, please take care of the extra cards at a discount.



Yes I'm also waiting for it to hit the secondary market, I think it's a great card.


私も Night Stalker が一番好きです!
