Social Media Challenge! - Is a VOUCHER unnecessary? / ソーシャルメディア・チャレンジ - VOUCHERは不要なのか?


Social Media Challenge!

I've been so busy with work that I don't have time to play. It's more fun to play with your head and you'll have a better chance of winning, but it takes a lot of time.
But if I don't play, I don't get paid, so I have to be as quick as possible! With as little effort as possible! While expending energy as quickly as possible!


Playing like that became work and the fun was drastically reduced. Still, it would have been nice if I could have gotten a lot of SPS or had the fun of raising my rate. With my ability, I still can't get over the Modern Silver wall.


End of the whine.



I was looking at X (Twitter) and found this post.



Might the DAO move to remove VOUCHER?
When I introduced VOUCHER, I also thought "we don't need that many kinds of tokens", but I guess I was ahead of my time? 🤣

私もVOUCHER導入時に「トークンはそんなに種類要らないよねー」って思ってたんだけど、やっぱり私は時代を先取りしていた? 🤣

In fact, the situation now is that DEC, SPS, and VOUCHER are all down; Hive is also down, which may be dragging it down, but even so, it has been steadily down for the last three months or so.


It seems to me that the DAO is actively working on countermeasures. I don't really know much about it, so I'm not sure why you would say, "They're doing a lot of things, but aren't they trying to do too many things? Are there some counterproductive proposals? SHIRANKEDO-." I'm just acting like an OBACHAN in Osaka.


I'm off topic, let's get back on track.


First of all, there were DECs as tokens in the game. This was supposedly intended to be a soft peg of $1=1,000 DEC. It looks like it exceeded 1,000 DEC ≈ $15 when it was bubbed, but the goal was only $1=1,000 DEC, which is what you need to buy cards and packs. It is the basic token.

まず最初に、ゲーム内のトークンとしてDECがあった。これは $1=1,000 DEC のソフトペグを目指したものだったはず。バブった時に 1,000DEC≒$15 を超えたみたいだけどあくまで目指すのは $1=1,000 DEC であり、カードを買うにもパックを買うにも必要なもの。基本のトークンである。

The next one issued was the SPS. This acts as a governor's token and the more you have, the more weight your vote gets. When SPS was issued, it was very expensive, and you could make a lot of money if you had a lot of them, whether it was staking rewards, license node rewards, or LP rewards. If only I had converted them into dollars back then.


Finally, VOUCHER. why was this issued? It sure seems like it doesn't have to be, doesn't it? It can be used as a discount token when buying promotional cards or packs. Did I use it to buy battle wagons recently? But that could be done with a DEC, right?
I guess that's why there's an argument that it's unnecessary. I haven't looked at the original story properly.



I don't have much, so I don't care if it goes away. After all, in terms of the Splinterlands ecosystem, they want to be able to do 1$ = 1,000 DECs... SPS are being issued more and more, so they are sold, and you can use SPS to buy DECs to buy cards, packs, upgrade your guild buildings, etc. That's all right.

私はあまり持ってないから無くなってもいいんだけどね。やはりSplinterlandsのエコシステム的には 1$=1,000 DEC に出来るようにしたいんだろう。SPSはどんどん発行されるから売られるわけだし、SPSでDECを購入してカードを買う、パックを買う、ギルドの建物をグレードアップするなどの活動をしていけばいいわけだ。

I think that if they were to make sure that they could spend $0.0001 in-game, it would accelerate the movement to sell SPS and buy DECs, which would bring them closer to the ideal.
I think that at one time, they were trying to accelerate the trend of selling SPS for DEC by reducing DEC emissions to a great extent.
Naturally, SPS will go down and DEC will be $0.0001. This is fine.

ゲーム内で $0.0001 で使えるっていうのを徹底すれば、SPSを売ってDECを買う動きが加速し理想に近づくんだろう。

And there is no room for a VOUCHER there. It would be too complicated, so we don't need it. That's what I'm saying.



Simply what I think is, just let us use more and more DECs for $0.0001. Then I'll peg it. Of course, SPS is going to sell more and more, but why not? So, I think raising the price of SPS is a good thing if it increases the staking profit, but that's another story.

単純に私が思うのは、どんどんDECを $0.0001 で使わせてくれればいいんだよ。そうすればペグるよ。当然SPSはどんどん売られて行くけど、いいいんじゃないの?それで。SPSの価格を上げるのはステーキングするうまみがふえればいいと思うんだけど、それはまた別の話。

Let's start with a DEC of $0.0001. Sell cards! Sell packs! Keep issuing new cards!
Oh, but first, you need to do something about new players. Where are new players supposed to fight? I can only see them getting beat up in Modern Bronze and quitting. They don't know what cards to buy and how much money to spend.

まずはDECが $0.0001になることを目指そう。カードを売れ!パックを売れ!どんどん新カードを発行していけ!


Sell your pre-built decks! Just create a generic deck of each generic color with common rares and sell it at the DEC!
Just put about 1~2 legendaries in each deck. You'll be so happy if you have OSHANNUS or something in there!



A.E.D. - End of proof!

A.E.D. - 証明完了や!


The image below is my BATTLE URL with my referral link.
If you are thinking of getting started, please sign up below.

以下の画像は私の紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLです。



Nice battle
I just bought a License node
Enjoy your end of season
