Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Will more people play Modern? / Splinterlands ソーシャルメディア・チャレンジ - モダンをプレイする人数は増えるのか?


Splinterlands Social Media Challenge

Yesterday, there was an update. There are many minor fixes, but the two most problematic are these.


・You must purchase a Season Pass to play Wild.
・SPS staking requirements for Wild have been doubled.


I have to withdraw from WIld because my expenses exceed my income under these conditions.
However, the rewards will be drastically reduced in Modern because the win rate is not high enough to raise the rate.


I know this happened as a result of the proposal, but I'm stumped.
I thought about putting my gold Foil cards up for rent if rentals were active, but I'm having a hard time because rental prices have gone down recently.




・Splinterlands Release Notes 2024-6-11

・SPS Governance Proposal - Alternate Solution to Address Bot Farms & Wild/Modern Format Discrepancies

Based on this, we will check the areas of concern in turn.

・You must purchase a Season Pass to play Wild.


Wild Seasonal Pass

You are asking me to purchase a season pass before starting the next season.
It's not easy to have to pay for a season pass in addition to the SPS rental.
And we have to pay another 2,000 DEC for every season...

毎シーズンさらに 2,000 DEC 払うのか...

BTW, the proposal was fixed at 2,000 DEC, but it is now $1.01 USD.
At the current price, that translates to 1,497.67 DEC, so a little cheaper?

ところで、提案では 2,000 DEC 固定となっていましたが、$1.01 USDになっていますね。
今の価格で換算すると 1497.67 DEC なので、少し安くなった?

Could it be that, just in case, the battle rewards would just barely cover the cost? I calculated the following. $1.01 USD = 111.12 SPS
In the current environment, I can earn about 130 SPS per season, so it looks like I'm just barely getting by. However, if the difficulty level goes up and I can't win, that won't be the case.

もしかして一応、ギリギリバトル報酬で賄えるか?と思って計算してみました。$1.01 USD=111.12 SPS
今の環境なら1シーズンで 130 SPS程度は稼げるので何とかギリギリセーフみたい。でも、難易度が上がって勝てなくなったらその限りではないんですけど。

Oh, no, I didn't include the amount I pay to SPS Staking. I'm still out!


And one more thing.


SPS Staking

・SPS staking requirements for Wild have been doubled.


It means that the amount of SPS staking to increase the Boost value for battle rewards will need to double what it used to be.
I'm assuming this means that if I'm borrowing 20,000 SPS now, I'll need 40,000 SPS, which simply doubles the price of borrowing SPS, correct?

いままで 20,000SPS を借りてるなら 40,000 SPS 必要になるってことだと思ってますが、単純にSPSを借りる価格が2倍になるってことでいいんだよね?

Let me give you a concrete example.
I am currently paying 560 DEC for 7 days to rent 20,000 SPS, which is 80 DEC per day, or 1,200 DEC per season. That would be 2,400 DECs.
Add to this the cost of the season pass and you get
2,400+1497.67=3897.67 DEC ≈ 289.383 SPS
The total cost is 289.383 SPS.

私はいま、20,000 SPS を借りるために、7日で 560 DEC。これは1日当たり 80 DECで、1シーズンで 1,200 DEC で払ってるわけですよ。これが 2,400 DEC になるってことで。
2,400+1497.67=3897.67 DEC ≒ 289.383 SPS

Thus, starting the next season, if you play in Wild, you are in the red, but if you play in Modern, you cannot raise your rate due to poor win rates. But if the rate does not increase, the amount of SPS staking required will also decrease. Then maybe we can avoid the deficit?


Huh? Could it be?
2,400 DEC ≈ 178.50 SPS
I did the math again and I need 178.5 SPS per season, so I was in the red this season, not next! 😭

2,400 DEC ≒ 178.50 SPS
改めて計算してみたら1シーズンで 178.5 SPS 必要なので、次と言わず今シーズンは赤字だった!😭

But I digress.



yabapmatt.sps は提案でこう言ってる。

Some Numbers

In Wild, 30,000 of 75,000 accounts are active; in Modern, 2,000 of 3,000 accounts are active.
If a few of these wild players who are conscious of earning money can flow into modern, we'll have more modern players, so we'll kill two birds with one stone, right?

ワイルドでは 75,000 アカウント中、30,000 がアクティブで、モダンでは 3,000 アカウント中 2,000 がアクティブ。

What a thing to say, but I don't agree with this, indeed.


Probably, many people will be negatively affected by a slight increase in battle rewards because the number of Wild bots will decrease and the difficulty will increase, as well as expenditures.


If people who are negatively impacted by the Wild move to the Modern, it may attract more people, but will people who moved to the Wild because they don't like the Modern return? I'm afraid they will get tired of it and quit.


As a result, the population of Wild will decrease, the difficulty will increase, and the number of deficit players will increase. Modern will remain difficult and the population will not increase.
I pray that this will not happen.



And what I am most concerned about is that there is even less room for beginners to play.
Originally, I had been recommending Wild as a situation where I thought the problem was that Modern had become too difficult, creating an environment where new players would quit too soon. However, with this change, I no longer recommend Wild.


I hope that the number of people in Modern will increase and the environment will become more enjoyable for players with fewer cards, but I don't think so. It will get worse, especially for the next season or two. Because the players from Wild will hunt the newbies.


Was it right to eliminate the modern bot? Was it wrong? Looking at the results, maybe it was wrong.
Was I wrong in offering my YES to that proposal?


No, they don't. The management must have put in a low level bot. I just don't know because I haven't played for a few seasons, but it should be more decent than it used to be.


I don't have enough cards, so I can't win a single game after 10 rounds.
They use starters so even if they win, they don't get paid.
They are overrun by legendary high level.


If that environment were still the same today. How would new players survive?
Well, I'm just saying that they should buy cards from the very beginning. Is that possible because cards are getting cheaper? I wonder if the oil barons will bring in an influx of groups.


I think it is the same with any game that unless there are more new players, it will decline rapidly. The players who really like the game will stay, but it is doubtful that they will be able to continue to run it forever on a small income.


Come to think of it, how does the management make money? Selling packs? Selling promo cards? Even if they don't get more new players, if they sell packs, will the operation continue to operate? If that's the case, then kudos to the 🐋 people.


But still.
I don't want the number of 🐋 to decrease.
To make the community more vibrant.


I really hope you can do something to increase the number of newcomers. Why don't you create a dedicated server for newbies and put in a bunch of management-produced bots? I don't care if the condition is the number of battles, the amount of lifetime reward SPS, or the playing organization.



The image below is my BATTLE URL with my referral link.
If you are thinking of getting started, please sign up below.

以下の画像は私の紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLです。



Wild might get better for high level bots like my two. I shut the other low level ones down I had like 8 of those extracting GLINT. Now the play may be to use the high level bots to make decent soul bound decks with both SB and GLAD cards to put in a guild that new players can use there cards combined with the SB cards to boost there wins and leauge to get more and build there deck for the cost of all the glint and a portion of the SPS maybe 10% of the SPS rewards from ranked and brawls and keep making these guilds as fast as i can produce accounts that have decent SB collections and let the players build them to max level then offer them for sale to the player or for rent once they are max level and replace it with a new deck to be built and keep churning out either decks that are sold or rented for a split to people and use the guilds to finish off decks the get built up at first by the two high level bots in wild. Eventually you can have a human bot army in modern with just supplying sb and glad decks to people for a lower split and not taking on the card overhead except the accounts that create the decks. Plus it gets around the non renting of SB cards as you can rent out the account to pilot.


So your strategy is to collect SoulBound and Gladiator cards, get them to a high level, and rent accounts?
I see, so even though it costs more initially, after you have all the cards you need, you can make money from account rentals, which is a plus in the long run.
Maybe it's a good idea to increase the number of accounts and make money through the scalar system, but it's a little too difficult for me. xD


Its really the only play I can see for the SB accounts that I cant bot in wild anymore as only my main account can be profitable botting in Wild which I like as its completely passive and I have old cards with CL cards and barely any rebellion as I decided to hold off on making any large purchases into that and wait until conflicts are over bc I think the packs will dump like they have always done at the end of airdrops which is why when I did the CL drops I bought a ton then flipped them as fast as I could for as little loss or break even as possible to sell them all and collect a lot of airdrops. Think I did 30K packs for CL airdrops but decided against conflicts bc of the holding of the packs the entire time and the overall declining of prices as well as the likely decline when rebellion cards don't net a airdrop anymore. I also jumped the gun on stocking up my land could have waited a bit longer or done it over a longer time frame to dca in which i should have rather than buy a bunch of high pp cards that are now worth way less but eventually ill recoup the cost it will just take longer and hopefully we see things push up a bit at some point and the teams ideas fix many of the issues then I can make sure I pull my cost into strength and play the game with the assets I leave in and be way more cautious about risking any new capital and only risk earnings from the game and earnings from HIVE to buy new assets. The rest will just be deployed into other protocols with steadier cash flow and all that as many of the markets are pretty dry right now in SPL not like they used to be where I could just sell a card or asset pretty fast now you wait days to sell something unless you want to fire sale it.


You've planned and prepared for this. I am jealous that you got a lot of airdrop cards.
I would love to have cards for conflicts but I couldn't afford much. They are still expensive. I think the price of cards will go down a lot in the future. I think new players will be happier if they go down.
But right now, both Modern and Wild are very tough for new players, so I would like to see a little more room for new players to have fun.


Ya i skipped conflicts bc it didnt fit my strategy and they did away with the really big bulk discounts i used to buy in with other larger purchasers for the 100-150K packages to get packs for like a buck something then I could imeadialtly dump them on the market for a small profit over a week get like 40 airdrop cards for each copy and not need to worry about the packs depreciating. With conflicts i think the cards are going to tank toward the end one or two left bc some ppl will try and front run the dump then it will start thats when ill pick up some packs and cards for rebellion and rift prob bc I deff want some of the rift cards that are good as the print is low.


Are you looking for Tier 5 brawl guild? THE GUILD OF NEOXIAN looking for brawl players who have good win ratio on brawls. If you are interested then join our Discord & Let our Guild officer xawi know that you are interested for guild brawl participation and Also Don't Forgot to Checkout our BDVoter Daily Hive Showcase & Participate into our Daily giveaway to win various prize. Best of Luck 😉



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