Rebellion Reward Card Review: Olivia Of The Brook


Olivia the Brook.png

Note: All battles were played manually and without the use of any Battle Helper


Hello there! @saydie here, playing Splinterlands everyday!

Starting this week was a new contest from Splinterlands with the Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge: Rebellion Reward Card Reviews with the goal of diving deep in to the hearth of the game with the focus on Rebellion Reward Cards and for my entry this week, I would like to start my review with Olivia Of The Brook, a life element splinter with both melee and magic attack and was one of the Rebellion Rewards with the new ability called Mimic.


Olivia Of The Brook

Mana Cost6Element5-Life.png Life
RarityEpicAttack Type00-magic.png Magic, 00-melee.png Melee
AbilitiesLvl 1- opportunity.png Opportunity
Lvl 2- Mimic.png Mimic
Lvl 4- reflection shield.png Reflection Shield
Max StatsMagic: 1
Melee: 2
Speed: 3
Armor: 1
Health: 6
Max Power (RF)2,415Max Power (GF)11,550

Olivia of the Brook was a 6- mana splinter with both magic and melee attacks and though it would seem weak compared to the other Rebellion rewards in terms of damage, what makes it stand out among the others is its Mimic ability which allows it to copy a random ability at the beginning of round 2 and each of the following round as well as another 25% chance to copy a random ability from an attacker when hit. This means that the longer the battle is, the more ability that this card could get. However, Dispel can remove the abilities that it copy in the order that they gained and there were abilities that it cannot copy such as Targeting abilities, Ambush, Weapons Training, Flank, Reach, Charge, and Taunt and cannot also copy Debilitations.


Strengths, Weakness, Strategies and Rulesets


Olivia of the Brook's strength comes with its ability to attack with both melee and magic cause although it does not have much damage, it is a card that can be used on both Wands Out and Up Close and Personal as well as it will always attack the opponent with the lowest health with using Opportunity. And like I said above, the longer that this card stays on play will allow it to grow more stronger with Mimic. It also has Reflection Shield which makes it immune to both Thorns and Magic Reflect as well as from Blast Damage.


When it comes to weakness, the lack of damage of Olivia of the Brook means that it cannot bring a meaningful damage at the beginning of the battle and it's Mimic can also become a disadvantage due to the randomness of the abilities that it could get.


Given that Olivia of the Brook does not have that much damage, it is best to placed it next to Iziar since it has Taunt that would force the opponent attacks towards her, protecting Olivia ofthe Brook while she was still in the process of copying the opponent's abilities and at the same time, have her stats increased when Martyr was triggered after Iziar was defeated.


Up Close & Personal
Only Monsters with 00-melee.png Melee attack may be used in battles.
Briar Patch
All monsters have the thorns.png Thorns ability.
Wands Out
Only monsters with 00-magic.png Magic attack may be used in battles.
All monsters have the magic reflect.png Magic Reflect ability.


Sample Battle



03- Modern Diamond.png
Diamond League
Modern Format
21 Mana Cap
Available Elements:01- fire.png Fire, 02-Water.png Water , 5-Life.png Life, 3-Earth.png Earth, 4-Death.png Death, 6-Dragon.png Dragon
Broken Arrows
Ranged attack Monsters may not be used in battles.
Born Again.png
Born Again
All monsters have the Rebirth ability.
Tis But Scratches
All monsters have the cripple.png Cripple ability.

As you can see in this battle, I only have a level 2 Olivia of the Brook so it does not have its max stats and abilities but it already has Mimic which makes it competitive enough even on the Diamond league. Also, it was next to Iziar which means that once it was defeated, it will trigger Martyr that would increase the stats of Olivia of the Brook. Make it 3x stat boost due to the Rebirth from the Born Again ruleset and the Resurrect from Adelade Brightwing.


On Round 2, it's Mimic starts to copy abilities but unfortunately, the first ability it copies was Thorns which does not really benefit Olivia ofthe Brook, given that it will not be a target of the opponent attacks unless Iziar was defeated and even if that is, majority op the opponent uses magic attacks.


Neither the ability that it copies on round 3 was beneficial too as Martyr would only take effect when the monsters was defeated but during round 4, Olivia of the Brook finally gains Swiftness that increases the speed of all ally units.


Fast forward to round 11, Olivia of the Brook was able to copy a total of 10 abilities, including Resurrect which allows it to revive Iziar once again, resulting for its stats to increase 4x with the help of Martyr. At this point, she has become way stronger than any of the remaining monsters in play despite being only level 2 and was able to turn the result of this battle in my win.


Battle Recap

Here is a replay of the battle which at you can watch at Splinterlands.


Final thoughts

Using Olivia of the Brook in battle is very fun with how she can get more powerful the longer the battle is but at the same time, involves some risk given the randomness of the abilities that it could get. It's better to use this card on long battles where it can take its time to slowly get other abilities rather on short battles.

That was it for this post. Thank you and see you at the next one.


Previous Battles

Silenced Summoners.pngStampede.pngSuper Sneak.png
To read previous articles, just click on the image of the article that you want to read.

All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands.

Card abilities and rulesets from Splintercards

All the battle links provided comes from my personal accounts and from the scholar account that I am using from Balthazar Guild.

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