The Mayhem of Melee on Thorny Field

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All battles were played manually and without the use of any Battle Helper.


Hello there! @saydie here, playing Splinterlands everyday!

This will be my entry for this week's Battle Mage Secrets with the featured ruleset Melee Mayhem. This is a ruleset Melee units can attack from any position.

For this battle that I'm gonna show you, I will be using my @crimepoet account which is my alternate account playing in Diamond League on modern format.


But before I reveal my battle, let us learn more about this ruleset.

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Melee Mayhem

Rule Set Icon
Melee Mayhem
00-melee.png Melee attack Monsters can attack from any position.

With Melee Mayhem, all melee monsters can attack the first position monster regardless of their position. Abilities such as Reach, Sneak and Opportunity though takes priority and will work as intended.

In terms of ability, the equivalent of Melee Mayhem was Recharge which is a new ability from Rebellion with Venka the Vile so far as the only monster with this ability.


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Revealing Battle Conditions and Team Lineup




03- Modern Diamond.png
Diamond League
Modern Format
50 Mana Cap
Available Elements: 01- fire.png Fire, 5-Life.png Life
Briar Patch
All monsters have the thorns.png Thorns ability.

Reverse Speed
Monsters with the lowest Speed attack first and have the highest chance of evading attacks.
Melee Mayhem
00-melee.png Melee attack Monsters can attack from any position.

Opponent's Line- up


My Team


This battle comes with a 25 mana cap where the active rulesets are Heavy Hitters, Close Range and the featured ruleset for this week which was Maneuvers. With this in consideration, my lineup was consist of:

Summoner: Grandmaster Rathe - A Life Summoner that not only gives +1 armor on all ally units but also gives the Void Armor which makes magic not pierce armor and Amplify to increase reflected damage by +1.

  • 1st Position: Pelacor Conjurer - A 2- mana non-damage unit that has the Flying ability, increasing its evasion chance by 25% together with Magic Reflect to return magic damage to the attacker and Phase to evade magic attacks. It can also nullify the first damage it takes with Divine Shield

  • 2nd Position: Aves Sturgis - A 6- mana magic unit that comes with Weapons Training to give attack to non-damage monsters that were adjacent into it and Rust to reduce the armor of the target along with the Divine Shield ability.

  • 3rd Position: Evelyn Auvera - A 5- mana non-damage unit which have Immunity which prevents it from being affected by debuffs while the Thorns inflicts damage towards melee units that attack this card and Reflection Shield which makes it immune to any reflected and indirect damage.

  • 4th Position: Iziar - A 11- mana magic which has the Taunt which forces the opponent to attack this card while it has Void to reduce magic damage and can increase the stats of units that was adjacent to it when it was defeated with Martyr.

  • 5th Position: Jared Scar- With Bloodlust, this 7- mana melee unit can increase its stats for every time that it can defeat an opponent while it has True Strike which makes its attack to not miss and Pierce to inflict the excess damage to the targets health.

  • 6th Position: Adelade Brightwing- a 7-mana magic unit which both has the Flying and Immunity aside from Repair which allows it to restore the armor of an ally unit and Resurrect to revive a defeated ally. It also has Swiftness which increases the speed of ally ally monster.

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Revealing the Battle


1-12/38- Pre- battle Phase: Application of ability buffs and de- buffs by both teams.

Round 1:


13/38 Adelade Brightwing inflicts 2 armor damage to Bera Dallin.

14-22/38 Mantaroth Repair the armor of Bera Dallin and attack Iziar, dealing 3 damage with Blast dealing another 2 damage to Jared Scar but in return, it receives 4 armor damage due to Thorns.

23-24/38 Jared Scar inflicts 4 armor damage to Bera Dallin but in return, it recieves 3 Thorns damage.

25-26/38 Evelyn Auvera and Aves Sturgis inflicts 4 damage to Bera Dallin.

27-30/38 Silverblade Fighter and Bera Dalin deals 5 damage to Iziar but both got Thorns damage in return.

31-32/38 Iziar inflicts 2 damage to Bera Dallin.

33-35/38 Inevitable restores the health and armor of Bera Dallin as it attacks Iziar for 2 damage and receives 2 Thorns damage.

36-38/38 Pelacor Conjurer removes the armor of Soul Fiend.

Round 2:


1-2/37 Adelade Brightwing Repair the armor of **Jared Scar and **inflicts 2 armor damage to Bera Dallin.

3-16/37 Mantaroth Repair the armor of Bera Dallin and attack Iziar, dealing 3 damage with Blast dealing another 2 damage to Jared Scar but in return, it receives 2 damage due to Thorns then Adelade Brightwing Resurrect Iziar before it increases the stats of Evelyn Auvera and Jared Scar.

17-25/37 Silverblade Fighter and Bera Dalin defeated Iziar which once again increases the stats of Evelyn Auvera and Jared Scar while both receives damage from Thorns.

26-29/37 Soul Fiend removes the Divine Shield on Pelacor Conjurer but it receives Thorns damage which resulted for it to be defeated.

30-32/37 Inevitable restores the health and armor of Bera Dallin.

33-35/37 Jared Scar inflicts 2 damage to Bera Dalin but in return lose its armor from Thorns.

36/37 Evelyn Auvera inflicts 5 damage to Bera Dalin.

37/37 Pelacor Conjurer removes the armor of Silverblade Fighter.

Round 3:


1-4/25 Mantaroth Repair the armor of Silverblade Fighter and removes the armor of Pelacor Conjurer and the Divine Shield of Aves Sturgis but receives 2 damage from Thorns.

5-6/25 Adelade Brightwing Repair the armor of Jared Scar and inflicts 2 damage to Bera Dalin.

7-8/25 Silverblade Fighter deals 2 damage to Pelacor Conjurer but lose its armor from Thorns.

5-11/25 Venka the Vile deals 4 armor damage to Dumacke Orc but was defeated due to Thorns followed by 3 damage from Bera Dallin which also received Thorns damage and was defeated.

12/25 Aves Sturgis inflicts 3 damage to Silverblade Fighter.

13-16/13 Inevitable restore the health of Mantaroth and Repair the armor of Silverblade Fighter as it attacks Pelacor Conjurer for 2 damage while it alsi receives 2 armor damage from Thorns.

17-21/25 Jared Scar defeats Silverblade Fighter which activates its Bloodlust and increases its stats.

22-23/25 Meriput Magician Heals Mantaroth.

24-25/25 Evelyn Auvera and Pelacor Conjurer inflicts 8 damage to Mantaroth.

Round 4:


1-8/21 Mantaroth defeat Pelacor Conjurer and removes the armor of Aves Sturgis but in return, receives Thorns damage, turning its health to 1.

9-11/21 Adelade Brightwing Repair the armor of Jared Scar as it defeats Mantaroth.

12/25 Aves Sturgis removes the armor of Inevitable**.

13-15/25 Inevitable Repair its armor but loses it again when it attack Aves Sturgis although it receives 2 damage.

16-18/25 Meriput Magician defeats Aves Sturgis

19-21/21 Evelyn Auvera and Jared Scar inflicts 10 damage to Inevitable.

Round 5 and 6:


1-2/12 Adelade Brightwing inflicts 2 damage to Inevitable as it Repair the armor of Jared Scar.

3-7/12 Inevitable and Meriput Magician deals 3 armor damage to Evangeline Auvera.

19-21/21 Evelyn Auvera and Jared Scar defeats Inevitable which increases the stats of Jared Scar.


And with round 6, the battle finally ended when Jared Scar delivered the final blow to Meriput Magician, ending the match in my victory.

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Battle Recap

Here is a replay of the battle which at you can watch at Splinterlands.

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Did My Strategy Work?

Although, there was Briar Patch that comes along the Melee Mayhem ruleset, I still proceeded with using Jared Scar as for its every win, it would also recoup its health and armor and that bear fruit in this battle as he would always be able to inflict damage regardless of his speed.

That was it for this post. Thank you and see you at the next one.

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Previous Battles

Lost Magic.png
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To read previous articles, just click on the image of the article that you want to read.

All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands.

Card abilities and rulesets from Splintercards

All the battle links provided comes from my personal accounts and from the scholar account that I am using from Balthazar Guild.

Thank you for reading my post. If you're interested to play Splinterlands, you can join by clicking the images below and follow me on Twitter and 3Speak for timely Splinterlands updates.




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500 HP1000 HP2000 HP5000 HP10000 HP15000 HP20000 HP

