Yabapmatt's Subjugation Report: The First Praetorian Bounty



Hello there! @saydie here, playing Splinterlands everyday!

With the goal of making better quality Splinterlands content on Hive, @thepeoplesguild comes with some new set of challenges for the Splinterlands community to participate and for it's first week, he placed a bounty on @yabapmatt as he apparently hasn't paid Gwen in his purchases on the Glint Shop.

So I have been searching for him in the lands of Praetoria; From the Badlands of Pristine Nortwest to the Calderas of Central Fire and all the way to the Rivers of the Shimmering Coast. As my search continues, I have to face hundreds of battle mage until finally, I was able to locate the man in question but apprehending him was not an easy tasks as he can Manifest all creatures from both Rebellion and Chaos Legion. But through sheer hard work and effort, I was able to capture yabapmat and all the details of his capture was written on this subjugation report.



Rulesets And Mana Cap

The way that Battle is fought between Battle Mages are through Arena Combat where they could take the avatar of a Summoner which lets them use its abilities and Manifest creatures that corresponds its element at the cost of some mana. The arena also comes with different rulesets which are conditions that alters the Combat Arena and based on this conditions, the Battle Mages will choose which is the best lineup to be used in order to win the battle. And with my Battle against yabapmatt, this were the following rulesets and mana cap.


03- Modern Diamond.png
Diamond League
Modern Format
31 Mana Cap
Available Elements:01- fire.png Fire, 5-Life.png Life, 3-Earth.png Earth, 4-Death.png Death
Five Alive
Up to five Units can be used in the battle.
Monsters do not have any armor and do not get armor from Abilities or Summoner Buffs.
All units gain the reach.png Reach ability.

Analyzing the Opponent's Potential Lineup

Upon learning the rulesets and mana cap, the first thing that I think about is what lineup my opponent will use in this battle and the first thing that I could think of was the possibility of my opponent using Eternal Tofu for 7 mana as its summoner given that it can give Divine Shield on up to 3 units to compensate the armor that it lost due to Unprotected ruleset while with Maneuvers melee units such as Jared Scar will gain Reach ability and can attack on the second position while there is also Venka the Vile which can just attack in any position because of its Charge ability and both of this units have 7 melee damage for 14 mana which could easily destroy any lineup. That leaves it with 10 mana which it can use to place Pelacor Conjurer on the first position for 2 mana to counter magic attacks and has an increased chance of all types of attack with Flying that gives it 25% chance to evade melee and range attacks as well as Phase which allows it to evade magic attacks while the remaining mana will be used for something like Time Mage that could reduce the speed of all opponent units with Slow and Venari Crystalsmith to sustain the damage that the tank receives with Heal.


Building My Team against the Opponent's Potential Lineup

Summoner: Immortalis- Although I envision that my opponent would focus its main damage on melee attack, I can't completely cross out the possibility of them using Magic as most monsters does not have an ability to evade its attack. That is why for my summoner, I've chosen Immortalis as it can give the Void ability on all its ally units.

1st Position: Mycelic Slipspawn- With my fear that the opponent will use melee units with huge damage output, I have chosen Mycelic Slipspawn as my main tank due to its Forcefield that will turn any damage that is more than 5 that it receives to 1. It also has Slow that would reduce the speed of all opponent units and Taunt to avoid the potential attacks from Sneak, Snipe and Opportunity.

(On this Point, I mainly use range units in case my opponent uses a Splinter with Magic Reflect)

2nd Position: Fungus Flinger- I used Fungus Flinger as my secondary unit for its Blind that increases the miss chance of all the opponent's melee and range attack by 15% and has Affliction that can prevent the target from being healed. Also, upon its death, it will trigger it's Martyr which will increase the stats of the units adjacent into it.

3nd Position: Supply Runner- I deemed that for the third position, it would be better to use Supply Runner since it has the fastest speed among my units and will benefit the most when Martyr was triggered given that it has both Swiftness and Strengthen which increases the speed and health of all ally units by 1.

4th Position: Venari Seedsmith- Placing Venari Seedsmith next to the last position gives it more time to increase its max health for each monster that was defeated through Scavenger while at the same time, it can afflict its target with Poison which will inflict 2 damage to the target each turn.

5th Position: Xenith Archer- At this point, I only have 2 mana remaining so with not that many option, I decided to place Xenith Archer as the final unit in my lineup. I can also use Acid Shooter instead to have another Poison unit but have rather choose to focus my attack to kill my opponent as fast as posible.



Into The Arena Combat


Despite my analysis of the potential lineup, yabapmatt has instead used a magic focused team by using Lorkus to give them an increase in magic damage as well as to give two of its units the Life Leech and Affliction ability through Summoner Tactics. Still his lineup was still within my expectations and the decision to use Immortalis for my summoner proves to be the correct choice in this battle as well the use of Mycelic Slipspawn for my tank as it can only get 1 damage from Immolation's attacks.

Round 1:


I have some concerns against my opponent's lineup given that Baron Fyatt has the Halving ability that would cut the damage of its target by half and is next to Immolation which have the Shield ability which reduces the damage it receives from my range attacks. Thankfully, the Halving only affects Mycelic Slipspawn which uses magic and Fungus Flinger that does not have much damage to begin with. On the other hand, the combination of attack from Supply Runner and Xenith Archer was enough to defeat Halfing Refugee while the rest of my team has inflicted 4 damage to Immolation.

Round 2:


With Round 2, my earlier fear has been wiped- out as my team were able to defeat Immolation despite my opponent continuously gaining health through Life Leech.

Round 3:


Despite the health that Baron Fyatt accumulated, it was not enough to sustain the damage it receives from my team, resulting for its defeat while Demise Archon Faust also receives 2 damage

Round 4:


The battle closes on the round 4 with the defeat of Demise Archon Faust and Corpse Fiend and although my team also receives some damage, non of my unit dies. At this point, yabatmatt has no option but to admit defeat and allow him to be captured by my hands.


Click Battle to replay the match.



image 84.jpg

After his capture, yabapmatt has been placed in a strict security only to be released after he paid all of his debt to Gwen. But his capture was short-lived as he was bailed later by uncle Aggy. Hope that this teaches him to not bring stress to Gwen in the future.

And that was it for my subjugation report. Thanks for reading and see you at the next post.


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To read previous articles, just click on the image of the article that you want to read.

All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands and Soulkeep.

Card abilities and rulesets from Splintercards.

All the battle links provided comes from my personal accounts and from the scholar account that I am using from Balthazar Guild.

Thank you for reading my post. If you're interested to play Splinterlands, you can join by clicking the images below and follow me on Twitter and 3Speak for timely Splinterlands updates.




Beautiful! Yet another loss in the bounty for Yabapmatt! Haha. I wonder if his win-loss rate reflects all these bounty hunts! Thanks for participating, @saydie :)


We can't help it as yabapmatt keeps escaping his cell or was bailed by aggroed so when he does another mischief, another bounty was placed into him 😂..


Not only a great victory, but a great tutorial style write up. I like how you explain the process, making this both an entertaining read and a useful tutorial for anyone new to Splinterlands who come across your post


Thank you and I was happy to know that you find my post entertaining.


bro I really liked who you set up the images for both teams. I might steal that. Good job!


Thank you and feel free to copy whatever you think would allow you to improve the quality of your post.
