Noxious Fumes and Ranged Only Battle Strategy


Using Keep Your Distance ruleset to win a Diamond 1 level Modern League battle!

We have two rulesets in effect: Noxious Fumes and Going the Distance:


RULESET: Noxious Fumes



All units are Poisoned at the start of the game.

Units with Immunity are not poisoned.
This is a one-time application - units that are Cleansed, Resurrected or Rebirthed will not be re-applied with poison.
Enrage is triggered by Poison application.


The Strategy

The strategy for the Noxious Fumes ruleset is normally to chose monsters with immunity. In this case we have a secondary ruleset of ranged attacking monsters only. The only ranged monster with immunity in my deck comes from the earth splinter, however only death and dragon splinters are available in this battle.

In the absence of monsters with immunity the strategy here is to use high health and high damage monsters and boost the most important monsters using a monster with a martyr ability. That is where Venari Murksrat comes in. Our opponent is likely to nerf our ranged attackers so I put in the first position a monster with a melee and ranged damage Drybone Raider. It has a relatively high health and three melee damage with a double strike. I boost his melee damage to four per round with an inspire ability from Ravenhood warden and once our martyr monster dies his potential damage will go up to ten per round!

The most important card in this battle is probably Queen of Crows. Not only she has a huge base health of thirteen, she also provides another ranged attack nerf. I hope to boost her stats further by placing a martyr monster next to her.

And finally I put a few more big ranged damage dealers in the back hoping they take out some of the glass canons with a scattershot from Raa and in general between the last two monsters we have potential twelve damage per round which is significant.


The Summoner

Quix is a legendary summoner from the Chaos Legion set. A great summoner for Ranged Only battles as it provides two nerfs to the opposing team abilities: one less ranged damage and one less speed.

1st Slot - Melee Monster

Chaos Agent is usually a great low mana tank. But in the Aim True ruleset all of his evasive abilities are useless because the strikes will always land. Still for just one mana this is a good mini tank to put upfront to provide four health points of meat shield.

2nd Slot - Martyr Monster

Venari Marksrat is supposed to die from poison and boost stats of the two adjacent monsters which are most critical to this battle.

3rd Slot - Key Ranged Attacker Monster

Queen of Crows is really the Queen of this battle. She is able to fire from first position, she nerfs all opposing ranged monsters and she has a base health of thirteen!

4th Slot - Ranged Attacking Shield Monster

Ravenhood Warder is a great monster to use in this ruleset as it provides a shield for the entire team it also comes with two ranged damage, three speed and four health points

5th Slot - Ranged Damage Dealer Monster

Soul Strangler is one of our main damage dealers with four ranged attack damage and poison ability. I hid him in the back as there he is most likely to survive until the end of the battle and continue poisoning and hard hitting our enemies.

6th Slot - Major Ranged Damage Dealing Monster

Raa is a legendary monster from the Rift Watchers mini set. This monster has a base range damage of four with a double strike ability. It also has a great ability of rust that removes armor from opponents and comes with a relatively high health of eight which is important in the Noxious Fumes ruleset.



We have Flauwy with The Proven title and Sentinel prefix title. A very serious opponent! All of the cards are max level obviously. Flauwy decided to go with a different summoner and strategy, let's see how it will workout.

In the first round we took out their martyr monster and our martyr monster died from the poison after the first round. So far we have no idea who is ahead though I like the look of the double ranged nerf from our summoner and the queen of monsters.

In the second round we had a few frustrating misses yet managed to take out their boosted flying tank. The poison unfortunately is taking out two of our ranged damage dealers. Third round will decide this battle!

Despite more frustrating misses we did hit enough to put us into a winning situation here:

And we win a nice 14+ SPS tokens and 1,103 Glint against a very tough opponent!


Your selection is amazing.
Happy victory
Your strategies are easily reproducible
