Splinterlands team simplifies renting cards for new players with One-Click Set Rentals


One of the most important issues in Splinterlands is the need to attract new players. When I joined Splinterlands it was fairly complicated to figure out all the third party tools and figure out which cards to rent. With the update yesterday Splinterlands took an important step to making it easier for new players to start playing.

The Chaos Legion Starter Set: A Game-Changer

First, let's talk about what the Chaos Legion Starter Set includes. This set comprises both the Chaos Legion Core and the Non-Soulbond Reward cards, offering a robust selection of cards to enhance your deck. For those unfamiliar, the Chaos Legion cards are very powerful and you can play at least in high Diamond league using just the Chaos Legion Core set. The inclusion of Non-Soulbond Reward cards adds even more versatility, allowing for strategic flexibility in battles.


Minimum Card Levels

One of the aspects I appreciate most about this rental system is the pre-set minimum card levels, so that new players don't overspend:

Level 3 Commons: These are the backbone of any deck, providing essential support and utility.
Level 2 Rares: Rares often bring more specialized abilities and can turn the tide in a closely contested match.
Level 2 Epics: Epics are powerful and often game-changing, and having them at level 2 ensures they are impactful right out of the gate.
Level 1 Legendaries: Even at level 1, Legendary cards possess unique and potent abilities that can define your strategy.


The Convenience of Season Rentals

One of the standout features of the one-click rental system is its convenience, especially with the Season Rentals model. Here’s how it works:

With 7 or more days left in the season: The rental is active from the time of rental until the end of the current season. This is perfect for players who like to plan their strategies well in advance.

With fewer than 7 days left in the season: The rental extends through the end of the next season. This ensures you don’t lose access to your rented set during a crucial time, offering peace of mind and continuity in your gameplay.

Season rentals cannot be canceled by either party until the end of the specified season, which adds a layer of commitment but also stability. This means no unexpected disruptions or last-minute cancellations, which can be frustrating in competitive play.

After a new player purchased a spellbook they are prompted to rent the cheapest set available which also goes along with the overall theme of convenience and ease of use:

The Renewal Process

About two days before the rental period expires, you will receive a notification that your rented set is eligible for renewal. This timely reminder is incredibly helpful, as it gives you a chance to evaluate your performance and decide whether to renew the set for another season. The renewal process is straightforward:

Eligible Sets: A green Renew button appears, making it easy to extend the rental.
Ineligible Sets: A grey button indicates that renewal is not available, prompting me to consider other options.

This clear and user-friendly system ensures that you always have the cards you need when you need them.

My Personal Take

Using the one-click rental feature for the Chaos Legion Starter Set looks like a game-changer for me. It’s about having access to cards and the ease and efficiency of the entire process. New players will no longer spend hours scouring the market for individual cards or worrying about fluctuating rental prices. Instead, they can focus on refining their strategies and enjoying the game.

Looking Ahead

Currently, only the Chaos Legion Starter Set is available for rent, but additional sets are planned for the future. I’m eagerly anticipating what’s next, as this system has already proven to be a valuable addition to the Splinterlands ecosystem. I would like to see fully maxed out Chaos sets to be available for one click rental in the game. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer, the one-click rental feature can offer a convenient, cost-effective way to stay competitive and enjoy the game to its fullest.

In conclusion, the one-click rental system for the Chaos Legion Starter Set has streamlined Splinterlands experience, making it more enjoyable and less stressful. If you are a new player and haven’t tried it yet, I highly recommend giving it a shot.

If you are not part of Splinterlands yet you can use my link to begin your Splinterlands journey.
