On what to spend my glint knowing new set is coming? This is my 2nd MODERN Rank finished!


Hey Guys!

Another season ended a new one starting as I write this post! but this one is coming with a new expansion set for Rebellion! it means new cards hell yeah!!

Well less than a month in this community and second season finished!

I finished on Gold 2 and earned more glint 40k!! that's my personal improvement!

What sohuld I do with my glint now? Any suggestion? buying only rare draws maybe?


I also earned more glint!


Almost spend all my energy!


My Season #Highest TierFinished TierGlint EarnedSPS eraned
1Gold 2Gold 36392Unkonwn
2Gold 2Gold 246668Unkonwn

What's the best way to spend my glints since new cards are coming?

Any experienced Splinterlands player please advice us new players!!

Will keep in mind for future references the total amount earned on SPS too, right now I do not know how to see how much I earned only during the season because didn't check how much i had left las season...

new cards are being added right now!!


Thanks for reading!

Who else excited for new cards!

