Splinterlands Water Starter Deck 2021 - Beginning Bronze



when I started my new journey on splinterlands I was doing really bad. I was losing almost all the battles and a lot of it had to do with me not picking the right cards or even looking for the right cards. I was mostly picking off the stats and not so much the abilities or how they could work together.

The first post I wrote about this was about the death deck I used to finally get to bronze 3.

In this post, I wanna write about using the water deck to get to bronze 3. I was actually lucky and forgot I bought splinterlands on an old alt account @budwizard. This was great as I now had a way to earn some rewards and mess around with starter decks as I don't see a point in adding cards but that may change.

The first card I wanna start with is the water summoner.ALRIC STORMBRINGER RARE Water Summoner

The oldest ΛZMΛRÉan Summoner, Alric Stormbringer, founded the modern arts of Chaos Magic. He has many pupils from around the Splinterlands. Alric’s gift is not so much bringing the storm, but channeling it. He has lived for hundreds of years, and some stories claim he was alive before the Splintering.

The ability that adds +1 to all friendly magic monsters is useful if you take advantage of it.

Lucky the starter Deck has enough cards with magic to take advantage of this.

If the match allows it with extra mana I start my deck with.


Spineback Turtles live around the edges of the Dark Water, in the inner seas of ΛZMΛRÉ. They can breathe air, but the incredibly harsh climate of the Water Splinter makes the recesses of the deep more comfortable. They are generally gentle creatures, but when roused to battle,they are shockingly difficult to destroy.

Being a 4 mana with 6 health and 2 armor it makes this a great "tank" to start the match with. mind you though it is one of the slower cards.

The second card for this deck if we don't get the extra mana is

he more skilled summoners of ΛZMΛRÉ can summon water in its Elemental form. After the Water Elemental completes its summoned duty, it simply goes free. Most of them recede into the deeper reaches of the Dark Water, joining the Elemental Hordes of the Deep.

With this as the main "tank", it is fast with 4-speed but also has the ability to restor some of its health. As the third card in the line, you can be sure to handle mos other cards.

The third card for this deck is MEDUSA RARE Water Monster

Every water-breather in ΛZMΛRÉ knows that Gorgons live in their waters. A simple trip to the ocean floor reveals the statues of the unfortunate Merfolk who crossed the path of a Gorgon. Medusa is the only Gorgon to reveal herself to others without turning them to stone. At least they have a choice.

This is where the magic boost comes in handy. with medusa already a 1 magic with the summoner boost it to 2. with 3 health and 2 speed she is sure to do some damage.

The fourth card for this deck ICE PIXIE RARE Water Monster

The temperature of Azmaré’s Frozen Hell has been gradually but steadily increasing for the last ten years, since the salt sickness has taken hold there. The Ice Shelf itself is not in any imminent danger of melting, nor is the Palace of the Frost Giant, but new, mischievous creatures of the ice have been emerging from the melted cracks. These Ice Pixies have apparently been frozen for many lifetimes, simply awaiting a warmer season to make their escape. Once free, Ice Pixies play like warp speed children throughout the Splinterlands, making a real mess of the natural world.

As a fourth or fifth card, this is a powerful one, With the ability flying giving her a chance o evade ranged or melee attacks.
the speed on this is also being a 3 and magic 1 so taking a boost up to 2.

The fifth or sixth card is a nice low mana card but very useful he CREEPING OOZE COMMON Neutral Monster os n a blue monster but being neutral it will work with all decks

For as long as anyone remembers, the fire mountain of Bren-Ha has spewed nothing but smoke and lava. Lately from its cracks, a small Creeping Ooze has been seeping. It cannot be stopped, and it absorbs anything in its creeping path. To make things worse, it managed to board a boat and escape Mortis.

With the 1 mana 1 health, it seems like this monster is nothing special but when you check out its ability you can see slow. Slow reduces the speed of all enemy monsters. this is epic when you build a deck based on speed as you can be sure you start the battle.

That is the second post on building a starter deck for getting your daily rewards and also getting out of novice and into bronze III.

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Good luck man =)
if you need any help call me on discord, im not a pro but i can probabbly help you out with the little things =p peace


thanks, I have been working on getting better lol, I may just hit you up


I started just a few weeks ago. I still go on droughts where i just get my ass kicked many times in a row lol

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Yeah I think that's common 🤣 I get rekt alot lol
