I have purchased DJINN OSHANNUS, the renowned water creature. Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!!


Greetings to all!

I'm @snowcloud, and I'm delighted to be here again to share my latest post on Splinterlands. It's always a pleasure to connect with fellow fans of this exciting game and discuss strategies, tips, and tricks that can help us level up our gameplay. So without further ado, let's dive into the world of Splinterlands and explore all it has to offer!


  • The man, the myth, the legend, DJINN OSHANNUS, has captured the hearts of many Splinterlands players as their favorite water monster. This is due to his unparalleled ferocity, which strikes fear into his opponents hearts. In addition to his fearsome nature, he boasts a long life that allows him to outlast his foes. His magical resistance makes him a formidable opponent unlike any other in the history of Splinterlands.


  • Certainly, before purchasing any monster card in Splinterlands, it is prudent to analyze the precise ways in which the monster will be beneficial on the battlefield. This entails considering numerous elements such as the monster's strengths, weaknesses, and skills. By evaluating these characteristics, you can determine how this monster will help you achieve your battle objectives.


  • It is also critical to consider how the monster will interact with the other members of your squad. It is critical to choose creatures that complement one another and cooperate toward a shared goal. You may maximize your team's effectiveness and boost your chances of victory by doing so.

  • Finally, it is crucial to assess whether the monster will genuinely assist you in winning battles. You should consider the monster's performance in various situations and how it can potentially counter your opponent's strategy. By doing so, you can make informed decisions about which monsters to purchase and how to use them effectively to achieve your desired outcome in Splinterlands.


  • I want to emphasize the offensive power of DJINN OSHANNUS first and foremost. In a battle scenario, its remarkable attack capability of 2 magic attack power is quite noticeable. As we all know, magic attacks in battle may be highly damaging. They are a force to be reckoned with because of their capacity to break through an opponent's armor and attack them straight in the health. Magical attacks also have the special advantage of always hitting their intended target, making them a dependable and potent weapon in any conflict. Therefore, it is clear that DJINN OSHANNUS's 2 magic attack power is a valuable addition to any fighting plan.


  • The abilities of a monster are one of the most important factors in determining how effective it is in a game. In particular, a monster's abilities rank as the second most important aspect that contributes to its usefulness. It should be emphasized that the monster DJINN OSHANNUS is a highly accomplished creature in terms of its skills. A rare unit monster in the game, it can use the VOID's power as one of its special skills. In other words, while it deals damage to the enemy with its magical strikes, it has the power to lessen the damage that the enemy's magic may deal. It is an important weapon in the game as a result of having the ability to both defend itself and attack its foe at the same time.

  • The monster has a substantial amount of health, it can be said. This gives the monster a major advantage over its rivals in terms of its ability to withstand numerous attacks. It takes several attacks from opposing monsters to kill this specific creature, which is evidence of its high level of health.

  • Players must take notice of the monster DJINN OSHANNUS's relatively high Mana Cost of 8 when using it in Splinterlands combat. The monster's potent skills might make it a valuable addition to a team, although it might seem like a sizable investment. Given its high Mana Cost, it has skills that can give the team a tactical advantage, thus the players are not deterred from employing it in battle.

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  • DJINN OSHANNUS, the monster, can develop his strength and powers and can be leveled up to level 4. To acquire this level of power, however, a total of eleven cards must be obtained and used. Each level improvement improves the monster's statistics, making it stronger and more formidable.

  • It will gain an additional point of health after reaching level 2, making it more resilient and able to withstand more harm. Additionally, this upgrade will grant the monster a new power termed "the Phase," which might be teleportation or phasing through things, boosting its mobility and agility.

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  • Once upgraded to level 3, it will gain access to yet another new ability called "Forcefield," which could serve as a protective barrier, shielding it from incoming attacks and providing another layer of defense.

  • At the highest upgrade level, level 4, DJINN OSHANNUS will receive an additional magic power to its attack, increasing its potency and making it even more devastating in combat.

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  • It is now time for the battle to commence. We are about to enter the arena where we will witness an incredible display of power and skill from a warrior known as DJINN OSHANNUS. The atmosphere was electric as the combatants take their places, preparing themselves for the intense struggle that lies ahead.

  • The mana limit for this battle was 34 and the Battle rule was Fog Of War. Because of this ability, monsters of both teams will lose their Sneak, Snipe & Opportunity abilities.

  • Battle Link

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  • During the battle, I was able to successfully deceive my opponent. To achieve this, I paid careful attention to the monsters my opponent had used in his previous battles and used that information to my advantage.
    After studying my opponent's lineup, I had a hunch that he would utilize Earth-source monsters to fight against me. With that knowledge, I decided to include a specific summoner in my team that would be effective against the opponent's Earth-based creatures.
    That summoner was the water Summoner BORTUS, who possessed a unique ability to reduce the magical attack power of the opponent's monsters. This skill was particularly useful against Earth monsters since they often rely on their magical abilities to deal heavy damage.

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Speed is an amazing thing. Every place tries to keep you ahead, and the Splinterland game is no exception. You must be the fastest here to claim your opportunity to attack first.

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  • In Splinterland, being the fastest monster on the battlefield is a coveted title that grants a huge advantage to the one who possesses it. The DJINN OSHANNUS, with its unparalleled speed, had the opportunity to strike first, but it didn't go for the monster positioned first on the opposing team. Instead, it targeted the MYCELIC SLIPSPAWN, which had the unique ability called Taunt. The Taunt ability of MYCELIC SLIPSPAWN drew the attention of all the other monsters on the opposing team towards it. The battle intensified as the rest of the monsters on the DJINN OSHANNUS' team targeted MYCELIC SLIPSPAWN with their own unique attacks. DJINN OSHANNUS released its magical powers, causing damage to 2 healths in each attack. Meanwhile, Axemaster, a fearless and powerful monster, attacked MYCELIC SLIPSPAWN twice, causing a massive blow of 4 health damage. The struggle between the creatures became more intense with each passing instant on the battlefield. As a result of the onslaught, the enemy monster suffered a near-fatal injury. Even though the creature had survived the first round of combat, it had only two points of health left.

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  • Despite putting SERPENT OF ELD at the top of the lineup with the expectation that it would be able to dodge some of the opposing team's attacks due to its dodge ability, the opposing team's attack persisted. This resulted in a series of attacks directed towards SERPENT OF ELD, as each opponent attacked it one by one. Despite its potential to dodge, it was unable to do so as all monsters on the opposing team had magic attack power, which made it impossible to avoid their attacks. However, I had a moment of insight into my opponent's strategy and realized that my opponent would be using magic to attack monsters. As a result, I made the decision to use the Water Summoner BORTUS, which has the ability to reduce the power of all magic attack monsters on the opposing team. Despite this tactical decision, it wasn't enough to completely ward off the opposing team's magic attacks. though SERPENT OF ELD managed to survive the first round thanks to the rare water monster MERDAALI GUARDIAN, which was able to heal SERPENT OF ELD's three health. Without MERDAALI GUARDIAN's healing powers, it would have died in the first round.

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  • At the outset of the battle, the opposing team's monster was the first to fall. As the second round began, the opposing team's MYCELIC SLIPSPAWN was defeated by an attack from my team's DJINN OSHANNUS, leading to the monster's demise. Following this, the second monster to die in the battle was the SERPENT OF ELD from my team, which fell to the opposing team's attacks. This marked a significant shift in the battle's dynamics, as both sides had now lost a monster and were more evenly matched.

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  • Following the replacement of SERPENT OF ELD, DJINN OSHANNUS took first place. In the battle, the only significant threat that awaited him was UNICORN MUSTANG, who possessed the power to deal 3 points of melee damage. However, the rest of the enemy team's monsters were not a concern for him. This is because he has the void ability, which helped to reduce the amount of health damage caused by magic attacks. As a result, the monsters on the opposite team who only had one power to launch magic attacks were not able to inflict any damage on DJINN OSHANNUS' health. This is because his void ability helped to mitigate the damage caused by such attacks. UNICORN MUSTANG was doing a bit of damage but that wasn't enough to kill him because in each round MERDAALI GUARDIAN was healing his 3 health.

  • Meanwhile, the monster on the opposition team, UNICORN MUSTANG, was having a difficult time in the battle. The combined forces of AXEMASTER and SUPPLY RUNNER were able to completely overpower and damage UNICORN MUSTANG. Despite having the void ability, it was not of much help to it, since I had not used any magic attack monsters in the battle. However, it managed to survive until the second round of the battle, despite being severely battered. It had only 7 health left after sustaining a considerable amount of damage from the previous rounds. Fortunately, UNICORN MUSTANG's health was partially restored, thanks to the healing power of GOBLIN PSYCHIC. It was able to heal UNICORN MUSTANG for 3 health points, helping it to survive another round of the battle.

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  • Even though the opposing team's monsters made multiple efforts to eliminate my team's monster, DJINN OSHANNUS, they were unable to do so. There were a few contributing factors to DJINN OSHANNUS's remarkable resilience in the face of these attacks. One of these factors was his Void ability, which likely made it more difficult for the opposing team's monsters to land successful blows on him. Another factor was the presence of another friendly monster standing behind him who had a strong position and the ability to keep him healed up every round, which provided additional protection and support for him during the battle. These factors combined to create a formidable defense, making it nearly impossible for the opposing team to defeat DJINN OSHANNUS and claim victory over my team.

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  • Although REGAL PERYTON was an opponent in the game, I was incredibly impressed with its display during the match. Despite being on the opposing team, I cannot help but praise its impressive performance. In particular, during round 4 of the game, it showcased its exceptional abilities by successfully dodging a total of three attacks, which was quite a feat. Overall, its skill and ability to evade attacks were truly noteworthy, even though it was on the opposing team.

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  • At the start of the second round, I came to the realization that I am highly likely to emerge victorious from the battle we were engaged in. As each round progressed, I noticed that I am getting closer and closer to achieving my goal. During the fourth round, the opposing team's monster named REGAL PERYTON managed to dodge the attacks launched by my team's monsters, which must have been a setback for me. However, in the following round, the fifth round, it was not able to avoid being hit by an attack, which resulted in it being killed by a member of my team named Axemaster. It was a pivotal moment that helped my team secure the victory.

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  • After successfully taking down the opposing team's monster named REGAL PERYTON, the task of defeating the remaining two monsters seemed relatively easy for me. With the most challenging foe out of the way, I must have felt confident and in control of the situation. As the battle unfolded, it became apparent that victory was within reach, and my team had the upper hand. Despite any potential challenges that may have presented themselves during this phase of the battle, my team was able to persevere, resulting in a well-deserved and satisfying win.

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  • I express my gratitude to my audience for taking the time to read my post. I hope that you have enjoyed the post and found it informative. I would like to recommend to all of you that if you believe that adding the character DJINN OSHANNUS to your water monster lineup would strengthen it, then you should take action and purchase the monster from Splinterlands Market without delay.

I send you farewell with sincere regards for your well-being until we join again in my future blog. Thank you for joining me on this adventure, and I hope to see you again soon. Goodbye!
