A Call to Arms: Fairies and Firebombs

A Call to Arms: Fairies and Firebombs


The rebels may have won against the Redwyrm dragons at Icewall Bay, but now Rage's flight terrorizes the Broken Lands, laying waste to any who would forsake their loyalty to the Chaos Empire—and demanding tithings in exchange for asylum, regardless of loyalties. Sail to Wilhemdale and put an end to Rage once and for all.


Congratulations. With a little help from your allies and mage wagons, you've restored Faust as Demise Archon of the Dark Eternals. What's more, you now have the army of the Belurocian Empire on your side, as the archfiend Barashkukor casts his lot in with the rebellion rather than risk a revolution.


But in the Broken Lands, the uprising has faltered. The Kingdoms of Lyveria and Thanaloria, New Gobson, the tribes of the Thunderhoof Nation, and all the rest. Rage and his flight of red dragons reduce to ash any who forsake the Chaos Empire.


Sail from New Beluroc to Wilhelmdale. From there, make your way to New Gobson, where the fey goblins of the Gobson Family and the ash goblins of the Gobalano Family are embroiled in a bitter gang war. Seems the crime boss Giovanni Gobson is fed up with playing servile to the Chaos Empire, and he and his brother, Fabino, lead the fight to take back their city from the Gobalanos.


Make it out of New Gobson alive, and you'll have to cross the Blackmoor Basin, which is filled with fey both friend and foe. Here lies the high elven Kingdom of Thanaloria. With any luck, you'll find it still standing and not a smoldering heap of rubble laid to waste by the dragons of Mount Redwyrm.


Convince any high elven survivors to join your quest and lend you their steel, swords, and elvish good looks. Ascend the slopes of Mount Redwyrm and descend into its bowels to face off against Rage, the ancient red dragon who has ruled his domain for untold millenia. If you fail, so too does the rebellion.


No pressure, battle mage.


So where does the next legendary summoner fit in to all of this? He'll be waiting for you at the end of this Conflict... if you survive.

Elias Max Pruitt


Elias Max Pruitt grew up on the streets of Mox City, surviving by his wits and charm. He mastered the art of deception at an early age and earned a reputation as a cunning con man who could talk his way out of anything. But his luck eventually ran out when he crossed a powerful necromancer.

Hired by a rival mage to steal the necromancer's grimoire, Elias was caught in the act. The necromancer cursed him with wraithblight: a silent affliction that slowly sapped his strength and threatened to unravel him entirely.

Refusing to succumb, Elias devoted himself to finding a cure. He scoured Mox City's library, sought out the most renowned scholars and most powerful magic users, but no cure was to be found. Ultimately, he turned to runemancy, teaching himself protective runes that halted the curse's advance.

Although his body was weakened, his mind was not. Nor had he lost his opportunistic nature. Elias used his power of runemancy to outmaneuver his rivals in the streets of Mox City and secure power and influence.

However, when the Chaos Empire conquered Praetoria and claimed the city as its own, it put a damper on Elias's operations. But he had bested wraithblight; he'd be damned if he bowed to the empire's goons.

Elias gathered the street urchins, outcasts, and misfits of Mox City and mobilized his own kind of resistance. Some saw him as a hero. Others saw him as the same opportunistic hustler he'd always been. Regardless, his cunning and intellect kept him one step ahead of the legions, and his loyalty toward his followers formed a bond that transformed them from a ragtag resistance to a kind of family.

As the rebellion spreads across Praetoria and the battle for Mox City approaches, Elias Max Pruitt has emerged as a crucial ally of the Dauntless, Riftwatchers, and Mox Confederation. And while his motives and endgame remain an enigma, one thing is clear: he'll do whatever it takes to end the Chaos Empire's tyranny.



Elias Max Pruitt is the Rebellion set's Life/Water legendary Tactics summoner. He's got teamwide +1 Melee and +1 Armor buffs that are formidable alone. But pair them with his Tactics, and it takes things to whole new level.

On the left side, you can give Repair and Cleanse to a single unit, keeping that Armor buff active and your tank standing strong.

On the right side, you can give Armored Strike and Piercing to one unit, putting both teamwide buffs to good use! Units with Sneak, Opportunity, Charge, and Reach will just decimate their targets, and Elias becomes a must-play in the Melee Mayhem, Equal Opportunity, Super Sneak, and Maneuvers rulesets.

Elias Max Pruitt may be wheelchairbound, but—whether you decide to play him defensively with his left-side Tactics or offensively with the right-side—your opponent will be the one no longer standing at the end of the battle!


By the Numbers

Like the previous Conflicts, 4,000 copies of Elias Max Pruitt will be airdropped to participating players based on their total Reward Chances when the Conflict ends. But this go-round, it will take 400 Reward Chances to guarantee a copy of the card.

For a refresher on how Conflicts work and the math behind Contribution and Reward Chances, be sure to review our previous posts:


More Information

For even more information about Conflicts, check out the Rebellion & Conflicts support articles on the official Splinterlands website.

Conflicts: FAQ

Mage Wagons: FAQ

How to Enter Conflicts

How to Calculate Conflicts Contribution

How to Purchase Vouchers on Hive Engine

How to Purchase Vouchers on Tribal Dex

Good luck, battle mages. Vonak!



NOTE: All rewards from this post will be sent to @sps.dao.


Elias Max Pruitt is the kind of summoner I like to boost to the maximum level before the opponent realizes the values added to the other side of the board
Thank you for sharing this update


I absolutely LOVE the "Conflict" style Airdrop Mechanic

It is BRILLIANT - I only pray that since we have locked down how well this works... that we continue to see it used in future sets!
