Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - May 16th, 2022 - 1PM Eastern!
Town Hall Summary
- Speakers:
- Aggroed (CEO)
- Yabapmatt (Chief Product Officer)
- Hardpoint (Chief Technology Officer)
- Doogie (VP of Project Management)
- WeirdBeard (Tournaments/ESports)
- Chatter (Head of Marketing)
- Nateaguila (Creative Director)
- Aftersound (Creative - Musician)
- Ironseed (Creative - Content Writer)
- Main Topics:
- Ranked Reward Changes 💥
- Roadmap V2 👀
- Company Updates ⚡️
- Recording:
- 01:15 - General Intro
- 03:00 - Yabapmatt Update (Ranked Rewards)
- 43:00 - Hardpoint Update (Roadmap V2)
- 57:30 - Doogie Update (Roadmap V2)
- 1:11:00 - Chatter Update (Marketing)
- 1:15:00 - WeirdBeard Update (Tournament/ESports)
- 1:17:25 - Nateaguila Update (Creative)
- 1:22:15 - Aftersound Intro/Update (Creative - Musician)
- 1:26:35 - Ironseed Intro/Update (Creative - Content Writer)
- 1:35:20 - Q&A
- 2:13:55 - Closing Remarks
💥 Company Updates 💥
Ranked Rewards:
- Goal is to ensure Splinterlands economy doesn't favor bots or big players with multiple accounts
- Team wants to incentivize climbing as high as you can with one account in order to maximize your rewards
- Main Changes:
- Starter cards will reduce the amount of DEC you earn per battle
- Prevents DEC farming without actually owning cards
- Card and rental prices should increase due to more demand
- Reward values increase drastically as you move up to higher leagues
- Reward chests are based on the league you finish in for the previous season
- Starter cards will reduce the amount of DEC you earn per battle
- Playing ~30 battles a day will allow you to maximize your rewards
- Keeps your ECR at a reasonable value
- Playing more than this will lower your ECR which will greatly reduce your reward shares and DEC rewards
- New changes will also encourage players to play every day and focus on their win rate
- A large amount of players currently play one or two days and stop at a high rating
- ECR is reduced every battle, win or lose
- A higher win rate will maximize rewards vs lower win rate
- Changes will include 12 new Reward Cards added to the reward card pool (See Eye Candy)
- Plan is to release changes for next season (Starts Tuesday, May 31st)
- Starter card reductions will start before the new season (when the code gets pushed out)
Roadmap Updates:
- Can also view the Roadmap on the Splinterlands Docs site
- Validator Node License sale starts on May 25th (will be talked more on next weeks Townhall)
- 80% of the SPS used will be burned, other 20% will be given to the DAO
- Riftwatches release is estimated for August
DEC Updates:
- DEC was originally created to be a relatively stablecoin
- Need a native token to do atomic market purchases
- DEC value is backed through the in-game products/assets
- Card packs, potions, skins are all priced in DEC at a fixed rate of 1000 DEC --> $1
Marketing Updates:
- RAD AI & Potion partnerships are actively being worked on
- Google and YouTube ads are spinning up
- Splinterfest dates are confirmed: September 17th & 18th at HyperX Arena in Las Vegas, NV
- We want to hear from you on what you want to see at the event - Fill Form Here
Tournament/ESports Updates:
- New tournaments are going to be created later today
- Actively working with streamers to create a streamer mode that makes their lives easier when streaming battles/tournaments
General Team Updates:
- The new VP of Engineering (PJ) is making strides in adjusting to his position in Splinterlands
- Brings a great wealth of experience in crypto and blockchain
- Brought a few other people with him with even a broader knowledge
- Most devs have grown accustom to the codebase and are able to actively contribute to developments
- New enhancements & features should be released quicker and more efficiently going forward
- Splinterlands site has been seeing some performance issues lately
- Few hot fixes have been pushed out today & yesterday to improve performance
- Performance will constantly be improved going forward and especially once Tech Modernization is released
⚡️ Q&A Summary ⚡️
Ranked Rewards Update:
- Some numbers were off in the Ranked Rewards post - will be updated properly
- Each league allows players to earn up to 150 chests per season
- Guild Lodge will eventually be updated to require a certain number of Reward Shares to level up
- Bronze III will be able to earn DEC again as long as you aren't using only starter cards
- There won't be any more Credits rewarded either in Bronze
- Summoners are included in the Starter Card reductions
- So if you use a Summoner that is part of the Starter card deck, you will receive less DEC
- Team will look into a versatile way to change the Daily Focus so it isn't just one Splinter for a while day after changes are out
- Team wants majority of future games to integrate DEC as well, or sometype of rebranded version of DEC
- 5% market fee is revenue for the marketing platform purchased on
- Splinterlands Market == Splinterlands revenue
- Peakmonsters/MonsterMarket == Peakmonsters/MonsterMarket revenue
- Current DEC burns are through Potions & Guild Building upgrades
- ~2.7M vouchers burned through the Splinterlands Shop
- From pack purchases and special cards (Waka)
- Neutral monsters will be able to work on Land like any other Splinter
- May not be as effective for certain plots as certain Splinters may have a bigger boost than others
- Example: Water Splinter will have a better boost on a Lake plot than any other Splinter
- Team has started to bucket players so they aren't allowed to match up with each other
- Was a manual process in the past, and now it is being automated through data analytics
- It is being monitored currently and being actively worked on
- If you find a win-trading perpetrator, please submit a support ticket and the team will investigate
- Riftwatchers is expected to be a little bigger of a set than DICE
New Reward Cards
Countess Sinesh Wallpaper
Recent Announcements
Splinterlands Ranked Rewards Update
- Changes estimated to be released at the end of this month
- Changes are going to completely change the way you play Splinterlands daily and seasonally
Splinterlands Fan Art Emote Contest
- Splinterlands is calling all artists and designers to help out in designing new Splinterlands emotes that will be featured in our discord, twitch and other channels
- The winners will be highlighted on our Splinterlands' social channels and will receive Chaos Legion packs as reward
Understanding - A Tome of Chaos Story
- This week features Fiafia, a pirate who has escaped the clutches of Queen Mycelia.
Past AMA Summaries
- Monday, May 9th, 2022
- Eye Candy 👀
- Company Updates ⚡️
- Q&A Summary 💥
- Monday, April 25th, 2022
- Development Updates 💥
- General Team Updates ⚡️
- Q&A 👀
- Monday, April 18th, 2022
- SPS Validators 💥
- Ranked Rewards ⚡️
- Eye Candy 👀
Next AMA - Monday, May 23rd, 4PM Eastern (8PM UTC)
2858.953 SPT
I've never run a bot before but this has me thinking about it. Let's do some math and see if it makes sense for me since I have a fair amount of cards. Nothing like some of the whales around here who could open thousands of bronze account but I could open 100 accounts with what I have pretty easily and there's probably a few thousand other accounts like mine who could do the same.
I would have to give up about $15 per day ($225 per season) to take them off the rental market. Let's say I spend $1000 on spell books to make 100 bot accounts. Is it worth it?
Let's say my win rate isn't the best so I don't get max chests. Let's say instead of 30 chests daily and 150 end of season, we cut that by 2/3rds even though my bot would fair pretty well since I have a lot of legendary and epics other bots don't have. But let's say my bot sucks so I lose a lot and only get 1/3 of the chests a good player would get.
Now each of my 100 bot accounts gets 1/3 of that max possible chests which is 10 daily chests and 50 EOS chests. Plus whatever the per win DEC comes out to. Let's ignore the DEC per win and just look at chests.
OK so with 100 accounts thats 100 * 10 = 1000 daily chests. And 100 * 50 = 5000 EOS chests.
Seasons are 15 days so that (15*1000)+5000=20,000 chests per 15 days running 100 kind of shitty bots in bronze plus whatever DEC I get in the chests and ignoring the dec per win.
Monsters in bronze print at 33.33% if I remember right from the other post so 20k * 33.33% is 6666 monsters in my chests. That's 6666 monsters to add to that already incredible supply in this game :)
Quick break in my plan to discuss two things the devs said in this AMA:
BTW since the devs said in this AMA they didn't know if this would increase of decrease rewards card printing, I'll answer that. A current bronze bot gets 1 chest per day with a 10% chance of a monster and I think 9 chests at the end of the season if they get to bronze 1 so 100 bots there would get 2400 chests and 240 monsters vs my 20k chests and 6666 monsters with the new system lol. But oh the mystery. What ever is going to happen to the print rate and all the bot accounts?
Oh, one more thing. THey correctly answered that rental prices on these common and rare CL and untamed cards would go up because they would be in demand so they wouldn't be .1 dec or $0.0001 each anymore. So let's say a bot has to rent 30 of these cards to run the account each day and let's say these cards go up x20 in price to 2 dec each. That means each account would need to put in 60 dec of $0.06 per day in rentals to run a bot. remember this figure. Its now going to cost .06 per day to run a bot account.
COntinuing my plan story now:
OK so 6666 monsters fro my chests and some dec and card packs every 15 days from running 100 bots. Now those aren't all the best monsters but I'll get a few good ones which will increase the average value per monster. Let's say I get .10 cents per monster. That's $660 per season and that doesn't include the DEC and packs in the chests. That could be another few hundred dollars so I cover my spellbooks in 1-2 seasons max. Then its all just gravy.
Quick per bot daily math on just the monsters coming out of my chest?
$660/100 bots is $6.60 per bot per season divided by 15 days is .44 cents per bot per day in just monsters which cost me .06 in rentals means .38 cents per day I can send straight to market and extract from the economy per bot. But hey, I added .06 so you, player guy holding cards really did win when it comes down to it wink wink.
Now I do already have the cards so the math is a little different for me. But the bot accounts already have the spellbooks plus they already have tons of cards from old rewards chests. They could simply swap some of those out for some CL cards and start operations up again without adding anything new to the economy just like I can. Just a quick rebalance and good to go.
Now I did ignore something vital. If I can rent cards for .06 to make .44. It stands to reason that there will be arbitrage right? In fact, there should eb arbitrage until its renting cards for .19 cents to make .20. As long as I still feel like I can make enough money to cover the spell book before the arbitrage runs out, I will keep buying more and so will other people. And because that will keep creating demand for more cars to run these bots it might hold prices up for a little while. But lets be honest. There are so many millions of cards in this game that aren't in use and every single season the print rate on rewards cards will get faster and faster as more bots play and that will kill CP value because it will become so abundant. And I don't really have to get out of bronze to make bank so there's really no need to push higher although I'm sure those silver and gold bots are going to clean up. But at some point, arbitrage will run lower. That's te nature of arbitrage. Its margins and bots can survive on lower margins than players can because they can duplicate their efforts and put in minimal resources. So let's get the devs all excited and talk about that further investment I'd be making on creating more bot accounts.
Let's say I take half the loot I get bring it straight to market so I'm getting a profit I can take from the economy and leave with. Didn't cost me anything to make it once my costs are covered so I'll sell at any price like the bot owners do now. It'll push prices down further and hurt everyone but I'll make a few bucks with no effort and hopefully you guys will keep working to create more value so I won't have to disconnect my parasitic syphon hose for a while. It'll work until the margins on rewards values are so small that humans can't afford to play anymore anyway so you guys better be working hard to bring that value so I can go for a while. As long as I keep cashing out my profit is gauranteed even if this whole thing goes under because of me and my bot owner bretheren.
With the other half of my profit I can make the devs all tingly by putting it back into the economy to create and buy cards for 12 more bot accounts. That means I'll need to buy $120 more in spellbooks (doesn't go into the economy) and spend $240 on new cards but thats ok because (devs, please close your ears so you don't lose that tingly happy feeling) it's not new money I'm putting in.
In fact, I bought that with the value the community put in. SO I syphon out $350 worth of value from the economy and simply recycle the other $350 in value I took from all of you to increase the size of my parasitic machine. For some reason the devs think this is a gain of $350 but as long as they think that, I can keep doing it. And since I increased my accounts by 12%, next season I'll take out 12% (I mean add) 12% more and I can compound this indefinitely. Except I can't can I? Because that would be exponential losses (I mean gainz devs! Actually devs, if you could just stop reading now because the rest gets pretty ugly) to the Splinterlands economy.
Really if enough people did this (which they will) the loss to the economy will outstrip the gainz fast enough that even my 12% more I'm pulling will probably push the value of assets down faster than I can pull more of them out. I need to add 12% more bots just to keep the same profit. And guess what that means for you hodlers? It means you lose value on the assets you've held at a faster rate than you can win more assets.
I wonder what would happen if this were going on? Well first, Splinterlands would need to significantly larger reward cards runs to keep up with the bot mint rate. Second as more cards printed the prices on all cards would go lower due to their CP value dropping since theres so much more of it now. THis would happen at such a fast rate that the total market cap of cards would drop even as the total quantity of cards included in the market cap equation went up by 10's of thousands of cards per day. Currencies in the game would also keep falling as asset values dropped. New human player growth would head lower daily and the daily active accounts would be stagnant as bots who can maintain on lower margins replace players who can't.
Sound like a game you know? Now imaging that game when the print rate fro 100 bronze bots goes from 2400 cards per season to 6666 and they get dec.
Oh, you know when I'll shut down my bot farm? Well first I anticipate the increasing size of my and other bot farms to end up creating a print rate on rewards cards that floods the game with so much CP that the CP aspect of cards is worthless. THis is already largely happening as common reward cards are going for .01 and CP heavy gold cards are dropping like rocks. Rewards cards will all be so cheap the chests won't be worth much anymore so playing won't be worth much just like its not before the revamp of the system anymore because you play for rewards after all.
So at some point it won't make sense to keep growing my bot farm. Instead I'll just be selling and taking whatever profit I can get on slimmer margins. As margins get slimmer more players will stop playing since people can't compete on such low margins. At that point I expect a pretty steep drop off because suddenly no one will be byuing cards. I expect the game will lose a lot of developers by that point because who wants to develop for a game that has no players. So there will just be a bunch of bots farming the last of the rewards cards before the prints run out and hoping to sell something to some straggling players hanging out for nostalgia or because they like the game enough to play for free. That's about the time I'll shut down the bot farm and maybe tool it for a different game that still has value to leach off of.
So that's my plan. I really hope land extends those plans but arbitrage has to close at some point so one way or the other, my bot dreams and your dreams of playing profitably have to end. Yours sooner than mine I guess.
:Edit: Someone will bring up that I'm screwing myself. I after all have $50k in cards that would go to zero. Here's the real kicker in all this. In the beginning of this, there's a great chance as rental prices head higher, card sale prices will follow. This is the best time for me to unload one bot worth of cards a a time at higher prices and start spending on renting instead. That way when the arbitrage windows close (arbitrage opportunities always close)which in this case arbitrage is the representation of value in playing the game, I won't be sitting on declining assets. Just like now, it makes no sense for a bot farm to own cards because all bots do is close arbitrage holes and remove value from the economy. The faster the community can add value, the faster bots will show up. THat's what the whole ramp was in July and August. It was bots coming in to syphon value as fast as investors could add to it and what we've seen since is asset holder losing as the value gets sucked out of the system by both the devs introducing more assets to compete with the old assets and the bots hooking up that hose. That's why bots rent. So they aren't syphoning from themselves.
Posted using Splintertalk
That is definitely a possibility!
I would like to see some stats on the amound of bots currently playing and if it will increase or decrease.
I don't know the stats but @yabapmatt told us today what many of us suspected. It's hundreds of thousands of accounts that are currently bot accounts.
There's only about 350k daily active accounts and we know the bot accounts don't miss a day which means most accounts are bots right now. I'm guessing its 2/3 to 3/4 of all actives now are bots but I have no way to know for sure.
If we see a sudden large influx of new spellbooks sold theres a pretty good chance we're getting bot invasion part two.
If the amound of bots is this high this would mean Splinterlands is already mostly a zombie game and most rewards are gathered by the bots. I'm not sure it's this bad.
Posted using Splintertalk
It's not what I would call a zombie game because there are still 10s of thousands of real players daily but that doesn't mean there aren't hundreds of thousands of bots. I know of single players running 10k plus bots. When the game was ramping up last summer, I was talking to people who were forming guilds where the requirements were that everyone in the guild was running at least 10 bots each.
Also, take a look at this. Here's the stats on daily new players. Look at yesterday. Do you think that's word of mouth that got thousands of new people to sign up in a few hours or is that players already here ramping up their bot efforts for whats to come?
You are right, this game has a good active player base. But if the amound of bots outnumbers the players, the amound of rewards bots get heavy outnumber rewards players get.
Interesting to hear to hear your insight in the bots!
This graph tells a interesting story, things will chance. I don't think for the better.
The majority of the eco system seems to revolve and be governed by bots.
Look, Splinterlands was nice cause it just wasn't only the game, it was also about managing the assests you got and could trade and got rewarded for propper doing so. Now it seems to be about setting-up and maintaining a bot farm, which could be fun i guesse. Just frustrating to find out things changed this drastically.
Posted using Splintertalk
I hear you. Honestly I don't think things have changed. I think it's always been this way. Early on the bots were welcomed because with only a few thousand players the only way to ensure there was a game cued up when you wanted to play was if there were lots of bots.
Then in the ramp up last summer, way more bots came in than people. And what's about to happen next is again about to be way more bots than people and the devs are fine with it.
I've spent all day today trying to work out different scenarios for what's could happen next for Splinterlands and I've tied myself in knots trying to figure it out. There are so many complexities.
What I'm leaning toward right now as the most likely near term trend is a continuation of last summers rally. There are a lot of signs it's already starting. Todays sign ups dropped a bit from yesterday but they were still far higher than normal. The common rewards cards that last week had over 50k copies for sale now have in some cases under 20k on the market. DEC has taken a leg up. The APR for staking SPS over doubled which means tons of SPS is on its way to the validator node presale.
Now I'm just trying to figure out if the rally does happen, what are the possibilities for it to keep running, and what are they for it to crash hard. Bots are high on both lists right now. Their drain is undeniable but they could also quite quickly push this game into millions of active accounts all renting cards, spiking prices, and bringing in the FOMO buyers who could fund the bot drain for several months.
If they can do it long enough for land to come out and soak up a bunch of inventory in the middle of a rally, cards could 10x from here and SPS could see $5.
That's all pretty exciting. At some point though, the bot reckoning is coming.
Hey mate, I read your initial post 3 days ago and have been back everyday since in the hope to see someone saying your logic is flawed or that its not true blah blah blah. Reason being the scenario you brought up is very compelling and I had hope someone much smarter then me will come and dispel it.
What you presented is actually quite frightening as the bots technically do not need to own any cards and still make money just via renting. In the end, it will be a case of bots overwhelming humans and human interest waning and all the asset values drop drastically.
Was thinking of putting a decent sum of money into the game to restart playing, but might hold back given what you have describe.
Don't let me talk you out of it.
In fact, I'm actually ramping up my buying right now.
I still believe most of what I said but I've spent days trying to poke holes in everything I wrote there and I have found a few weak points.
I mentioned this in the post but I think the most likely move from here is another rally. Before I thought it would be short lived but now I'm not so sure it won't get crazy and be meaningful to asset holders. Not financial advice.
I'm heading off to bed now but if you have questions I can try to answer them tomorrow.
Thanks for the taking the time to reply me.
No matter how I try to decipher it, it feels like the new reward system is trying to encourage grinding to get your rewards. And yes yes, ECR will play a factor, but still need to devote a decent amount of time to it. This could discourage the casual players who do not want to spend 2 hrs daily to play.
I am waiting for some other things to kick off before I cash out and drop the money here, but with so many cheap options in the crypto space, just need to figure out what goes where.
This mightbe true. Now bots need to invest some to gain rewards and we have a spike.
I just don't think it is sustainable in the long run.
More bots, and not enough new players are joining.
This is in my opinion the big change that will hurt in the long term.
I hope you are right and i am wrong, the changes might attract new people and create some FOMO :)
i think this was said in the last town hall or 2 weeks ago am not sure anymore. but the result was that at least 60% of the accounts are bots!
No way! Really?! 60%?!
I cant believe this. This would mean we mostly play against bots, and bots would control the majority of the market. This can't be right.
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I honestly assume even more bots, up to gold 2 you play almost only against bots, and most accounts are in bronze and silver anyway, the tenants of my cards are 99% bots, in tournaments not even 200 people participate....
Do you have any evidence that would speak for fewer bots? 😉
No i do not. Almost everybody seems to estimate it between 30% and 80% and increasing!
I hope splinterlands gives some more clairity on this.
Posted using Splintertalk
Fantastic Comment! Well thought out and grounded in reality.
I do have some, minor, quibbles with your math but the rest of it pans out.
Posted using Splintertalk
Thanks. I felt like some of the math could have been off. Where did you find the issue?
#1: Daily chests
If we go with being in Bronze, and stick with the estimate of 200 Rshares/win
it takes 4K Rshares, or 20 wins (at 100% ECR), to get 10 chests. Going with your numbers of 30 Battles/day and getting 10 Wins/day, then figuring in that, say, 8 of them would be with your daily 'focus'- you'd probably average 4 chests/day instead of 10.
Second: EOS Chests
Again, sticking with the Bronze only bot and 200 Rshares/win
50 EOS chests is 70K Rshares, or 350 wins, which at a rate of 10/day would take 35 days.
Even at the rate of 15/day, for 15 days would be 225 wins over the course of a season- meaning each of your bots would avg. around 20-25 chests at EOS.
Overall, in your example- you'd be getting 400 daily chests (let's call it 500) and ~2K EOS chests. So, 8-10K chests/Season from 100 (terrible) bots running 100 (L1) bots.
That is STILL too much in Rewards for such 'sleazy, low-effort bots (as Hardpoint would say) and would still reap MASSIVE profits- just not nearly as much as you figured in your post.
As I said- the gist was right, this Rewards Rework was DESIGNED to benefit bots. It's just a shame they promote it as a 'pro-player' upgrade.
Maybe the SPL team could work on not every second sentence having 'you know' and other redundant filler expressions in them.
I bet if you sat down and actually counted how often you say 'you know' in under two hours it would be more often than 100-200 times which is wicked.
Nobody expects you to be wordsmiths or hold eloquent speeches or anything, just try a little to not use wholly unnecessary wording, might work wonders for taking you more seriously.
Posted using Splintertalk
haha lol 😂
I do not know how exactly how the ERC drops per battle but i have the feeling it is ~1% relative to the ERC available.
So play 10 battles rougly 9.95% ERC decrease.
After 100 battles "only" a 74.4% decrease.
This mightbe the reason i see bot accounds have low DEC rewards, but never really 0.
why give new/low league players more potions?! New players need some progression to stay. If you want to give less rewards to bots, do so. But this is hurting new players more than bots, from my point of view.
Can we finally get the statistics on the bots?
you just do not make it to 0 ecr, I tried it with bots, let them run 2 days without pause, from a certain ecr value, the ecr hardly drops, so the bots can suck endlessly because they will never come to 0!
It would be great if we get some transparency on this. But it seems like bots will get way more rewards than we do (Not to mention new players).
This can't be right. What are we missing?
Posted using Splintertalk
Very excited 😙
Posted using Splintertalk
actually, I would have to nag somewhere around, but I'm too hyped. hope you can do without my nagging for a week!
Great changes! I hope we will test it as soon as possible! PS fantastic new cards! :)
can you say, how many rewards cards will you be making of these? it won't be as many as before will it?
Posted using Splintertalk
we are waiting new ranked rewards!
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Espero con ansisas la fecha para las tierras :)
Posted using Splintertalk
Any explanation on how 150 chest is feasible for human planner while play daily 30 battles?
100% win rate and playing all gold Alpha cards? Not that Alpha cards can beat CL cards but somehow or other they've worked it out.
Posted using Splintertalk
Tried to calculate with their formula. Seems not able to get a reasonable result of RShare /win. Seems only way is to wait untill 31st May to know.
There is a lot here that isn't adding up. I listened to the AMA front to back. Its amazing how exciting it all sounds but the math never seems to add up.
I missed the town hall but looked at their summary. The point that I could not figure out is what will the theoritical chest qty a human player can get with their deck status. They only simply say max is 150 chests. This to me at glance is impossible at all. So looking for an explanation. Not sure whether they touched it during talking.
By Advancing- that is the only way.
As an example, let's say you have a GREAT deck- like, CHAMP lb quality deck
for one season, you stay in Gold- the whole season
the next season you just.... GO!!! It won't take long to climb up into Champs and even up to the 'average' rating for Champs (Since you have a GREAT deck)
Well, once you 'rest' your account for a day or two to recover your ECR.... Every win is, basically, a chest
Play 30 games/day
Win 10/day
15 day Season- 150 (Gold) chests at EOS
Posted using Splintertalk
10 wins/day . Prob will not possible to get you 150chests EOS.
I did a rough calculation. See how far away from the reality.
Calculate the realistic Chest QTY and condition to get 150 Chest. https://peakd.com/rewards/@splinterbin/how-many-season-end-chest-you-can-get-after-new-rewards-system
I see that- 70K Rshares/win
18K Rshares/chest
Which is.... app. 3.8 Chests/win
50 wins/Season- 150 EOS chests, right?
The RShare per chest is not a fixed value. Eg. It's proportion/exponentially increased. If you look at the Matt' table in announcement you will find RShare of 10chest is more than RShare of 1 chest by 10 times.
For average players, not possible to get 150 chest Eos. Several people , include myself ,calculation. Seems max 50-70chests eos is most likely the case for average player's max earning. This requires 30wins per day.
What if you Advance?
Say, earn Bronze chests while you are in Gold?
In that case- you earn 13K+ Rshares/win and 100 chests is 900K
10 wins/day over 15 days= 1,950K Rshares
Which SHOULD be enough for 150 chests
Probably will be same. Because you will be calculated in one league.
Means , if you advance to gold league, then you will get the gold chest.
Unless your meaning is that you are in bronze league but never advanced and keep increasing the rating to the same level of gold. In the announcement they do mention that each league will have a cap rating. So you will be only able to earn cap level RShare even you have higher rating than the cap.
But this cap rating for each league, so far we do not have this information.
And also don't miss the ECR effect. Each game played(loss will drop more than win) will reduce your ECR by avg 1%
So this results your winrate matters a lot.
you.... should maybe, read the release?
Players earn chests of the Highest League they achieved in the previous Season.
So, if you were in Bronze during the previous Season- you will earn Bronze chests, at the Bronze chest rate- no matter what League you are in.
"If you advance to Gold League, then you will get the Bronze chest (if Bronze was the highest League you achieved during the last Season)"
😅😅😅. I did read. But you are right, I missed this portion .
👍👍👍. Finally I got menthe explanation how to achieve 150 chests.
Stay in Bronze for 1 season, then next season play in diamond. Then get 150 bronze Chests.
", the type of loot chest that each player will earn in the current season is based on the highest league achieved at any point in the previous ranked play season. For example, if a player reached Diamond league at any point in the previous season (meaning they achieved both the required rating and collection power and chose to advance to that league) then in the current season they will earn Diamond loot chests no matter what league they are currently playing in"
Is this something close to what we will get ?
30 wins a day should cost around 60 battles decreases the ERC roughly by 60% instead of 20. (Average ERC of 70?) Would you play 60 games a day, everyday?
For getting a feeling for the numbers this is a great sheet!! :)
If take 50% ECR . then around 50 chest for all leagues below diamond.
Check it out for
how many Chest you can get at the end Season
in this new rewards system?
Click picture for detail calculation
or your also can see it in Twitter 👉👉👉👉 Twitter
On paper, it looks great! Looking forward to seeing if it actually works! Especially against bots. So far, there's speculation that it should work). Thanks!
Why does it look better against bots? They simply buy the basic cards for a few bucks and continue with more rewards.
Super excited about these updates! I invested in Splinterlands because I believe in the team to make good decisions in uncharted waters. Best PTE out there!
In case you need the official french translation for this week's AMA, you can read it here:
5 years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. https://peakd.com/gangstalking/@acousticpulses/electronic-terrorism-and-gaslighting--if-you-downvote-this-post-you-are-part-of-the-problem