Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - May 23rd, 2024!

Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - May 23rd, 2024!

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Town Hall Summary

  • Team Members:
    • Yabapmatt (CEO)
    • Nate (Creative)
    • Investygator (OPS Product Owner / Software Developer)
  • Recording:


  • Timestamps:

    • 00:35 - Yabapmatt
    • 7:30 -Investygator
    • 16:30 - Nate
    • 35:05 - Yabapmatt
    • 1:20:40 - Questions


💥 Key Points 💥

Release Notes

Conflict 5

The 5th Conflict has been loaded, which will release the next player designed Summoner, Cryptic, into the game. You can read more about his story here.


This Summoner introduces a new ability Expose. Expose has a 50% chance to remove Forcefield, Lookout, Reflection Shield, Shield, Void, Void Armor, Cleanse, or Immunity after a successful attack. Expose will always remove Immunity first.

General Updates

The Settings page has had a design update, as well as new options added:

Added a new setting, Animation Quality, to control the size of animations that will play in the game. Low Quality will only play very small animated images, Medium Quality will play any animations under 500K in size, and High Quality will play all animations on the site. This is High Quality by default.

Added new settings to disable Rental / Delegation expiration notifications. They are enabled by default.


Added new animated background and league icons to the battle history page, that only appear on High Quality animation mode.

A new 4x speed toggle was added to the battle replay.

Fixed an issue with the USD value on the DEC-Grain market calculating incorrectly.

Added the Trade Hub’s Dark Energy Crystal holdings back into the the supply calculation.

All of the Buy Grain links on Land pages now redirect to the Trade Hub.

Improved the Max button on purchase energy to correctly calculate how much energy will take you to 50 or the max you can buy with your available balance.

Fixed an issue where viewing another’s user profile would cause your local client Avatar icon to display as theirs.

Added handling for Items to be given out as Jackpot prizes, not just Balance tokens, to address redistributing some returned titles.

The header on the worker selection on worksite assignments will now stick to the top of the screen.

Added a third decimal place on the Non-Card Market listing input.

End of season processing has been improved and should run quicker going forward.

Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release

Fixed an issue with filling out the amount you want to receive from a swap in the Trade Hub not correctly populating how much needs to be sent.

Fixed an issue with Merit purchases incorrectly showing a warning about too many items potentially causing a slow display - that was intended for card draw/loot chests.

Upcoming Tuesday Release Notes

Land Updates

Pre-Fix titles will be added to the game! To view the current rankings visit Land → Production → View Rankings. The list of titles is updated hourly. You can read about the prefix in the whitepaper here or in game under the Prefix Titles tab.


The majority of land operations will no longer require active key authority, as nothing is leaving the game environment.

The Grain, Dark Energy, and Time Crystal balance displays will navigate to the appropriate transfer, or Stake/Unstake Dark Energy, screens when selected.


The DEC to Grain pricing will show two additional degrees of precision in the API results.

General Updates

You can use Coinbase payments to pay for Spellbook purchases.

The setting to disable potion use will be removed. You will have the option to select potion usage when submitting a purchase in the Reward shop.


When filtering by Ability in the Card Market using All Levels, it will filter against max level versions instead of the lowest level version of the card. As an example, Hill Giant will now show up when searching for Stun - even though a level 1 version of the card is displayed.

Will add some descriptive text for Item Locking in the settings.

If there are 0 Frays free, the notification about filling a fray will not display.

The Intro button on Conflicts will display for people at lower animation modes, but just display a message that you need to turn on High Quality animations to watch the video.

Fixed a minor UI issue on assigning land workers, where the checkbox could overlaying the header when scrolling down the list.

Cleaned up some issues with Land styling, where the new settings toggles were incorrectly applied to other screens using the same UI component.

Cleaned up some Splinterbites that had outdated card burning related text.

Added a clearer error response if you attempt to call the recent teams API and do not pass a player record.

👀 Eye Candy with Nate👀

Prefix Titles

Onboarding Tutorial Images





6 Year Anniversary Event!


Updates from Matt


  • Looking for ways to reduce expenses
  • Reducing overhead
  • Becoming more efficient
  • Over time we may need help from the DAO
  • At that point we will create proposals
  • Any funds given will be used as efficiently as possible
  • Crypto markets seem to run in 4 year cycles and we are ready for the bull run
  • We did bring on an employee a few months ago to focus on:
    • Private equity
    • Legal
    • Accounting
    • Financial


  • New bill just passed in the house - framework for what makes a crypto project decentralized
  • 2 Developers working hard now on the validators
  • Election of the DAO treasurers is a step in the right direction
  • By the end of the year validators will be ready


  • There needs to be an upside
  • If we are doing one, then it needs to be hugely beneficial to the community
  • With that being said, there is one opportunity that we are currently working on

New Soulbound Reward Cards

  • Plan is to do a new set that is similar to the old set
  • Release sometime this summer

Governance Proposals

  • Regarding suggestions for changes to the game
  • We want to avoid the mindset that if the proposal passes then we stop what we are doing to make the changes
  • We need to fit the proposal changes into our current plans


  • Prefix titles coming out next week
  • Land 2.0 will be a while before implemented
  • Thinking of ways to give more value to land in the meantime
  • How can we add more utility before item and spell cards come out?
  • How can we integrate research?
  • Maybe some new promo cards that can only be unlocked through research?
  • How can we get more of the resources involved?

Town Hall

  • Town Halls will be once a month
  • Town Hall chat - Ask questions at anytime and they will be answered between Town Halls

Latest Proposal
Alternate Solution to Address Bot Farms & Wild/Modern Format Discrepancies

Progress map



Google drive link for media assets



Check out the lore!



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🔥 Support Tutorial 🔥

How Do I Vote On SPS Governance Proposals?

  • Read the Support article above to better understand how to vote on the SPS Governance proposals
  • Access proposals on the SPS Proposal Page


Past Town Hall Summaries


Next Town Hall - June 20th at 12 PM Eastern in Discord


NOTE: All rewards from this post will be sent to @sps.dao.


It is a pleasure to see so new update to help the gamer experience
Happy anniversary


Great updates.
What plans are there for Splintertalk and the SPT token?


Keep up the great work guys 👍 🤩 !PGM


Happy anniversary, looking forward to the updates, will join the 6 year tournament but there is no link/event yet :)


Happy anniversary.


Oh, I really like the idea of Research-only Promo cards! I very much hope that will go ahead! :)


Everything is looking good... but please... let us unlock the Soulbound Reward Cards before you release another set of Hot Garbage.


I'm just curious. I am not agreeing or disagreeing with you. Why do you want to unlock the soulbound reward cards? As far as I see, they would probably cost less than a cent now due to the abundance in supply.

I'm simply curious. I'm neutral on this subject.


I started playing at the end of the Untamed set. Chaos Legion was on the horizon...

One of the big draws to this game was: "If you play, you can earn Tokens and Cards!! You don't have to put in a ton of money, if you have the time. Earn Reward Cards, combine them to level them up and then sell the extras or ones you don't need so you can buy the cards you do!"

This allowed us players to earn cards with "Future Value"... as in: I earned them now... but later I could sell/trade/move them as I saw fit. They were Digital Assets (NFTs) and they were PLAYER owned - that's kinda the definition of Web3...

If my account got nuked or something, I'd still have my assets and be able to transfer them to another account or sell them...

This gives power to the Players, not the company e.g. Blizzard Entertainment 😵

I might lose an account but I wouldn't lose the thousands of dollars and hours I put into it.

With Soulbound cards, the first issue is - they are not Web3 Assets... They are Web2 and I didn't sign up for just another Web2 game... I certainly wouldn't put nearly as much $$$ into it as I have!

The second issue is... I can't sell a bunch of them to buy something like a Legendary Rebellion Card I needed...

The third issue is, I can't rent them (I used to make a ton off the Reward Card rentals)

The fourth issue is... once maxxxxxxxxxxxxed out... they're useless (now we can burn for Glint but kinda useless still)

The fifth issue is... I can't use them as slav... well compensated workers on my Land... but here's issue 5.5... I have a PLAY account... "CaptainDingus" but for my OCD I have the majority of my Land on a different account... So I can't send my Soulbound Cards to my Alt... even if they COULD work on Land 😡

The last issue I'll write is this and it kinda got fixed with the recent Glint shop...

Having to rely on RNG to get cards that you can ONLY get by [Generic Task] is F#$*%# STUPID.

I don't need or want 145,424,246 BCX of Terraceous Grunt or whatever... I NEEEEEED... 11 Copies of Kulu Mastermind... AND I STILL HAVE ZERO EVEN WITH JACKPOT CHESTS 😡😡😡🤡

With Unlocked Reward cards, I could sell the trash and buy the good ones... Since the team DOESN'T WANT TO LET US BUY SINGLES and just keeps F'ing us with RNG ASS... I shall continue to bitch about it because here's what happens:

Player A: I have all the cards because [Reasons]...
Player B: I have Money and want to play the Game!
Player A: Awesome, join me!
Player B: I bought every card in game with Money, now I can play too!
Player A: Beats the shit out of Player B
Player B: What the hell - where'd you get those cards?
Player A: I got them over a LONG PERIOD OF TIME using a Bot and being in a Guild!
Player B: Can I just BUY them? To play the game?
Player A: Uhhh... technically no, they're "Locked" to your account and can't be "Bought"...

Player B: ...
Player A: Fun, right?!?

Player B: Let me understand this... I spent $25,000 USD buying all these cards to play the game... yet... you routinely beat me because you have cards I can't BUY???

Player A: Well... you can earn them too...

Player B: WHAT GAME EXPECTS YOU TO PLAY IT BUT WON'T LET YOU BUY ALL THE PIECES?!?!?! WHY ON EARTH WOULD I PUT MONEY, ESPECIALLY THAT MUCH MONEY, INTO A GAME I CAN'T BUY ALL THE PIECES?!?! Oh, and on top of that... you're saying even if I DO stick around... I have to rely on RANDOM F#$^%#$ CHANCE to get the cards you're clobbering me with???

Player A: Uhh...

Player B has left the chat

So yeah, that's why we should go back to a better distributed print run of ACTUAL WEB3 REWARD CARDS...

Thank you for asking and it's 100% ok to feel one way or another and you can disagree with me and I won't be mad at you for it, I'm a semi-mature old-ish person that some may refer to as an looks around "adult" (but don't tell anyone and I'll deny it if you do).

Have a great day!


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When Battle 2.O , all that hype in LA reveal is just for show ??
