🎁Give Away!- The Game Changer Cards

The Game Changer Cards


Never underestimate the following advantageous cards that can successfully change your game experience!


Ant Miners.png

Ant Miners- gains 1 max health each any monster dies. Imagine how special that card is. Despite of its low health it can keep charging if any of the cards lose. However, it's disadvantage is being attacked first by any flying monsters. Your ant miners don't possess any defensive strategy. It's ability is promising but the attack is too low. On the other hand, this card if with high health obtained from died cards can eventually support your winnings. Speed is not competitive.

Recommendation: Put this card at the middle of your deck.

Reminder: Be careful of using this when you feel that the line up of your opponent is mostly flying monsters.


Demented Shark.png

Demented Shark- gives all friendly monsters +1 melee attack. This card definitely make the friendly monsters more powerful because of the added melee attack. Which means you should focus on friendly monsters to emphasize its ability. With 6 health, it can be sometimes easy for the monsters with magic attack to defeat the shark. Its 1 armor is very helpful for the first range attack by the opponent. The speed is quite excellent.

Recommendation: Put this card at the first position.

Reminder: Ba careful of using this when you feel that the line up of your opponent is mostly flying monsters.


Which do you want to received after reading their capabilities?

Two reactors will win the above cards. All you need to do is to comment your username and choose between ant miners or demented shark and explain why.



Demented Shark

It is more versatile than the Ant Miner which is more situational.

IGN: cgravy


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Ant miners @sp3ktraline

Good initiative. I'm happy to take part in these even if I don't win, as they are very helpful for new players. 5*
