RE: Musings on Splinterlands, Arbitrage, and Patience


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Great thoughts! I hope so in the future, as I am accumulating as much as I can now).


Me too. Just stacking and waiting for better days! Thanks for the vote



I have long liked the way you reflect in your posts. Keep it up!


Nodes are paying out a much higher apr especially when you include glx drops to as i think at 600-800 the payout is like 45% then the staked sps gets the drop of glx earning at 95% right now. Also buying glx and glx nodes bc i have been funding my sps with glx purchses agian like i did when it was 500% apr i bought like 400K glx or something and earned a crap load sold it each day for sps then kept going until i hit a million sps from 500K sps. Now im back at 200K glx with 10 nodes and 1 million sps with 18 nodes. Want to get a few keeps in additon tothe one i have since there are two selling for 2500 might buy those and seeif i can sell my other plots id rather own 3 keeps and the 2 magic and 3 occupid plots and just one or two grain plots in each tract or region toput runi on them since i have 6 and that will boost my production. Also looking to possibly load a few more runi bc ppl will probably want to rent them at pretty high rates or i can use them on land to make it so i dont need to have dec and get the extra pp on it. Then ill have 8-10 runi maybe ill buy one gold one after i make additional money just so i have one. If castles come down to say 15K ill buy one of those i thinkn owning the things that collect taxes will be the best bc you just suck up other ppls production with fees and if i had a castle and 3 keeps sucking in fees that would be good. Plop a few good cards on them and let them get the point where the power diminishes and let it ride. Also load up the magic cards so i canproduce spells and sell them aswell as get the sps from occupied with runi. Have afew runi to rent out with agreements withother players withsay no runi and legendary land or epic land with magic or occupid and take a split of 50% of the runi bonus after allother bonuses are applied bc with out that they wouldnt get it so probably can askfor a high split

Posted using Splintertalk
