Janni Rebel

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There are many interesting cards from the new Rebellion reward set. They have peculiar combination of abilities that I have yet to explore what are some good strategies for them. One of these cards is Janni Rebel.


Let's first explore Janni Rebel's artwork and lore. There's only a handful of description for some of the common and rare cards compared to the past releases. Janni Rebel's design is very reminiscent of Djinn Renova. And I first thought that this is also a djinn card like the other ones from the Chaos Legion storyline. But upon reading the lore, Janni Rebel appears to be a Jann, which might be a different species than djinns. I'd have to read up on other lore articles to confirm this.
For the stats and abilities, Janni Rebel can be a good tank. She has a huge health and even has Divine Shield for additional defenses. She also has Flank and Inspire which incentives the positioning of melee monsters behind her. Inspire is getting more prevalent for Life monsters and we might get an Opportunity or Sneak attack based strategies soon when the new format rotation rolls out.

But the downside to Janni Rebel's stats is that her speed is a bit low even at the max levels. She has magic attack so there are fewer circumstances that she would miss. But since her speed is only at three, she might end up taking on most of the enemy attacks to which she has little resistance.
I've had the chance recently to use Janni Rebel in a guild brawl. I was in an all level one card selection. It was a 48-mana battle with Corrosive Ward, FabFour, and Blood and Sunder rule sets. I had limited card collection and was not able to utilize the entirety of the mana budget. I was contemplating if I need to place Janni in the front row or let her deal magic damage in the back. And I guess the correct decision was to place her in the back support.
The opponent placed two 12-mana monsters in front. But luckily, Bayne was eliminated early on. This is also thanks to Janni Rebel for melee attack enhancement.
Thanks to Captain Katie's reliable sniping skills, the enemy's Moxian Rebel was taken out. This left the opponent with half of his units remaining while all of my four monsters are still going strong.
Victory was ensured at this point. Grimbardun Fighter delivers the killing blow to Mad Ogre at the end of round four. If you'd like to watch the battle, you can check it out here.

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Thank you for reading and see you in the battlefield!


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