Splinterlands Social Media Challenge : The Woman With Many Talents



Hello Splinterland Friends ,Another week is here for us to share anything about Splinterlands.
And for this week I will be sharing about our new favorite epic unit from the new reward cards set. I know a lot of players wanted to get her since her skills are very OP specially when paired with the right combos.

So here she is my featured unit for this week, the girl with a lot of talents, Olivia of the Brook.


What makes her special is the newly introduced skill Mimic.


This skill may not copy all skills available, but the fact that a lot of skill is still available for her to copy makes here a very dangerous unit specially in long fights.

And to prove this I will be featuring one of my battles with her in my Line Up. Currently I have this card at level 2 given her access to the mimic ability.


  • For this battle to take full advantage of Olivia, I decided to pair it with Iziar and Adelaide so that the martyr ability of Iziar will boosts her damage. And by having Iziar and Renova healing her they can make the battle as long as possible for Olivia to get more skills.


  • Just in the second round the two martyr activation of Iziar was already done making the magic damage of Olivia and Melee damage four.

  • Also in this round Olivia already copied 3 skills and I think the blast damage is the best skill she copied boosting her damage since she will damage the adjacent unit from her target.


  • On the fifth round, she already copied six skills, whats good thing about the skills that she copied is it also affects all her team mates since most of them are utility skills.

  • Since almost only the ranged units are left in the opponents side, the shield repait from Adelaide is very useful .

  • The battle continued until no more skills is left for Olivia to copy. And just by looking at the current state of the battle ,it's already in our favor.


  • At the end of the battle Olivia got a total of 9 skills from her opponents, and now what's you call a woman with a lot of skills.

Here is my conclusion about her.

  • I think when using her, you should make sure that you can make the battle longer to utilize her more since her damage is not to impactful in early stages.

  • One thing to make her a more effective unit is to pair her with units that adds melee and magic damage like units with inspire and martyr.

  • A good support is needed to be with her since she has no sustain ability until she copies one from her enemies.

  • This unit is not a use in any situation one, she can be effective depending on the conditions so a lot of thinking should be done before entering her in the field.

I know a lot of combo will come out with her introduction to the game and I'm so excited to see them.
If you want to watch the full battle here is the LINK.

And I guess that's it for this week.
Looking forward to more interesting entries.
Have a good day, see you in the battlefield.




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