Should you try your luck with card trading?
Hello everybody,
It's been a while since I wrote the last post in which I summarized the findings of my research regarding quest potions.
I’ve been busy ever since, and my life is still pretty full these days. Yet, I want to share with you the profits I made by card trading.
I do not claim to be a great expert on the subject, which is exactly why you need to listen to what I have to say. If I manage to earn some DEC with this method you too can.
How I started
My motivation to try my luck on the trade came after I bought CALADUUM.
Back then I did not even plan to buy the card for future profit. I bought it because I needed a monster in fire splinter that have the void ability.
The card cost then 5815 DEC and I felt that it was worth more. Well, My prediction was correct, and today this card is sold in the market for 80$! (10,172 DEC).
It was pure luck, I did not buy the card because I planned to sell it and in fact I still do not intend to sell it. But since then I have managed to trade quite a few cards and make some extra DEC doing so.
Example- CTHULHU
I bought this card for 50$ and immediately put it up for 64$. And within a few hours the price was done and I got 14$ richer.
If I had not sold the card and chose to hold it instead, I could now sell it for about 110$!!! (That's it price in the market right now).
Look for a card whose cheapest price is in the gap from the next price step. For example:
If you buy this card you can put it back on the market at a price of $ 15.8 and make a profit of almost $ 3 (from this profit a little purchase tax will be cleared).
Start small, No matter how tempting it is to buy legendary cards and make a profit of tens of dollars. Do not do this until you feel confident enough! Sometimes it takes a long time for the investment to pay off. And you do not want to be disappointed before you have time to gain confidence.
Be prepared for failure too! Quite a few times I bought a card that I thought was going to go up in value just so that the next day the market would be flooded with it. It sucks, but to keep myself from being disappointed in a situation like this, I try to buy cards that might be used by me in the game. So I know that even if I get stuck with them in the end I will not be too disappointed. For example:
When I bought this card I was sure it would increase in value quickly. Unfortunately two days after the market flooded with it. It will probably take some more time before I can sell it at a profit. But I'm not disappointed because this card might serve me well! (When combined with DELWYN DRAGONSCALE it is quite awesome).Be prepared that when chaos packages are offered for sale the prices of a large portion of the cards may drop significantly. Until then the prices in my opinion will go up but when the new packages are offered for sale, the prices may go down again (in my opinion).
I totally believe that if I managed to make a profit this way you can too!
However it is important for me to note that I also failed from time to time, and not every deal of mine ended in profit. There are a few cards I am stuck with for now and it is possible that in the long run their price will go up but at the moment they are not sold and are not helpful to me.
It is therefore important to be careful and choose our investments wisely.
Successful hunting friends!
Do not refer to what is said in the post as investment recommendation. Everything is said for the sake of amusement and learning! DYOR!
I'm new to the game but had some starter packs which were alpha cards. I've wondered about trading but I want to understand more about why people need certain cards so I figure i'll learn through game play. It seems obvious to me that prices will go down once chaos is introduced and I'm nervous that my cards might not hold their value. I have 3 level 1 arlics and I wonder why I need all three when they give you a free one to play with. But that is my perspective as a newb who feels like bronze will always be home.
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I will try to answer the issue but keep in mind that I am also groping in the dark. I'm not much smarter than you when it comes to cards from old series.
Let's say you're an experienced player who's been playing for a long time.
You already have ALRIC at level 7 and you only need three more cards to reach level 8. Given the fact that ALRIC is no longer printed and the supply in the market is low, how much would you be prepared to pay to develop your ALRIC to level 8?
The reason older cards are worth more lies in the fact that they do not have much supply, and those who need them are willing to pay a high price for them. For you as a relatively new player the value of these cards is nil (even for me after half a year of playing there is not much value to these cards ... it is not that I will ever be able to develop them to a high level).
I believe we as relatively young players need to invest our efforts in accumulating a significant amount of DEC so that we can buy as much of the CHAOS PACKS as possible. After all, we will not be able to develop the monsters we have now to high levels since they are no longer printed and their market price is high ...
To your question whether to sell the ALRIC. I honestly do not know ... as time passes their supply will decrease and their price will increase, on the other hand the demand for them may also decrease with the passage of time ... This is a dilemma that I am not an expert enough to answer ...
Hope I did not create more confusion😅
Thanks. You didn't create more confusion. My thought is why would people look back when they can look forward with chaos. I just wonder if chaos will make some of my cards obsolete. I am already emotionally attached to my cards as other players may be as well. I'd hate to hold on to them if the game shifts to chaos without them being needed.
I am also wondering about DEC as the price is so high. I do believe that SPS will go up in value at least until the chaos drop is revealed.
I'm such a bad trader. I always lose.
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Ahh mm I also struggled with the issue ... I tend to believe (and this is just a belief) that the cards will indeed become a bit outdated. But at the same time they will have use. For example tournaments or brawls that are only for cardholders from the old editions.
But I honestly do not know ...
As for the DEC, I also have a hard time reaching an unequivocal decision... I tend to believe that it will lose its value and return to its original price... but I can not explain why I think so...
I hear ya. The good thing is that eventually people can rescue their actual losses through play. Maybe not the inflated losses but you cant really lose with Splinter. It's a lot like hive. I traded my btc for steem in 2017 and lost big, but I rescued my money and was made whole through posting.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great Advice And Info Thank You!!