Checking Out Rebellion Reward Cards


Hello, my dear Splinterverse fellows. I hope everyone is having a good time and also enjoying the game with the new rewards cards from the rebellion set. I am also enjoying the game as the price of SPS finally started increasing a little bit while the whole crypto market is experiencing a downtrend in overall performance. The newest core card edition, Rebellion, is now available for investigating additional strategies while playing the game. I hope it will draw more players to the game as well which will help the game in the long run.

As for my regular pack buying, this week I have bought some CL packs as the price is so cheap though direct card purchases can be more profitable but I enjoy opening packs, and a GF legendary can make your day still today with the crashed market. And for next I have the plan to buy around 1000 CL packs to make my max out for all the splinters, it will cost around 1800 Hive but I want to test my luck and the loss will not be so high at the current market situation. I will also continue my buying slowly and steadily though I will encounter a massive loss but I want to continue.



I have bought these packs at around 2.2 bucks and the price has increased a little bit again the card price is only 0.8 bucks which means it is a solid loss of more than 1.4 bucks which is almost 60%! But I enjoy pack opening and waiting for my 4th GF legendary from the CL edition in the coming days.

As usual, it is also very difficult to get back your money from a pack without a Legendary or a GF rare card! But the price for these packs was 4 bucks which seems to be a solid collapse of a game but I enjoy it and hope for a better future. As I am playing the game with the CL edition I have bought a ton of packs but currently rebellion is dominating the modern format where I am used to playing so I am going to choose some decent rebellion cards for stronger decks to continue after the removal of Chaos cards from the modern format when a new edition of cards are introduced.


Today, I am going to talk about more rare cards from the rebellion reward card, which is my SECOND priority to level up after the common cards as I am getting around 300 Glints per battle win with which I can buy two common cards need more than two wins for a RARE card. So, I am trying to max out some of the cards that I can afford.

In rebellion reward cards, in rare cards, we have 2 fire cards, 2 water cards, 2 earth cards, 2 life cards, 2 death cards, 1 dragon, and 2 neutral cards. Total of 12 reward cards in the new reward set which is a good number of cards to have in the decks. Today I am going to check the RAERE cards which are the best cards according to the abilities and the stats of the card. Today I am going to investigate only Life, Death, Dragon, and Neutral cards as a second episode to cover the rest of the rare cards in the rebellion reward set.


From the life team I always prefer the magic attackers as I use magic reflector Pelacor Conjurerit as my first tank and it is a solid option here. So, JANNI REBEL is a great card with some amazing ability that will make the card a good one that will work as an excellent attacker.


The SKYSPIRE LEOPARD is also a great tank with some amazing stability of retaliate and void armor which will give an amazing support to this TANK!


Though DEATH is not my favorite team but I can use the current RARE options with some solid reason as I have already very good option from the existing cards. But the 7 MANA MERIPUT SLINGER can be a great option in many matches with tons of great abilities, such as

  • Impede
  • Slow
  • Reflection Shield
  • Redemption


The another DEATH reward card 'DARK ARBORIST' is also a great card with some amazing abilities such as the Demoralize that reduces MELEE attacks of the opponent attackers, magic reflection and the VOID ability that reduces the incident magic attacks.


The only DRAGON RARE card of the rebellion reward card set is the 'DRAGON EGG FORAGER' is a solid card with amazing number of attacks, health and other stuffs with the opportunity ability is a great card to have in the deck.


The neutral RARE cards, I feel this is a useful to make combination with other CL cards in my opinion. But the REWARD reward card, CHAOS ADJUTANT is an average card as it has some good stats for the lineup at the end of the team.

Which RARE cards from he Rebellion reward edition you are fan of and using your battles, let us know in the comments.

If you want to learn more about the Rebellion Reward Cards at a glance you can read my older post. The first part of the common Rebellion Reward cards

If you want to learn more about the Rebellion Reward Cards of the first part of rare cards at a glance you can read my older post. Checking Out Rebellion Reward Cards

I hope you find some of these cards will bring more fun to Splinterlands. And if you have any kinds of queries, you can ask me in the comments. I will try to answer at my level best. Thanks a lot for your time and attention, I will catch you at the next one.
Have a great day!

And, If you want to be a proud member of the Splinterlands community and enjoy the magical world of hundreds of monsters and strategies for your battle you will have the opportunity of amazing battles with some extraordinary monsters with amazing abilities that will uplift your online gaming experience to a new level. You can enter the Splinterverse through this link sign up to join Splinterlands


Thank you so much for your time and attention.
I will catch you at the next.

All the images are from the Splinterlands, Splintercards, and Peakmonsters resources.

