New Rules New Plan: Diving Into The Track

Greetings, my lovely Splinterverse fellows.
I hope you are doing well and having fun with the game. We have just celebrated the 6th anniversary of the game, which is a great milestone for any game, whether it is a traditional or Blockchain-based NFT game. And I have also enjoyed my journey with the SPlinterlands for the last three years. The market condition is really pathetic for the card market, and I have lost almost half of my value in the last 6 months. However I still believe in the game's future development as it has an excellent community with a great developer team. After a couple of weeks' break, I am going to be regular in the game as many things gonna become easier for me for the upcoming changes in the game. I have also maxed out some of the summoners in the crashed market and trying to grab some good cards to do better in the gameplay.

What I observe in the Splinterlands game is that the devoted developer team is really amazing in keeping everything in the right direction though some steps I didn’t like most of the steps are beneficial for the players. I know many players who have changed their lives with this game over the years, and many have taken it as a profession that motivates the game and the community itself. Over the years I have experienced a complete change in the game what I experienced 2 years ago which was needed to keep the game running smoothly. I saw the bot controlling measurements, and SPS staking requirement, and now bots will be removed from the WILD FORMAT also by taking some measures. These up-to-date revisions and developments make me convinced that the game will undoubtedly become more realistic and player-focused in the future roadmap.

The changes that I am expecting through the official announcement are really admirable. I am going to point out my own opinion on it in relation to my future goals and plans. It is true that players are unable to get enough benefits without spending more money on the ecosystem due to the bot farms in Wild mode, which is a big problem for the game. The reasons are very simple, as the team has identified perfectly, but I am mentioning them here for your reference.

  • Currently, bot farms can play in the Wild Format and get benefits forever without buying cards as they use reward cards, so bot farmers don’t put money into the game economy, which is not a good sign of the sustainable system. This kind of value extraction without any investment is not good for the long-term development of the game.

  • This also makes Wild Format very "easy" because players are matched against many bots with low-level cards that cannot win against the humans. This makes it easy to climb up a very high ranking, but the SPS requirement is very high, so the reward decreases for most of the players. Thus, bot farms is affecting the general users.

  • The easy-win matches make more people switch from Modern Format to Wild Format to get the easy prizes, which makes the Modern Format even harder and creates a downward loop and it is a fact. I have even faced max-out splinter teams with around 1200/1300 ratings, which used to be a silver league region previously, indicating how tough it is to climb up here.

Undoubtedly, the developer's team has correctly identified the problem and they are trying to solve the problem in some ways, which may be welcomed by many players because it is going to be a costly process which will add value to the game economy. According to the plan, there will be a higher standard of staking SPS for the wild format battle by introducing a seasonal pass to buy for entering into the WILD FORMAT, which will cut many free profit-generating bot farms but not all, in my opinion. Also, the announcement says that more lucrative rewards can be made available for the players by banning bots.

However, I think it should be implemented after a proper analysis of the effect. Because many bot farmers can still continue the profit-generating scheme without much hassle. It is projected that players won't be able to easily get high ratings and rewards by constantly playing against these easy bot accounts with low-level cards in the Wild format. This will make many players switch back to Modern in order to avoid the new cost for the season pass, which will make Modern Format easier and have more match liquidity by bringing in more players with a lot of lower-level decks which are engaged with the Wild Format battle.

Besides, the seasonal pass, there can be some other ways that are also in the discussion to circumcise the number of bot accounts in the wild format of battle. However, the collection power requirement like in previous times with the amendment of removing the collection power from the soulbound cards, could be a way to control them. The complexity of many versions of collection power and delegation methods appears. I think it could also be a part of the procedure, but I don’t know why it is not granted with much importance. Also, increasing the staked SPS can be another way to control it, which can uplift the SPS price, which is suffering a lot.

The suggested price for the seasonal pass is around 2000 DEC or 50 vouchers which is not so high if you are a regular player but if you do not have sufficient staked SPS or other requirements, then it can be hard. But the good thing is that the fewer bot accounts will make a significantly higher SPS reward from each winning of the battle.

My plan is to check and see what changes are happening after the implementation of the new system and analyze how much reward I am going to grab according to my staked SPS or rented SPS cost. But the good thing is that I can play more modern format battles more frequently again, where I can get more rewards.

I hope you find some of these thoughts and discussions my thoughts important before your journey to Splinterlands. And if you have any kinds of queries, you can ask me in the comments. I will try to answer at my level best. Thanks a lot for your time and attention, I will catch you at the next one.

Have a great day!

And, If you want to be a proud member of the Splinterlands community and enjoy the magical world of hundreds of monsters and strategies for your battle where you will have the opportunity of amazing battles with some extraordinary monsters with amazing abilities that will uplift your online gaming experience to a new level. You can enter the Splinterverse through this link sign up to join Splinterlands


Thank you so much for your time and attention.
I will catch you at the next.

All the images are prepared by me from the Splinterlands and Splintercards resources.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Splinterlands has been doing some amazing upgrade from time to time and that’s one of the basic things that makes the game lasts longer
Well, there are some upgrades that some people seem not to like


Yeah, there will always be different people with different mind even different motive. But the developer team id trying to take it to the right path. Thanks for stopping by!


SPS is truly an interesting game, from what players are saying of it and I think it has a great future. Despite the currently dwindling value I'm sure it will appreciate in the near future.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on SPS. I hope your weekend is going well.


I am also hopeful that everything goes well and investing some cash in this market as an opportunity! Thanks for your comment. Wish you a great weekend!


You are right, the players with revert to the modern league.
I hope to compete in champion league in wild format, so I will get the pass to see how far I can go.
Modern is not so easy because of the rebellion assets required at high level to compete after gold league and in diamond.
Thank you for share analysis


Yeah, rebellion is a fact and my deck is old and 80% CL edition. I will also check the performance first to take the next step.


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500 HP1000 HP2000 HP5000 HP10000 HP15000 HP20000 HP

