Splinterlands as a Hub of Gaming Activity


Greetings, my lovely Splinterverse fellows.

I hope you are doing well and having fun with the game. I am also enjoying the game as well. As the game has recently passed it's 6 years and I have also enjoyed my journey with the SPlinterlands for the last three years. The market condition is really pathetic for the current card market, SPS or other assets, and I have lost almost half of my value in the last 6 months. However I still believe in the game's future development as it has an excellent community with a great developer team. I am going to be regular in the game as many things gonna become easier for me for the latest changes in the game. I have also maxed out some of the summoners in the crashed market and trying to grab some good cards to do better in the gameplay.

In recent town hall there are many insights that has been lighted briefly with the future of the game. The developers are trying to find out problems in the game and are working on ways to fix it. They are also working on the whole company performance evaluation to make the game more sustainable. They are also going to bring some changes to make the game a more stable in the coming bull cycle and bear cycle as well as long term goal. But this should only be done after a careful study of the effects, since many bot farms can still keep up their plan to make money.

After the latest changes there are several things have been hyiped up. Many players like me are more active than the previous difficult modern battles. Players are now switched back to modern format to avoid the cost of a season pass. This makes Modern Format easier and increases the number of matches available by bringing in more players with a wide range of low-level decks to fight in Wild Format.

Due to all of the incidents and crashing market, the Splinterlands still has around 100 sign up everyday though the number of the purchase of the spellbooks is very negligible which is a drawback for the game towards bringing more new players in the game economy system. Most importantly these are not bot accounts and it is necessary to hold these players with some mechanisms.

So, making some free to play stuffs can attract more new players and can bring new players to the game which has been adopted as an important agenda in the town hall. So, the team members are going to do more marketing which is an ongoing limitation for Splinterlands in my opinion. So, I hope the propmotion activities will be more to attract new players in the game. Without new players with new flow of money, the game can not go smoothly as the spellbooks selling is an important source of the game to run.

Also, another thing that I am excited about the next land expansion and game related issues to make the game more profitable for the players and the company to provide a better services. Some more resources like stones or woods are going to be added very soon. This thing can extend the players activity in the game and the crashing land market can experience a push up towards higher values.

I am mostly waiting for the new eddition of the soulbound cards. This summer is the time to release a new set of Soulbound Reward Cards which will make more options in the game. According to the town hall, there will be about 42 cards will be released all at once which will remain for about a year.

Most importantly, the old set will become unlockable at the same time as the new release and may be they can be traded or transfer I am not sure. It will be an significant milestone for the players with tons of cards in their account as useless. And also for those who are still waiting to max out that his wanted version of the card.

Also, the team is going to take more steps in the process of controlling bots or the battle helpers things that is hurting the common players. Which is also a great thing for me as I don't use any stuffs like that.

I am also hopeful with the decision that the Soulkeep is seperated from the core Splinterlands game. It will help the Splinterlands game to be shined more and the opportunity will be created more intensely. The overall decision are made accordingly with the consistency in the current market conditions. As the market is going to rise up, then the game economy will also rise int he coming days.

My plan is to check and see what changes are happening after the implementation of the new system and analyze how much reward I am going to grab according to my staked SPS or rented SPS cost. I am also going to pile up more SPS to get more reward. But the good thing is that I can play more modern format battles more frequently again, where I can get more rewards. Also, my plots will give me more rewards.

I hope you find some of these thoughts and discussions my thoughts important before your journey to Splinterlands. And if you have any kinds of queries, you can ask me in the comments. I will try to answer at my level best. Thanks a lot for your time and attention, I will catch you at the next one.

Have a great day!

And, If you want to be a proud member of the Splinterlands community and enjoy the magical world of hundreds of monsters and strategies for your battle where you will have the opportunity of amazing battles with some extraordinary monsters with amazing abilities that will uplift your online gaming experience to a new level. You can enter the Splinterverse through this link sign up to join Splinterlands


Thank you so much for your time and attention.
I will catch you at the next.

All the images are prepared by me from the Splinterlands and Splintercards resources.



I really love how the community keeps the game cool despite market ups and downs. The new updates look promising, especially the Soulbound Reward Cards.


The crash in price must have affected the community a lot but it is still good that are lot of people are still turning up and making sure they keep playing


Yeah, My decks are still gold max and I am trying to get some decks to be max out to continue playing and hope the situation will change in future.


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500 HP1000 HP2000 HP5000 HP10000 HP15000 HP20000 HP

