Half the Fun

Rich lists are funny things in crypto, as they don't really mean that much, depending on the token of the list. For instance, I am the 73rd account on Hive in terms of HIVE POWER, and 135th on Splinterlands in terms of SPS. But, that is quite different to be top 100 holder in something like Bitcoin, isn't it?


But, I have been told to celebrate the small milestones.


Does writing a post count as a celebration?

9,665.75 USD

That is the current value of a million SPS - which is probably less than I paid for about half as much. But, you know, this crypto thing is about long term bleeding of value down until it is all worth nothing. Similar with HIVE.

I crypto good.

While I sound bitter and disappointed, that is only part of the story, because I am also disgruntled.

I jest.

For most crypto projects, it is very easy to keep people excited when times are good and there is plenty of value flowing into wallets, but they all struggle when times are not so good and the longer the bad times stretch, the more people will capitulate. I haven't really ever done that, as I seem to be from crypto to the grave.

No retreat, no surrender.

SPS is now riding under a cent, well below where the original SPS investors were bought in at (0.025?) and likely to fall still, as changes are made to the game play that will likely result in more selloffs of all kinds of assets. How low it will go, is anybody's guess, but I guess that is okay, as the lower it goes, the faster it can rise by percentage.

Crypto logic.

As said above, I am trying to be more attentive and proactive in identifying and "celebrating" milestones. Normally I just move on, looking to the next thing on the list to do, and this leads to possibly not getting enough value out of what has been done, which provides less motivation for what is left to do. I already have trouble with motivation, so it is worth accounting for.

Last week, my wife got certified in some recruitment tool, and while it isn't such a big deal, I decided to celebrate it with a brunch as a family. It was nice to do something that we might have done otherwise for no reason, but to actually have a reason for it. I think my wife appreciated it also. And well, Smallsteps just likes to eat - whatever the occasion.

As we get older, we both collect a lot of experience, and also, a lot of injuries to our body, mind and spirit. Combined with added responsibility and obligation, it might be this that steals some of the "fun" out of us. I used to be a lot more fun, so I think that I will start recapturing some of that side of me, play more, care less.

This doesn't mean not to take things seriously.

I believe that the things that we do in our life are very, very serious indeed, because that is the time we have to make an impact. However, that doesn't mean that they need be humorless. But, my "funny" tends not to be to everyone's taste, because I am quite cynical and dark in my humor. Still, as long as I enjoy myself, right?

If I spend all my time trying to maximize the value of my crypto, I will miss out on a lot of why I enjoy crypto in the first place. It is a way to interact in a community, to be part of something that has meaning, to change aspects of our world that are broken beyond repair, and provide new mechanisms to organize ourselves. We shouldn't forget this, otherwise crypto just becomes another tool for fiat, for government, for corporation.

Where's the fun in that?

[ Gen1: Hive ]


I totally hear you on this one. I would probably be considered a whale when it comes to the SPORTS token here on Hive, but the value is so low it's basically pointless. I think my full holdings of that token are worth less than $200. Quite the joke! I think it helps that we have full time jobs. If that weren't the case, the ups and downs of crypto would probably weight a bit more heavy on us.


I think it helps that we have full time jobs. If that weren't the case, the ups and downs of crypto would probably weight a bit more heavy on us.

For sure! A lot of people seem to avoid working at all costs for their mental health, without acknowledging the mental health issues of struggling for basics.


I can't see how life would have much meaning without purpose or direction. I don't think our jobs should determine our identity, but you at least need something to keep your mind sharp and yourself active.


I was a whale in SPL at one point but glad i sold my few million sps earlier before the massive decline to less than a cent now only have a few hundred k of them but might be buying a few more to get maxed out on my two champ bots for GLINT and SPS if its worth it to buy the incremental SPS for the rewards if not ill find the sweet spot and leave my accounts there and move on to building the next high level bot once each is completed as they need to survive the fee and stay in champ once the changes are made so they can suck in the likely increased sps and GLINT available from the shut down bots. I don't think it is worth maxing the SPS allocation as the incremental multiplier is not that big when you get to the top it may be better to get maybe one maxed one to get a really good account and then the rest only fill up to optimize your earnings per sps staked and also make them profitable under the new fee by having them piloted to in brawls and tournaments and rent out the accounts to people who are new have decks but no sb or glad cards and make a rental with a buy option so after x months of renting the person has a option to buy at a pre set price that was agreed upon when the rental agreement started. They can then buy the whole account with a stipulation that there is a 5% royalty paid back to me forever out of the winnings to create many small streams from my decks that will go on forever. There will also be a clause that does not allow the sale of the account to someone else unless the sale is approved and the royalty stays in place with the new owner. How that will be enforced is have a amount escrowed that is returned to the person once they sell the account and the new owner puts up the collateral for the royalty.


Yeah, appreciating oneself cause who cares? 😁😁


Your efforts for Hive are admirable. It is quite difficult to publish new posts every day. Have you been rewarded for your efforts in Hive? I think no. You should have been at a higher level in HP.

In my opinion, the SPS team made a mistake in airdop distribution. They need a good investor. If the Binance listing comes, this time you will start to rejoice like a lucky winner of the national lottery ticket.

The nice thing about crypto is that you are hopeful when the price goes down and when the price goes up.


Have you been rewarded for your efforts in Hive? I think no. You should have been at a higher level in HP.

I think I have been rewarded okay over the years. I could have been rewarded more too - I wouldn't have complained.

Not sure if Binance is the answer - still needs buyers.


miss out on a lot of why I enjoy crypto in the first place. It is a way to interact in a community

Many feel similar feelings whether cynical or simply looking straight in the face of reality check!

Community is what brings me back more often than not, earnings are not quite up to scratch to throw in your day job, nor side swipe real life, making sure not to miss out on the people we love, touch and hug.

@tipu curate


"side swipe" real life - that is an interesting phrase in today's world, where people are trying to swipe their way out of reality.


Lost time, lost direction too many teenagers losing a grip on life. No longer in touch with real people, social media may steal who you actually are, for 'likes'.

Crypto is sewing seeds of rags to riches thoughts, whereas in many ways it is simply taking hard earned cash from the hands of people, placing value to it in zeros and ones, enabling more control over the masses by Kleptocrats....


I sometimes deliberately fool around and forget how serious life is when am overtly worried, or stressed. There should always be room for us to revert to a child like state regardless of circumstances


Do you ever wonder if it is to combat the stress, or is it to avoid the responsibility?


Interesting...may be a bit of both if am being honest. I don't see it as being particularly bad though. Some people carry responsibilities that can be overwhelming and cannot afford to let up for even a moment. I consider it a privilege, while cautious of what a lack of seriousness can create


You are what you are and what you achieve in your life by merit has value, if it has been by other means, you will infer the answer.

Anyone whose activity is generating profit for him, well, as you say, he will stay there until the grave. Whether they want to or not, that is the goal of many here.

“Irony”, “satire”, “sarcasm” and “cynicism” are aspects that define a typology that relates to mockery and ridicule. Psychologically speaking, it is a ‘Dr. House ⇒ egomaniacal’ personality.

I am glad he celebrated his wife's achievements, however insignificant. Being thoughtful and polite does not diminish anyone. Little Smallsteps, at her young age, knows how to make the best of different situations.


are aspects that define a typology that relates to mockery and ridicule.

Yes. Life as we know it, should be ridiculed.


Thanks to you I learned a new word:


I don't think that I heard that one before. Congrats on your SPS milestone. I would like to have 24000 SPS- it would allow me to play in golden league tournaments. Then again it might not matter much because I also need a lot more Power and also I am very bad at the tournaments...


Wouldn't it be nice to be good at tournaments? I suck too :)


considering that I finished last few seasons in champion league I would imagine that I should be much better at tournaments.... I got 555 place in massive open tournament recently. Shame really. who knows when I will get another chance to play with maxed cards...


ive never playeed one I even forgot to do the one at splinterfest got distracted lol and ive played the game since 2019 lol

Posted using Splintertalk


and ive played the game since 2019

I see. good luck to you in the future.


With crypto, you really have to be prepared to lose all your investment, even more so than stocks and shares. I read a post here last week, a guy said he was down to his last savings, $30 or something like that and he invested it all in some crypto which he lost later. Freaking crazy.

I think just don't fall in love with your crypto until it becomes fiat.


I read a post here last week, a guy said he was down to his last savings, $30 or something like that and he invested it all in some crypto which he lost later. Freaking crazy.

People are people - they will favor what they think is going to be easy.

I think just don't fall in love with your crypto until it becomes fiat.

And don't value fiat until it becomes a physical asset.


I have 220 thousand SPS and I will not sell them for 1 cent. In the spring I transferred HIVE to HBD, I will wait for a bear market and buy ETH, HIVE and SPS there.


Are you expecting a bear from here, or a bull?


Since I'm now in HBD and in $, I'm ready for the bear now. But I will wait as long as necessary, maybe several months. During this time my HBDs will only grow.


HBD can go under peg to in a real bear i would rather be in something like USDC or other stables and put them in various protacals like aave or stable coin LPs which earn simialar amounts to HBD but without the risks. HBD can cut that 20% anytime the wittnesses deem necessary and in a bear mkt that is when it would likely happen and if it gets cut i bet the value de pegs and then who knows. All i know is i would rather get 10-20% in swap fees on usdc/xxxx stable than hold HBD as a major holding. Maybe have it as a small part but having it as a large part of the portfolio as well as hive is pretty risky and the returns from hive and HBD dont make up for that risk when there are better risk to reward opps out there.

Posted using Splintertalk


I think a bull mkt in ETH and BTC etc but unless we do somthing likely further decreasese in mkt cap for sps. We need top attact players and also ahave the SPS dao do what it was supposed to do and help develop things that attact new players and bring in profits as well via the JV style set up between them and the company when it comes to development thety share the costs and the revenue as without revenue the DAO is going to bleed and if they company fails the DAO is useless.

Posted using Splintertalk


I sell a portion no matter what everyday and also keep a portion so i can pull out my cost bc there is nothing that makes me think were going to go up very far in the near future. I was lucky and sold a few millon a while back in SPS to downsize to a few hundred K sps and also selling my HIVE as it is better off deployed in other protacols and to just have a little and blog on many diff platforms liek double your articles up on hive and steem get both. I got lucky with HIVE and got 25000 in the fork and sold it close to a buck the bought back lol same with SPS I own shares so I got allocated 25K sps when it went to a buck sold that and bought back later for much less but still I think im under water on it still as i put another 45k in later and that declined quite a bit before I sold lucky I did or i would be really screwed lol. Overall had a lot of gains but the long bear market killed alot of that off. The other games also should have never been made until later on when the comapny was stonger bc it was to much for the player base to handle I remember thinking how can they profit off all these with no extra demand coming in. Thats when I started to de risk my portfolio and it was a big one so took me a while and its still not where i want it to be more comfortable but the mkt is so bad now for cards im not seelling those but just a good portion of SPS from land every week to turn to BNB and BTC. Also if cards spike I sell extras off for dec and hold that in the USDC DEC LP if its under peg to generate more dec at a high rate and sell it when it fluctuates up. Also sell as much grain as possible before prices keep getting worse for it they already are down to 60 from 50 grain per DEC so I sell my excess grain every day and use the dec that i retain to build my land and the LP and sell the rest when it is a good price. I figure ill get all my cost out then once that happens if it does or if I can cash out part of my stock to get my cost back either way then once that happens ill probably stop selling and use most ot re invest and build again but only once i have no principle at risk and have covered any loss in value. if we get binance it will be the way to re adjust the portfolio all at once into strength and sell the necessary assets into a pump which is probably what many will do and are waiting for. The players left now are mostly investors with large portfolios and people playing to earn a living or supplement there income in lower cost countries and we need the player who plays for fun and doesnt really care much about rewards or taking rewards out of the game like a normal video game works we need to have that steady demand of money coming in from players like that to sustain the people making money and pulling it out bc we will always have that in crpyto games otherwise you might as well go play xbox the graphics are much better and games are much better. The reason ppl play web 3 games are to own the assets and make money off them while also having fun playing a game. Many games would not be played if they did not have the money making aspect to them. Even old TCGs people were motivated by money or improving the value of there collection to later sell like pokemon.

Posted using Splintertalk


I agree with your thoughts. You are a good investor and trader.


For most crypto projects, it is very easy to keep people excited when times are good and there is plenty of value flowing into wallets, but they all struggle when times are not so good and the longer the bad times stretch, the more people will capitulate.


Every little win should be celebrated is what I’ve always heard but I’m not used to that. Well, being the 73rd account here on Hive in terms of Hive Power is a whole lot. It’s a huge thing and it calls for celebration


I’m a newbie here and I don’t know much. Do you have any idea on how I can check the list of people with Hive Power or isn’t it possible?


I believe that the things that we do in our life are very, very serious indeed, because that is the time we have to make an impact. However, that doesn't mean that they need be humorless.

I guess living in Funland compensates a bit for all that seriousness.

And yes, I do appreciate that kind of humor :<)


Thank you for sharing this inspiring message with the community.
I try not to check prices during this period.


It's cool to see someone acknowledging the ups and downs of crypto with humor and perspective. Celebrating small wins definitely adds some joy to the journey. Have fun while you make progress big bro.... !PIZZA


Wow, I didn't know you were that high up in Hive and SPS holdings. Aren't you also a top 3 holder of Zing? But I agree, seeing the price of both Hive and SPS go lower and lower everyday is painful. I'm not a fan of the changes in SPL, but I do hope it works.

It is good that you are celebrating the little things though. Congrats to your wife on getting that certification.


It is a huge stock of SPS
Congratulation on your million SPS stake
I am on the way to hit 50k SPS. Thank you for sharing
