Splinterlands Fire Deck (Help Needed, Sorry Im Noob)

Authored by @Technicalside

So after returning to hive some weeks ago I quickly rediscovered the games running on the Hive blockchain. As always Splinterlands is the most popular one and obviously the one that got my attention. I have played it back in the day and upon returning I found that most of the cards I owned back in the day are actually high valued cards now, none the less I started adding some power to my decks but I just cant seem to be getting of with the game.

I either need some help or some practice or a decent study of the cards and what they do and what they don't do.

With that said I am hoping that someone out there in the Splinterlands community might be able to help me.

I pushed about a $100 into the game now and that went mostly into my Fire Element deck. I will invest in the Water, Earth, Life and Death Decks on a weekly basis upgrading one deck at a time. Lets start with Fire Element first.

Anyone that would be willing to help this is what I have.

Thanks in advance

My Fire Element Deck

Apologies I know its snipped small, I am a mechanic not a graphics designer 😝

Also this is only my owned cards, some are up for rent on the market place until I can figure out how to properly play this game and until I have a proper deck to work with.

I also have a Dragon card here and there.

deck 2.jpg

What do I sell? What do I Upgrade?

I am also in need of a summoner, which one would be best to upgrade for the Fire Element?

Ettin Spearman

Level 1

0/2 for next level

etin spearmna.jpg

Charlok Minotaur

Level 1

2/4 for next level

sharlok minituar.jpg

Venari Heatsmith

Level 2

8/9 for next level

I also have the Dragon card

venari heatsmith.jpg

Radiated Scorcher

Level 4

18/30 for next level

radiated schorcher.jpg

Lava Spider

Level 3

3/16 for next level

Lava spider.jpg

Radiated Brute

Level 1

0/4 for next level

Radiated brute.jpg

Scavo Chemist

Level 3

0/16 for next level

I also have the Dragon card

Scavo chemist.jpg

Antoid Platoon

Level 3

2/16 for next level

antoid platoon.jpg

Blood Maker

Level 3

2/16 for next level

I also have the Dragon card


Exploding Rats

Level 5

5/20 for next level

I also have the Dragon card

Exploding rats.jpg

Scavo Firebolt

Level 3

5/11 for next level

Scavo firebolt.jpg

Tenyii Striker

Level 3

2/11 for next level

teny striker.jpg

Djinn Apprentice

Level 4

0/15 for level 5

Djinn apprentic.jpg

Molten Ash Golem

Level 4

6/15 for next level

Molten ash golem.jpg

Lava Launcher

Level 3

3/10 for next level

Lava launcher.jpg

Forgotten One

Level 1

1/3 for next level

Forgotten one.jpg

Tusk The Wide

Level 2

0/6 for next level

Tusk the wide.jpg

Djinn Inferni

Level 1

2/3 for next level

Djinn inferni.jpg

Scorch Fiend

Level 1

0/2 for next level

Scorch fiend.jpg

Grum Flameblade

Level 1

0/2 for next level

Grum flame blade.jpg

Sharing my life experience on the Hive blockchain is a great pleasure for me to do, I have been on the hive blockchain since the days of steemit, I only recently rediscovered this blockchain and I completely forgot what a blast it was sharing my everyday life and its happenings with the blockchain and its community's. I want to give a big thanks to all of the supporters out there making the blockchain great and adding value to it everyday.

Once again your feedback would be highly valued and appreciated.

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