New Focuses and the Recent Rental Update.



Lately, I have been very busy and so I have not had the chance to play the game since the latest focus updates. Heck I've been so disconnected from everything that when I got a Defend focus I thought it was a system glitch or something. Luckily, I was able to quickly get to know everything I had missed on my days off and get back into the game.

Splinterlands is obviously always changing because the team keeps trying new ways to improve the game. I started seriously playing splinterlands less than a week before the focus ranked reward system was implemented. That update really retained me as a player because I got to receive more chests even at a lower league. I have been pleased with every change that has come since then (especially Modern & Wild) but this new focus system is one that I kind of dreaded.

The new update provides many more focuses which will obviously make the game much richer and fun. We literally have 14 more focuses added to the 6 existing ones. Statistically, a player can get a new focus on each day of a season. The update adds some much needed variety to the game but it's not all so great.

One thing I loved about the previous system was that I was guaranteed that my focus splinter would be active for every battle. With this new one, it's no longer that way for a splinter focus. Together with the 2 day rental period, the system just makes renting for the day impossible. Renting is the only way I can match up with others since I don't have many cards as a newbie. It even got better with Modern because I could rent for less. Now I just can't rent for two days if I'm not sure to have my focus splinter active. I know the team is trying to stop bot activities and incentivize card ownership but the update really hurts new players like me.

Thankfully, the new update allows us to earn focus points while playing with any cards no matter the focus. So, I have decided to focus on playing with just two splinters for now (Earth and Life) no matter the focus. I will build my Chaos Legion decks for Earth and Life and just keep renting the untamed cards. It will be better when season rentals are out and I can rent cards that I will use for the entire season at once. This means that I'll probably just rent Chaos cards of other splinters for guild brawls when I need them. Sadly, this also means that I'll most likely have to surrender when I don't get Life or Earth as active splinters due to the fact that starter cards can't compete in silver. Bummer.


Getting Things Done!

I have been actively buying cards to fill my deck for the Earth splinter. It's been slow but I'm getting it done. Like I said in previous posts, when I'm done with Earth, I'll start building my Life deck.

Last week, I was able to get some cards to silver level. Check out this post to see the cards. This week I have been able to get some more cards. Let's check 'em out.

image.pngVENARI SCOUT5(60)5(60)✅

That's it for the cards that I managed to level up recently. Like I said, it's been a very busy time for me so I've been kind of off. Still, I hope to be able to get more cards by next week.

I'm still super happy with these cards. Venari Scout and Grund are two of my favorite Earth cards. I really like Grund in particular because that 4x hit at level 3 is a real damage dealer. Everyone talks about the Llarma + Kron combo but I've had someone beat be with a Llarma + Grund combo even after I tried to outsmart him. I used a couple of high damage sneak attackers to take out Kron at the back but Grund was still able to beat Kralus, and he was just level 2 in that match. The double strike makes Grund really powerful so yeah I'm happy to have him.

For the curious ones, here's The Battle Link

Initially, I planned to to get the Chaos Legion cards first before going for some untamed but after I learned about the upcoming Rebellion edition I have decided to not buy untamed cards. I want to keep playing in modern so saving up to buy some packs or cards sound kind more reasonable to me. I might still buy some underpriced untamed cards but I'm not sure yet. I guess the future would decide.

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That's all for today, Warrior!

  • Unless otherwise stated, all images used in this post are from the Splinterlands game.
  • All dividers were made by me with Canva.
  • Don't be shy :) Join Splinterlands by clicking on THIS LINK.

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Thanks for your time!

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