The Episode Challenge


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The Episode Challenge

The People's Guild: A Splinterlands Podcast

On the heels of our conversations with both @azircon & @blewitt, some recent discussions around ramping up the volume of quality Splinterlands content on Hive with the likes of @tarazkp & others, along with some great recent posts from folks like @bravetofu and @altumns-supot we wanted to pose this idea to the Praetorian community.

We'd love to engage the writers & content creators out there through a new per-episode challenge.

We're thinking that the challenge will be based upon at least any of the following:

  • A Monster or Summoner
  • An Ability
  • A Ruleset
  • An Element
  • A Mana Cap
  • A suggested Ability or Ruleset

We're trying to come up with some fair measures (perhaps # of comments, # of reblogs & shares, something else entirely?) and some cool reward ideas - in the meantime, we'd love to hear from you all. Let us know your suggestions for any/all of the above!

Also, drop a comment & let us know if this challenge would be something you'd enjoy.

Looking forward to seeing some feedback!

Just in case, we'll go ahead and earmark the #tpgchallenge tag now.

See y'all next week as we will sit down with returning guest & fellow U.S. ex-pat in Asia, @clayboyn!


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Check us out on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify & anywhere else you may get your podcasts

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Looking for an active, competitive guild? Look no further. Hop into the official YGGSPL Discord and say hello.
Or head straight to the Brawlers community. See you there!

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Welcome to the People's Guild

We are always looking to hear personal journeys through Splinterlands & Hive. Whether you've got questions, comments, suggestions, epic battles or you just want to say hello, drop us a line at [email protected] or Twitter.

We drop new episodes every Thursday UTC, so don't forget to subscribe to the show wherever you get your podcasts!

Join us in our Splinterlands journey by creating your own battle mage!

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Love it. Another idea to throw in would be things like:

  • Highest max HP achieved
  • Highest damage in one round by one card
  • Longest battle (# of rounds)
  • Biggest multi-trample (measured in damage dealt)

The kind of stuff that would be achievements, if we ever get those :)


Biggest multi-trample! Oh boy now that's one I wanna go into the Hall of Fame for.

Great call, bt - thanks!


It will be a good idea to have alternating topics for each week.
A Monster or Summoner
An Ability
A Ruleset
An Element
A Mana Cap
A suggested Ability or Ruleset

A challenge based on monster and ruleset will be easy to implement since there was already the Share Your Battle Challenge which covers a battle about a specific monsters up to the Chaos Legion Set then it was replaced by Battle Mage Secrets which covers a battle about a specific ruleset except the recent rulesets and now, there was the Rebellion Reward Card Review for the recent Soulbound rewards. As for the specific ability, element and mana cap, there was no such challenge yet though in my older post, I have cover specific topics, mainly the abilities from Chaos Legion Set like on this post where I discuss about the Rebirth ability so it would be nice if the other abilities can also be discussed.

If there was a topic that I could suggest, maybe add a challenge to showcase a battle won against yabapmat or other big accounts though it will be exclusive to diamond/champ players.


Yo Saydie! Great idea - I love the battles against big accounts.

Perhaps we can look at putting a bounty on someone!


Keep Doing What You are Doing, You know the OG's !LUV your Content !
By The Way even the Ladies are Fans Too ............. Ladies of HIVE Token can now Be Staked.
Would Love to See Support for my Great Friend @Silversaver888 She is the Founder of Ladies of Hive and She Even has some Alpha Cards in Her Collection............ She is way too busy to Battle currently but that is OK since She Does so Much for the Hive Community.

