Thriftshopping Regular vs Gold Foils




  • New to the game?
  • Wanting to buy some cards?
  • Startled by the terrified cry your wallet lets out when you check the current market prices of your favorite cards?


If you answered yes to any of those questions, then I might be able to help you. First, I need to get one thing clear. Nothing is free. You're still paying for these cards, but hopefully, you're paying less (that's the thrifty part!).


For this example, we’re starting off sorting by “All Levels” and I’m going to use Tortisan Fighter.

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Looking at both the regular and the gold foil versions in the market, the regular one is only $0.80 while the gold foil version is $10.50. That's a HUGE difference and you would think the regular is a better buy, but here's where it gets interesting.

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Change the filter from "All Levels" to "Level 3" and compare prices against both versions of the same level. The regular version here is $11.25 vs the gold foil at $10.50, making the gold foil the cheaper buy (not to mention the free 10% boost to DEC battle rewards).

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It's important to note that this is only showing you the price for a regular foil level 3 card and not the price if you made you're own by combining lesser cards. With that in mind, there's still one more thing we have to check: Making our own.


If we go back in and look at the cards for sale for the regular version, we need to see if there's a combination of cards we can purchase that would get us to level 3 with a BCX of 14. With a combination of BCX 5 and BCX 1 cards, I was able to come up with a final cost of $10.74 for regular version level 3 card.

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Now this is only a small savings, but they do add up. Take a look at upgrading one more level. It’s just one more gold foil, but it’s 16 more regular foils.

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This scenario won't play out for every card, but for the lower level common cards, it's worth checking out. I also can’t mention the DEC bonus from playing gold foil cards enough. That’s 10% extra per card per win in ranked battles!

Hopefully I’ve helped save you a little cash or at the very least, gave you another option to try and find deals in the marketplace!

Good luck and let me know in the comments what kind of deals you've found!


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