My first Chaos Legion pack


Chaos Legion logo.png

Hello everybody, this is the story of how i felt purchasing and opening my first Chaos Legion pack. I hope i can transmit the excitement that i felt with this post.

The purchase

In the shop of splinterlands i saw that every pack was 4$ but i wasn't sure that it was worth,now that the market is falling down and the cards are cheaper than ever in peakmonsters, but i really wanted to buy one pack, maybe i would have luck and i could have the perfect pack, the one in a million.
Then i went to Hive Engine, and there the packs were 3.06$!
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I know, i can't have the drop if i won't buy the pack directly from the shop, but 1 purchase weren't going to give me an oportunity of the drop.
So i sold half of my precious dec for hive and bought one pack.

The opening

With excitement and full of ilussions i opened my splinterlands and there were... nothing?

confused Man.jpg

Then i saw an tutorial and deposited my engine pack for in game pack :)

chaos legion gift.png

I really like the back of the chaos cards.

back card pack.png

My mind me told me that im not a lucky person and that i would recieve just normal cards, but my heart was telling me that it was the moment.
I opened the first... an normal kulu swimhunter, i opened the second card... an cruel sethropod, the third venari scout.
i was guessing that weren't my moment, then something happened
a beatifull rare Time Mage and the last card was the saviour an epic one, my most used water card Water Brood

opened card pack.png

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed reading this post.

9.633 SPT