RE: My Introduction And Some Buy-It-Now Gold Foil Card Analysis


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Hey again @muhsound! I said shout out with any questions, so no worries. 😊

It's been a minute since the last time I had to figure out profile pic issues, but I get the feeling you're trying to directly upload the image, and it needs to be hosted elsewhere (which I know is confusing when the button just says, "UPLOAD").

My current avie is hosted on my WP blog, but my workaround back in the early days was to upload it to a post draft, copy the link, then put the link in the "Picture" field on PeakD (which also recommends 512x512 for the size). 😂

Also, the FAQ uses Postimage as an example of a place you could host your image.

If that doesn't work, please let me know and I'll do some digging.

Oh, and as for the direct messaging thing - there is something called "Bee Chat" through PeakD, but it hasn't really caught on since most people are still using Discord to talk offchain. If you have a specific person/app you have questions for, let me know and I can drop some Discord invites for you.


Thank you, Thank you!

Perfect, that's what I needed to know. I should be able to figure it out with this information.

As for DMing, I'll just get more involved on Discord. That seems easy enough. I really appreciate all the information you've supplied. Thank you tons!!
