SPLINTERLANDS: Winning against an opponent having x300 TIMES my deck value! [KITTY no MORE]


Byzantine Kitty (cover final).jpg

Ruleset: Equal Opportunity
Mana Cap: 38
League: Gold III

David against Goliath (x300)

My opponent's entire deck value (cards owned): $27.000+

Deck Value 1.jpeg

BYZANTINE KITTY - Current market value: $650
DRAGON JUMPER - Current market value: $114

In comparison:
Value of my whole deck (cards owned): $90+
Rental daily cost: 90+ DEC

Deck Value 2.jpeg

💎 A decoy in diamond 💎

Diamond Dragon being my only real overpowered (rented) card, my thinking going into this "Equal Opportunity" battle was ensuring that it would be my lowest health monster beside the Furious Chicken.

If the opposition went with magic, as I've written about previously, Diamond Dragon wouldn't last long. Otherwise, its huge amount of shields would make it a perfect distraction in this type of battle. It ended up fulfilling perfectly its duty.

Opportunity no more!


Dragon Jumper has always been an annoying card to fight against. However, the "Equal Opportunity" ruleset of this battle bestowed the Opportunity ability upon every monster on the battlefield; making the Jumper's most valuable weapon... just ordinary.

Healing no more!

Even though the 19 health points Gelatinous Cube was healing for 12 at the end, Captain's Ghost's Affliction made sure the win would be ours. It was actually this specific ability that made me purchase the Ghost. And, I don't regret it a bit. It has already swung so many battles in my favor.

Kitty no more!

Untamed Legendary Summoners.jpg

In terms of Summoners, it was like David against Goliath. While one came with the starter deck (Drake of Arnak), the other was one of the most expensive of the game (Byzantine Kitty).

To be honest, I must admit that when I somehow manage to get the upper hand over one of these Legendary Summoners, I do get a little feeling of satisfaction. From time to time with a bit of luck, it does happen!

The battle

Ruleset: Equal Opportunity
Mana Cap: 38
League: Gold III

Against Kitty (battle).jpg

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I hope you've enjoyed the battle.
See you in the next one!


For new players interested in joining this amazing game, you can support me by using the following referral link (at no extra cost to you!):


Thank you.

10.019 SPT


Yea that Kitty ,Cam ,high rent jumper, and a jacked Crusty King. I would cry seeing this.

0.565 SPT

Hi @pinkoboe,
I've just seen that we would need a Level 2 store to enable Gladius cases in our guild, that's disheartening... Do you know how much it would cost to get there?

0.000 SPT