Media In Lockstep


I would not call Ukraine a democratic country due to the corruption.
The only reasoning I see to defend it is the fact that they are very important for global grain supplies
Besides that, they almost speak the same language, half of it is very similar to Russia in culture
If you ignore the strategic importance I don’t get why anyone would fight to defend it
When unless the west non stop supplies Ukraine and Ukraine basically uses up its entire male population
If Ukraine loses (which is the current course due to attrition) in the next 5 years then what was the point
Your poor corrupt country got replaced by a slightly less poor one and because you decided to fight them for 4-6 years you basically destroyed your country in terms of debt and physical destruction
If Ukraine was like a western nation like Poland or etc in terms of economy and power/culture I can see why you would resist until death
But I don’t see a reason why Ukraine should besides strategic importance.

they literally drag young men off the streets
Russia has every moral and human obligation to not do what it did but that’s not the above point
What tf are we protecting?!
3 day operation turned into a 800 day one because Russia made no planning
Russia didn’t fail because they did not have the capacity
They thought they did not need planning on top of military corruption
They assumed Ukraine would immediately collapse from their presence
Not the case anymore
They are learning and grinding Ukraine down so hard that Ukrainians are being dragged from the streets to go fight
I don’t see that happening in Moscow
You should be concerned that it’s been 800 days of direct NATO support worth more then the Russian yearly military budget and yet they are still slowly getting moved
How insane and ignorant can you be to say Ukraine will win?!

We don’t know everything because we honestly shouldn’t since we focus on life but it has to be more oriented to what I said because Ukraine is in the situation it’s in
Hypothetical vs reality
Ukraine is losing men in a more impactful way because they are literally grabbing people in the streets
Ukraine is still having shortages and corruption with budgets given to them
Only so much money you can give to a homeless guy to fix his life when he spends it all on cocaine

Its hard to choose a side, especialy with the massive red flags of how hard the media was going instantly. I dont think putins a good guy and all that but theres extreme suspicion when the media runs in lockstep.

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