Time to Say Goodbye Splinterlands

Bin dann mal weg aus dem Spiel :-)

Die Gründe sollten klar sein, nicht nur wegen game economics, Weiterentwicklung Sicht etc- es war spannend, wir hatten ne tolle Community zu Beginn, aber ich fahre nicht (noch) sehenden Auges komplett gegen Betonwände und möchte mir sinnfreie Diskussionen sparen mit Experten, die es besser wissen. Danke an Alle!! Es war mir eine Ehre auch soviele tolle Leute in den ganzen Wing Guilden kennenlernen zu dürfen. Ich werde Euch jetzt nicht alle taggen, aber DANKE!!!

Game over for me

It was an experience - was great being here since the very start of @splinterlands - i learned a lot and met many great friends. Unfortunately most of them left even earlier. The start with this new approach of a game in #web3 was great. The first Alpha packs and opening was always a party we enjoyed together. Back in 2018/2019 i posted a lot about cards, battles and the excitement that there been plans for tournaments or guild stuff ( long long ago - we enjoyed it and had fun).


Time to move on

Given i lost a lot and do not see anything that makes me confident this ship is turning around the good way I am now selling all my remaining cards - from over 1 million USD my card value is now only around 7k USD (i sold a lot older cards that have been devalued of course earlier).

Thanks and good luck everyone

In particular I wanna thank @yabapmatt for creating this new experience and wish him good luck and wise decisions for the game moving forward. Also thanks to @aggroed for telling the world about the game. He sold this to many new joiners - ok he sometimes oversold within community but the game, company, communtity needs someone like that again in a slightly different way. I suggested marketing stuff long long ago but as I heard the community is in good hands by real experts. Fingers crossed.

Also many thanks to @davemccoy who always tried and still (again) tries to get people with different opinions together even i often did not agree with him on DAO and how certain people drive their own agenda.

No hard feelings

I know that particularly one person will be extremely happy now as he achieved his goal (we will not discuss on Discord anymore - we just will flag each other here on Hive - so not bothering the SPL mods anymore - helping all of you to not say bring no Hive drama to SPL - the guy will be happy and can then focus to tell everyone on Hive that I am a dead weight that is always farming and never added value to the community - good he is not circle-jerking).

Not going into further detail (which I could or maybe should but makes no sense here!) why I think the game and company should trust other people with real experience but given I only will keep some SPS and land (I promised a friend actually) this is not my business anymore. You might face me with Soulbound Cards in Wild or maybe even in Brawl battles if my guild sees value still.


Good luck moving on!

I'm kind of in the same boat where I lost all confidence, especially after seeing the focus is still on printing more and more cards which devalues the older ones. At the same time, I kind of keep hoping as I enjoyed Splinterlands a lot. I actually for the first time try to sell some older cards which still have some value that have become useless to me as I don't have them at max level. However, 2 weeks later there are 20+ bids that have undercut my lowest price without any buyers still.


There is only one person that killed the game, surprisingly many people still think he is someone of knowledge or trust, this is the sad thing.


Give them away for free. Burn them if you like. Just don't let the door hit you on the way out ;)


Uwe I now you have been unhappy for quite a long time now and I understand why. Unfortunately SPL got side-tracked with our big success and make quite a few mistakes. I definitely realize everyone has their limits, so its understandable that you are making this choice.

Of course while I see the flaws, I also believe there is opportunity as well. I hope you pay attention to see if your issues are addressed at some point in the future, and then you will still have a chance to be involved. But even if not, I definitely appreciated the time we spent together and I'm thankful you were my friend.

Take care of yourself Uwe, and as I said in Discord, I wish you the best always in life. This is just a game, but real life is important, so I'm happy you are doing what makes you happy!!!

ps... if your guildmates don't want you in Brawls, then let me know and I will find a spot for you for sure in Team Possible. I'd be honored if you joined us!


I mean that 100%, so don't be hesitant. I'd love to have you in our guild Uwe! 💪


come on, not really weith only SB cards :-)


We have 15 guilds, I'm positive we can find a home for you Uwe! I would even delegate you some cards too if you need 'em!


It's sad that your 10m usd is now only 7k usd. It is a big loss. Anyone unable to handle such a huge loss. Wish you success


Ahhhhh there were some good times with the good old card game indeed, I haven played in ages as well and have no idea what the abilities of the new cards even are.

But from 1 million down...ouch bro. You deserve a !BEER for taking that one in


Well, that is life - it could have worked but not outlining why it fails :-)
