Knowledge is a Better Weapon than Sword; Don't Fret with "Broken Arrows" - Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets Challenge Entry



While thinking of a story to capture the essence of this battle report, I remembered an event that happened days ago. I eavesdropped two students preparing for exams saying a humourous prayer. It could have been a joke but those words stayed in my heart and I mused about life. In their words, one prayed that their invigilators may sleep throughout the hours stipulated for the examinations, and the other prayed that the invigilator would have to visit the convenience quite more often. At the end of the prayer, they quoted the Bible that every weapon formed or fashioned against them will not prosper.

I laughed so hard because though all their prayers were answered, they would not be guaranteed a pass in the course if they had not read or understood what the lecturer taught. Many times in life, we think that the accuracy and efficacy of our physical weapons are what we need to win life battles. But then, Jay Kristoff says "Your mind will serve you better than any trinket under the suns...It is a weapon..." Patricia Briggs is also credited with saying that "Knowledge is a better weapon than a sword.” It therefore follows that winning life battles does not all depend on our weapons. Though our weapons may be broken, we can still win if we have the right mindset and preparation.

Another powerful quote that further strengthens everyone whose weapons have gone bad is the words of Courtney Summers who says “Every little thing about you can be a weapon if you're clever enough.” Hence, there's no point crying or fretting when your arrows are broken, you just need the right attitude and knowledge to overcome your enemies. The above are my best words to describe the Broken Arrows Splinterlands battle ruleset.


Broken Arrows provides that units with ranged attacks cannot be used. Also, Units with 2 types of attack (which include ranged) cannot be used. Players are admonished to consider utilizing units with Thorns or Magic Reflect, as their opponent will have to use either melee or magic units.

Ranged Attack are Splinterlands attack feature that cannot miss its target. It is designed to be an efficient attack tool that can even attack the enemy from a distance. When the battle rule makes the ranged attack useless, then, a player has got to be very strategic to win the battle.

Battle link

I drew this battle with the Broken Arrows Ruleset. With just 12 manna cap for the battle, I know it will be a difficult battle since I'll be constrained to picking just one or two monster units. I settled for two - Ice Pixie (2) and Deeplurker (6).

Ice Pixie is a magic attack monster with flying ability, 1 health, and 3 speed ratings. The card can evade melee attack from non-flying monsters. I saw Ice Pixie fitting for the battle since ranged attack monsters were not allowed. Deeplurker is a melee attack monster with opportunity ability with 6 health and 2 speed ratings. The card has the ability which makes it attack the enemy from any position in the battle line. It was a well thought strategy, with the Kelya Frendul summoner.

The enemy team fielded two monster units too but with only one having the ability to attack. Below are screenshots for the start and end of the battle. Thanks to the summoner that added +1 amor to the friendly monster units.

Battle link

Battle link

It was a fierce battle that lasted four rounds. My team finished flawlessly. Both Ice Pixie (2) and Deeplurker (6) were still strong at the end of the battle.

Combining the magic and melee attack monsters was my cheat code for the battle. Positioning Ice Pixie to lead the battle was good since Deeplurker could attack from the rear.

We won! Not with arrows and spears, but with good strategy (knowledge of card ability and good positioning).

What has been your experience battling with the Broken Arrows ruleset?

You want to learn more about Splinterlands, SplinterGlossary is a hot reference center for you.


Splinterlands game is termed the "next generation of collectible card games" in which allows players to collect, trade, and battle with provably scarce digital collectibles with real-world value. Battles on Splinterlands Unlike most trading card games, are fast and furious and are usually completed within a few minutes. The Splinterlands gameplay is simple and easy to learn viz: reviewing combat rules, making and submitting the team, and watching the battle unfold.


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