When You Have a Second Chance... Exploring "Born Again" Splinterlands Ruleset


The term "Born Again" is contextual to the Christian faith and generally refers to a spiritual transformation or renewal. It signifies a profound change in a person's heart and soul, where they undergo a personal, inward conversion. Those who claim to be born again are expected to show evidence by repentance from past ways and exemplify a renewed commitment to living according to God's will.

Key aspects of being born again are spiritual rebirth, faith in Jesus Christ, and repentance in appreciation of being forgiven. Thus, a born-again Christian is expected to live a new life different from the life before he met Christ. Many utilize this new life to right their wrongs and create a new impression about themselves that sometimes stands out in impact and intensity, thereby, diminishing the negative effects of their first lives.


In the Splinterlands play-to-earn game, the Born Again ruleset brings a unique twist to battles. When this ruleset is active, every monster that dies is resurrected once with 1 health point. This gives all monsters an extra life, allowing them to return to the battlefield after being knocked out, but only with a fraction of their original health. It's more of a "you have one more chance of righting your wrongs". The Born Again ruleset in Splinterlands can metaphorically reflect real-life situations, such as how we handle challenges and setbacks.

An understanding of what Born Again means will guide a player to plan his/her team around survival and longevity when playing the Born Again battle ruleset in the Splinterlands game.

My Battle Experience

I drew this born again ruleset, in one of my Splinterlands battle. It was a 35-manna cap battle and I had the opportunity to draw Six monster cards - Serpent of Eld (7), Nerissa Tridawn (9), Merdaali Guardian (3), Ice Pixie (2), Scavo Hireling (3), Deeplurker (6). Two of the monster units were magic attack, two were melee attack monsters, and two were no attack units. See screenshots for the different battle rounds below.

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It was a fierce battle that lasted for 7 rounds. My team was stronger, thanks to the summoner (Kelya Frendul) that added +1 Armor to the resurrected monster units. In this battle, my team needed an edge to win the battle since the enemy team had more melee monster units.

Battle link

My team won the battle with Four (4) monster units alive. I'd gladly utilize the team I used should I draw the same ruleset. In all, it was an interesting battle.

Best Practices for Winning battles with Born Again ruleset

With my experience battling with the Born Again ruleset and with keen observations, here are suggested best practices to have an edge when battling with the ruleset.

  1. Use monsters with healing abilities. Since resurrected monsters return with only 1 health, choosing monsters that can self-heal or be healed by teammates can make them more effective after being revived. This is why I use Merdaali Guardian in my team.

  2. Use Tanky Monsters. Tanky monsters are strong, high-health monsters that can take multiple hits. Their longer presence in the battle is an advantage as they will benefit from being revived.

  3. Shield and Armor are Hit abilities. Monsters with armor or shield abilities can withstand more hits after being revived, even with their low health. This is why I used Kelya Frendul summoner which adds 1 Armor to all my monsters.

Have you played Splinterlands battle with the Born Again battle ruleset?

You want to learn more about Splinterlands, SplinterGlossary is a hot reference center for you.


Splinterlands game is termed the "next generation of collectible card games" in which allows players to collect, trade, and battle with provably scarce digital collectibles with real-world value. Battles on Splinterlands Unlike most trading card games, are fast and furious and are usually completed within a few minutes. The Splinterlands gameplay is simple and easy to learn viz: reviewing combat rules, making and submitting the team, and watching the battle unfold.


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