Almost Done Maxing CL Reward Summoner | The New Beginning


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Another season ended today as we expected and it is really one interesting season for me because i was able to get more sps than what i do get on a normal season, even the battle was more interesting since I'm gradually getting use to which strategy best suit me and also for a long while, I was able to move up my rating to gold league which is a great achievement and I hope I will be able to reach diamond soon enough. Yesterday was somehow a disaster, I don't really know how I forget to play my brawl, last I checked there was still enough time to play and after a while boom I slept of and before I know, ding dong ding dong and I missed out to get more sps.

Now currently at the end of fulfilling my mission on getting this max chaos legion reward summoner and I already maxed 2 today, Octavia Shadowmeld from the death element and Helios Matriarch from the dragon element which will really come in handy and will soon max water, earth and life element which are already in level 7, currently thinking if I should still get the remaining core summoners after getting Tarsa and Brood or maybe I will just keep renting them for now if the reward summoner aren't working well enough, splinterlands and taking more investment but we have to pay the sacrifice to win more.

Now there is soulkeep lurking around the corner but seriously even though I have played some of the tournament, I'm still finding it really hard to understand the game, it just keep getting hard day by day especially when it come to getting more point which is important to move up the league leaderboard and enjoy those juicy sps rewards. At times I just wish there are ways to check out other members battle just like we can do on splinterlands but since the game is still in testing stage somehow, watching what the top players play will be like an hack to the game since we all want the top spot.

Currently those cards aren't cheap at all, the more players figure out the cards are way useful in battle, the more they take them off the market thereby reducing the demand and increasing the price, for now it is even better to get the pack off the market and open them to get more cards which if lucky enough, you might get the value more than the pack price. I just need to find ways to know how this top players manage to get more spawns and point.
