How Do You Play Noxious Fume Ruleset


One question newbies always wish to ask is to know how possible it is to play a certain Ruleset and win their battle since that is the main aim of most players, utilizing that energy by winning each battle to earn glint and sps as reward. I ask that particular question back in the days when I first join and I do see my hive friends ask that particular question also. Ruleset are like rules given in battle as a requirement and they might come as 1 or in 3s, that depend on the battle given, somehow I classify this ruleset into 2 group, the one that really have effect in the battle (the dominant ruleset) and the one with no effect (the dependent ruleset). The reason is because we have to focus on the dominant ruleset to pick most of our strategy (in most cases) while hoping this strategy will also favor the dependent rules. There are some rules if you try to neglect with the hope that they aren't important will somehow put you at a disadvantages over your opponent or even work against you.

Let analyze this particular ruleset in this battle, We were given 3 ruleset combo which was Maneuvers which give all cards the reach ability (to me this is a depending rule because there is no good impart if not followed), we also have Heavy hitters which give all cards the knockout ability which is also dependent and might not be followed, lastly was the Noxious Fume which is a dominant rule because it apply poison to all unit and remove -2 health each round, if not followed, it will have great impart on your unit and put you at a disadvantage against your opponent. In this Noxious fumes case, my best tactic is to use an immune ability card or a cleansing card to clean any debuff on the frontline, If it is an immune card, I also find ways to boost this particular cards to make it more stronger in battle

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battle link

Checking out this battle, we have 57 mana which was enough and also we can pick between dragon and earth element so I combine both together while using a conscript based summoner so I will be able to use my favorite immune gladiator card. I purposely picked Terraceous Hulk as my frontline even though the speed is just one, I was aiming to use cards with enough health, also the abilities attached are amazing. Because of the Maneuvers, I placed Djinn Chwala next to it so it can attack from the position with the hope that it will do more damage on a long run, since I need to use an immune card, I placed two martyr cards on the 3rd and 5th position (Venari Marksrat and Fungus Flinger) then placed Quora Towershead in between to make it stronger when the martyr got activated and lastly was Chaos Dragon with the blast ability

My opponent also got the logic by using 2 immune cards and one cleanser and at some point, I thought he really have that upper hand but I thought wrong since I have chaos dragon with scatter shot to deal damage randomly, he try to hide is cards by using a camouflage summoner, the moment my martyr got destroyed, the whole game changed for me and that make it more interesting and got him eliminated easily. How Do You Play Noxious Fume Ruleset?


Thanks for sharing! - @lenonmc21

It's a good post, I liked how you explained it, but I'm sure you can make it more interactive and interesting.
