Incoming Eternal Tofu | Quora Wonders In Fog Of War


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Wow the splinterlands will always keep bringing up surprises in form of amazing cards with different abilities combo that you can't even imagine, I was going to their post and also discord channel when I saw they already made the announcement for the 7th conflict cards which they will be releasing soon, I must say those that are taking part in conflict are really enjoying this airdrop because most of the cards released so far are really amazing both in stats and in battle. This time around they will be release a legendary dual based summoner named Eternal Tofu which is from both life and earth element, another new kitty in the building, firstly the card came in with +2 health and snare which always remove flying ability from a card with flying and will never miss, this will be more useful during an earthquake battle that support flying ability cards, you can easily use this to counter your opponent.

This card also came with the tactical setup which is really amazing, firstly we have the divine shield (which wave the first attack ) and corrosive ward (which does 2 armour damage to the attack and also reduce attack armour by 2) combo and the interesting part is that you get to place it on 3 of your monster cards which means extra power in battle, you either take that or you pick Triage which serve as healer for all cards except the one in the front position and scavenger which get 1 max health whenever a card die, the bad part is that you only apply it to just one card which make it 3 against 1 and I know most players will always pick the corrosive ward and divine shield over this tactic ability. This card upon release will have a great value and since it is a legendary summoner, the price might be higher than expected , waiting till the release day.

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battle link

How I manage to win this battle still amazed me, we have this particular ruleset Fog of war which remove abilities like sneak, snipe and opportunity from that particular battle and it was linked with up close & personal which is all melee battle, this is really a bad combo because melee can only attack as a frontline and this ruleset is obeying the rule, it came with 42 mana which is cool and we can pick from any element except fire and water. After giving it a deep thought,I had to choose dragon paired with earth after picking my maxed conscript summoner to allow me use a gladiator and I have Quora towershead in mind with the hope that if my cards won't attack, the magic will attack instead.

I picked Pelacor mercenary as my frontline since it can heal and wave attack with the flying ability then supported it with Twilight basilisk with the reach and stun ability, picked Venari knifer next to it with the thorn and backfire ability and the can is really good, I needed a demoralize ability so I picked Legionnaire Alvar with void armour, giant killer and death blow then I picked Quora towershead as my backline with the extra magic attack, submitted the battle with the hope that my opponent will be nice to me, he came in with 2 demoralize, a shield among other good abilities and I almost give up. At first he reduce all my melee attack to 1 except Quora which came with immune and the bloodlust helped because I destroy his card first and it increase Quora stats. This started getting interesting after I keep stunning his cards especially his windeku which prevent him from attack and that game me upper hand when Quora destroy it again then I knew at that point that it is over and I won the battle. What do you see to this, is it a lucky win?

