Newbie Guide | A Back To Basics Easy Peasy Strategy



art by @chopiliart

One of the many questions a newbie always love to ask or know is how to play some certain rulesets, knowing what cards to use and how to position this certain cards, it was something that really bothered me back in the days and I do see the ruleset as one of the major challenges that determine how you get to play your games. One of the common ruleset is the Back to basics ruleset which set all monster cards ability to zero except the summoners, this kind of ruleset do baffles lot of newbies especially players that do depend on cards abilities but when those abilities aren't available, what should they do.

Even though we have 3 main cards strength which is the melee, magic and range, one always fit in during this kind of scenario and that is the magic monster cards, as a magic fans, this is one option that can give you enough advantages in this kind of battle but there are things to actually consider, one is the mana capped which determine how long your position will be, when picking the cards if you are opting for magic cards make sure you pick the one with the strongest strength because that really matters a lot and your summoner should also be a +1 magic if possible. Based on the element given to battle with, I always make sure I pick the element with enough magic cards with good stats. I had this battle with captain quack, we had 29 mana capped with was averagely enough and enough element to pick from then we had 3 rulesets which complement each other, we had Aim true which always make all attacks to hit their target, we had back to basics which take away all abilities (main focus) and Aimless which give all cards the scattershot ability that means cards can attack randomly except melee cards

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battle link

Seeing all that is available, I had to pick earth element with the extra magic summoner to increase my magic cards, I picked a melee cards Pelacor mercenary just to take the front position and withstand any damage till it get destroyed, the 11 health really matters a lot, then I went all in with magic cards, I picked Magi of chaos with 2 strength, Regal peryton with enough stat and 2 strength, Venari spellsmith which is of average but 2 strength and lastly is Djinn biljka just for the 2 strength, they call because stronger after adding extra magic making all 3. After submitting my selection and saw what my opponent brought on board, I knew immediately he know the strategy behind the back to basics ruleset since he came all in with magic cards but they aren't strong enough since they are some levels lesser than mine, destroying them was very easy especially after destroying his mycelic slipspawn which is the strongest card in his selection and I won the battle with 4 of my cards still standing strong.



What artwork is that?


it is Cornealus, a range card (had it on my pc long time ago), I just tag the artist after google search the image. Made by @chopiliart
