Using The Piercing Strategy To Earn A Victory | A Fair Battle



It is time for the weekly battle mage challenge and the ruleset for the week is the Odd ones out which is the rule that favour the odd mana monster cards in battle because that is the only card we will be allow to use, to me this is just a normal ruleset and it isn't that dominate or require any strategy on its own, the only thing we do consider in this kind of battle is the other ruleset combine with it, the only thing is that the odd ones rule doesn't affect the summoner which means you can use any summoner of your choice.

i had this particular battle with Squall90 and we had 2 extra ruleset combo which was Equal opportunity which give all cards the opportunity ability and Lost magic which prevent us from using any magic related cards, this means we get to use only melee and range based monster cards and to top it all, every element was available for us to pick from, I had to think of the best option to use and after a while I decided to use Fire element and pick Conqurer Jacek for a reason, if we are using melee and range, there is no way I can attack cards health directly without first taking off their armour and the only option is to use a piercing based summoner so I pick Jacek which can also give 2 extra speed for all my cards

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Based on the mana capped, I decided to pick my good cards with enough health, I picked Grum Flameblade as my frontline even though it only has 1 speed, but there is void and bloodlust to make it stronger, then I picked Forgotten one next to it with with immune, retaliate among other abilities, I also picked Radiated Brute which also have enough strength then Tenyii Striker with sneak which will cancel the opportunity ability, then Sandworm with 6 strength and sneak ability to also attack from the back and lastly was Uraeus also with sneak and poison. I purposely neglect range cards just to see what this cards can do. I will say my opponent came prepared but with cards weaker than mine and also vulnerable because they weren't really protected with armour so it was easy to attack and destroy them, even though he decided to reduce my melee strength, the piercing and extra speed gave me upper hands in attacking him first and that gave me extra advantage over him, just in round 1, I was able to destroy 2 of his cards and he did the same in round two but I destroy more and in round 5, I won the battle fairly which justify that picking this setup is really a good decision.

