RE: [VALHEIM]: Brief Chat With HubHeim Owner, Mr Bungles.


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I cannot abide cities. I was raised in wilderness, and that's where I belong. In rural communities the personal relationships are more valuable, and money is less forthcoming, so that's a trade off, but I find it all to the good.

When things are roughest is when comfort is most desirable. I dunno what you have in mind, but that's a principle that always holds true. It is the rarest things that are most valuable, the things hardest to do that are most desirable to them than cannot get them done. If they can't be done, then do what can be done. Whatever is most lacking is what is most needed.

Edit: I have not had the surgery, all sorts of impediments have arisen. An additional medical need has arisen I will not be able to meet, because of financial costs in excess of $200k. Now I'm being extorted by a multinational bank, on top of everything else. All has gone awry, so I went and did some work for an elderly man who had no running water, and now he has running water. I prefer goodwill to good money all the way.

Thanks for asking after my son. He requested the name of a book I read him when he was a child. I remembered him laughing so hard he had tears running down his cheeks at the series of books by Keith Laumer about Retief the Galactic Diplomat. Good times.
