WOO and my plans for nft's


WOO is releasing some new features pretty soon, we can probably start level our cards soon and we can currently upgrade our land NFT's.

Also we the marketplace of WOO will soon come to the new site (UI) so we can easily manager our NFT wrestler cards also. So after that it should be time for us to be able to start playing the game.

My plan is currently to hold my Wrestler NFT's until the game launches and then sell some of them, my mind changes about this daily since ill need to try and adapt to changes on the market and maybe incoming spikes in prices because of the release. So currently I put some of the NFT's on the market to sell if this spike happens!


So what the best strategy is i wouldnt know iam pretty new myself to this web3 gaming, but I did learn to try and get investments back before its to late and also try and just get something out instead of waiting for that big bang.

Like why not get your investment back and when it spikes just sell some more? then you have more chance of losing less money right?

That huge spike might happen or not so for myself I try and get something out before losing everything possibly.
