WOO and my progress with NFT's


Yesterday I was very lucky, there was a messages posted in discord with someone selling 351 NFT's for 60$. After doing some calculations I thought I have to instantly go for it without try and getting the price down since this is a steal with the current value being 132$

So ive decided to go for it and now ive a total of 500+ cards for WOO, which is a great start and might even get me closed to being able to upgrade some of my cards since I received mostly uncommon and rare cards with some legendary lore cards and staff cards.

So now I might sell some for profit to get some of the investment back OR I might put them for rent when the game released or maybe I just try and upgrade some NFT's.

If renting will be available then I might go for a passive income and just put them on the market for other people to use.

But will see about that since it will also depend on what features are available at the release of the game.

This also again shows it is important to be in the WOO discord, since else I would not know about this opportunity.
