WOO finally bought my Pizza Baron manager


Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 22.14.16.png

I finally got myself enough liquid assets to swap for the pizza baron manager!

The reason I put a bit more rush into this is the following, there are JUST 26 cards for sale now and when I bought it there were 27 for sale. The lowest price now is 14 HBD for 3 of these but it raises pretty quickly after the 3 cards for sale for 14 HBD.

This game is probably releasing to the public about next week, so maybe then more players will come and buy up the cheap Pizza Baron cards.

Also If I compare games to splinterlands, I LOVE HEALING abilities on summoners there so why not get this only healing manager card in the game while I can.

Also if the game flops, too bad bye money BUT if the game does go well and this manager is the only healing manager in the game. Its price could go insane. So in that case I might put him for rent to other players to get some passive income or put him on sale when hes worth much more than he is now.

But I did not want to regret to not buy this manager before the game released and the price MIGHT rise out of my reach.

