WOO my future plans


just wanted to share quickly that WOO is about to launch VERY SOON, THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE!

But for myself I decided to get as much assets as I could before the game launches, probably when the game launches I will try to sell some stuff to get my investment back for atleast a part of it.

So this is for me the game I invested the most in so my plan is to get something back at the start of the launch of the game and then play the game for the long run and then get some assets out of it while enjoying it which will probably be about 10% of the returns and 90% I keep investing into NFT gaming (WOO).

Ive seen some recent projects sky rocketing assets at the start of the game but after a while everything went down by ALOT! so I think I will try and sell something at the start of the game and further keep my assets and hope for the best to be able to get something out of playing this game with the combination of enjoying the game.

Keep in mind that it is a game so you should play it for fun, the part of gaining money or assets is just a nice extra (atleast to me). Ofcourse every body wants free money, but you should expect to loose everything you invest.

But as I said ive seen prices sky rocket early and fall down later in alot of games, so I think I might sell for example one of my 8 star lands to get some of my money back and futher just see what the game is and enjoy is. Or maybe ill sell soke NFT wrestlers,

This is my current
