Adebola's new beginning

Ade, my daughter, when will you settle down? Your younger sister is already married with three kids!" Her mother's words echoed in her ear, a constant reminder of the expectations weighing heavily on her shoulder.

At 32, Adebola was considered an old maid by Nigerian standards. She had been focused on her career, climbing the corporate ladder at a prestigious bank, but at what cost? Her love life was non-existent, and the pressure to marry was mounting on her each passing day.

As she walked through the crowded side walk, dodging Okada riders and street hawkers, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing in her life. She had achieved everything she set out to do professionally but the emptiness in her heart was too hard to ignore.

Lost in her thoughts, she barely noticed when she bumped into someone, loosing her balance.

"Oh, sorry o!" a deep voice said, steadying her with a strong hand.

Adebola looked up, ready to brush off the apology and continued on her way, when her eyes met the warmest blue ones she'd ever seen. The man before her was tall, with a kind face and and a smile that seemed to light up the chaotic street around them.

"It's okay," she managed to stammer, suddenly aware of how disordered she was looking after a rough day at the office.

"I'm Femi", he said, extending his hands for a hand shake. "Are you alright? You seemed pretty lost in your thoughts.

Something about his genuine concern made Adebola pause. In that moment, surrounded by the noise and heat of Lagos, time seemed to stand still.

"I'm Adebola," she replied shaking his hands. "And honestly? I'm not sure if I'm alright."

Femi's brow wrinkled with concern. "Well, I'm going to take suya. Would you care to join me?. Sometimes talking to a stranger can help straighten things out".

Adebola hesitated. She has never done something like this before, talking to strangers, deviating from her carefully planned routine. But something in Femi's eyes made her want to take a chance.

"You know what? I would love that". She said surprising herself.

As they walked to the suya spot, Adebola found herself opening up to Femi. The pressure she felt from her family, the fears of never finding love, and the intense feeling that she had missed out on life while chasing her career.

Femi listened to her and nodded in understanding. When they sat down with their spicy suya, he finally spoke.

"Adebola, do you know why I was on that street today?" he asked.

She shook her head, curious.

"I just quit my job", he said with a small laugh. I have been working as a lawyer for six years now, and today I realized I have never been truly happy doing it, so I quit.

Femi shrugged, a gleam in his eye. "I don't know yet. But I do know that life's too short to live it according to other people's expectations. We have to find our own path."

As his words sank in, Adebola felt something shift inside her. She felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. "I've been so focused on ticking boxes," she said slowly, "that I forgot to ask myself what I really want."

Femi nodded, reaching out to squeeze her hand gently. "It's never too late to start living for yourself, Adebola."

In that moment, surrounded by the familiar sights and smells of Lagos, and chatter of other customers around them, Adebola had her ah-ha moment. She realized that happiness wasn't about meeting others' expectations or following a predetermined path. It was about having the courage to forge her own way.

"Thank you, Femi," she said softly, her voice full of emotion. "I think I needed this conversation more than I realized."

Femi smiled🙂, raising his bottle of soft drink in a toast 🍻 . "Here's to new beginnings and living life on our own terms."

As they clinked their bottles together, Adebola felt a surge of hope. The Lagos traffic continued to roar around them, the sun still blazed overhead, but everything looked different now. She had taken the first step towards reclaiming her life, and she couldn't wait to see where this new path would lead.

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A simple and well done story, which offers us, through the situation presented with both characters, the vision of the rediscovery of the meaning of life itself. Best regards, @vickiee.

Tu post ha sido votado por @celf.magazine, proyecto curatorial y revista digital sobre arte y cultura en Hive. Únete a nuestra comunidad y comparte tu talento con nosotros.
Your post has been voted by @celf.magazine, curatorial project and digital magazine about art and culture in Hive. Join our community and share your talent with us.


A conversation that changed her feeling, this happens a lot. On our crucial moment we need someone to talk, to share, to get something in return that would ease our sufferings and that's what Adebola got from Femi.

Beautiful one,
Enjoyed reading your story.


Exactly. Had it been she didn't meet Femi and poured her heart out, her feelings wouldn't have changed.

Thanks a lot. I'm glad you enjoyed it.


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I loved your story. It is an excellent reflection. The meaning of life goes beyond success, you have to look for happiness.
Greetings @vickiee
