Discovering my true style


My journey to understanding my style has been deeply personal and revealing. Growing up, I always admired people who had a unique sense of style. I thought it was just about wearing the latest fashion, but I soon realized it’s much more than that. Style is not just about wearing clothes, it's about understanding who you are.

Images are mine
When I was younger, I sometimes felt pressured to fit in. Whenever we have a gathering in the school and we had to wear mofti, I discuss with my friends on what to wear and we conclude that we should wear this(example bum shorts on crop top). I know fully well that I don't have and that my parents won't permit me to wear such. What do I do in this case? I wear what my parents will permit and put the bum shorts inside my bag and change once I get to school before someone sees me.

But as I grew older, I started to pay attention to what I truly felt comfortable in. I began to understand that style is an expression of who you are. It’s about confidence and authenticity. For me, style is how I carry myself everyday, smile at strangers and the kindness I show to them.I remember the first time I wore a dress I truly loved, even though it wasn’t what everyone else was wearing. It was a very simple, ankara print dress that made me feel vibrant and alive.

One thing I’ve learned is that style isn’t about impressing others. It’s about being comfortable in your own skin. In my personal experience, style has no gender, religion, or race. It’s about finding what makes you feel alive and confident. It’s about embracing your individuality and expressing it in every aspect of your life. Whether it’s through the clothes you wear, the way you interact with others, or the choices you make, your style is your personal statement to the world.
