
Hi everyone, Welcome to my BATTLE MAGE SECRETS post. BATTLE MAGE SECRETS itself is a replacement for SHARE YOUR BATTLE CHALLENGE, where if SHARE YOUR BATTLE CHALLENGE takes 1 monster as its weekly theme while BATTLE MAGE SECRETS takes 1 Ruleset as its theme. And the theme for this week is...



"Melee units can attack from any position."

MELEE MAYHEM is one of the rulesets that gives an advantage to one of the attack types. Melee Attack monsters are the attack type that gets an advantage in the MELEE MAYHEM Ruleset.

Usually, Melee monsters can only attack in the first position and can attack in any position even though it requires certain abilities. In the MELEE MAYHEM ruleset, Melee monsters can attack in any position without requiring certain skills. However, the disadvantage of the MELEE MAYHEM Ruleset is that Melee monsters can only attack the opponent's monsters in the first position, unlike Melee monsters that have the OPPORTUNITY ability that can attack targets that have the lowest Health points or the SNEAK ability that can target monsters in the last position.




In addition to MELEE MAYHEM, the Rulesets in this battle are...


UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL is one of the rulesets that only allows us to use one type of attack. The only attack type that can be used in the UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL Ruleset is the Melee attack type. However, dual attack type monsters that have Melee attack as one of their attack types can still be used even if they have another attack type.


UP TO ELEVEN is one of the rulesets that will give additional abilities to all monsters in the battle arena. The additional ability received in the UP TO ELEVEN ruleset is AMPLIFY . AMPLIFY is an ability that can only be used to amplify the damage power of certain abilities. The abilities whose damage power can be amplified with AMPLIFY are THORNS , RETURN FIRE , and MAGIC REFLECT .


My Line-Up

- Give an additional 1 Attack power to All Allies Ranged monstersAlthough in the MELEE MAYHEM Ruleset ranged monsters are forbidden to be used, I will still use General Sloan because in Life Element several Melee monsters have their attack power and uniqueness.
PROTECT + HALVING + FORCEFIELD + ENRAGEI use Arkemis the Bear and put it on the first position so that it can withstand the melee attacks of the opponent's monsters especially if the opponent brings Melee monsters with high Attack Power. With the FORCEFIELD ability, the damage he will receive will be reduced to only 1 point.

In addition, Arkemis the Bear has the PROTECT ability which is useful for providing additional ARMOR for all my monsters so that the opponent's attacks do not directly reduce their Health points.
SHIELD + GIANT KILLER + INSPIREI put Chaos Knight in the second position because he has an important role by providing additional Attack power to all my monsters through his INSPIRE ability.

In addition, if Arkemis the Bear is defeated by the opponent, Chaos Knight can replace his position because Chaos Knight has the SHIELD ability which can reduce damage when receiving attacks from Melee or Ranged monsters.
BLOODLUST + TRUE STRIKE +PIERCINGI decided to use Jared Scar because he has high Attack power and PIERCING ability that can destroy the opponent's ARMOR as well as their Health points if the opponent only has less ARMOR than his Attack power.

Jared Scar is also equipped with BLOODLUST ability that makes all his STATS increase by one point if he manages to defeat the opponent's monster with his attack. He also has the TRUE STRIKE ability that makes his attacks never miss even if the opponent has an ability that is devoted to dodging.
DOUBLE STRIKE + SHATTERAlthough not at its maximum level, Drybone Raider still has enough abilities to be able to damage the opponent's defense. One of them is the SHATTER ability which can immediately remove all ARMOR from the target if the attack is successful.

Drybone Raider which is a dual attack type monster also has Ranged Attack as one of its attack types so I put it in the back so that it can use its Ranged Attack and make it able to attack 4 times in each round.
SCAVENGER + DODGE + ENRAGEVulguine is the monster with the lowest STATS in my formation this time. But even so, he is equipped with several abilities such as SCAVENGER to increase his Max Health when a monster is defeated in the battle arena, DODGE which can increase the chance to dodge the opponent's attack, and ENRAGE which will increase Attack Power and SPEED when his Health points are below 100%.
ENRAGE + RETALIATEI put Drybone Barbarian in the last position to fight the opponent's monsters that have SNEAK ability. If he is hit by an attack from that monster, (with the RETALIATE ability) there is a 50% chance to counterattack that monster with his Attack power.




The opponent uses monsters from the Water element and Possibilus the Wise as the summoner. The opponent's possible purpose for using them is because he wants to add Health points to all his monsters.


In the first round, Diemonshark and Flying Squid attacked Arkemis the Bear putting him in RAGE mode. Meanwhile, Deeplurker targeted his attack at Vulguine and managed to give her a poison effect. The Coastal Sentry who could attack twice could only land one attack on Arkemis the Bear. Meanwhile, his second attack and the attack from Dumacke Orc missed.

Legionnaire Alvar briefly attacked Arkemis the Bear before being defeated by all my monsters. Arkemis the Bear attacked him first followed by Vulguine, Chaos Knight, and Drybone Barbarian. Drybone Raider who could have attacked 4 times could only land his first 2 attacks on Legionnaire Alvar. The final attack came from Jared Scar who managed to defeat him. Because he defeated Legionnaire Alvar, Jared Scar received an additional 1 point in all his STATS.


In the second round, Arkemis the Bear and Vulguine first attacked Diemonshark before he finally defeated Arkemis the Bear and attacked Chaos Knight. Flying Squid, Coastal Sentry, and Dumacke Orc also attacked Chaos Knight. Meanwhile, Deeplurker failed to land his attack on Vulguine who was already in RAGE mode.

Diemonshark was defeated by Vulguine and Jared Scar. Chaos Knight and Drybone Barbarian attacked Flying Squid. The Drybone Raider defeated the Flying Squid with his 3 attacks, while his last attack was directed at the Coastal Sentry.


In the third round, Coastal Sentry was defeated by attacks from Vulguine and Jared Scar. Deeplurker defeated Chaos Knight and attacked Jared Scar. Dumacke Orc also attacked Jared Scar.

Drybone Barbarian and Drybone Raider attacked Deeplurker. But the attack from Drybone Raider only hit Deeplurker once.


In the final round, Jared Scar defeated Deeplurker. Meanwhile, Dumacke Orc was defeated by Vulguine, Drybone Barbarian and three attacks from Drybone Raider.

To see the entire battle, you can watch it at >> FULL BATTLE LINK
And this is the challenge link >> CHALLENGE LINK


Review of this battle

Although the BLIND ability is only owned by the opponent, some attacks from the opponent failed to hit some of my monsters while the attacks from my monsters hit the opponent's monsters more often (except for the attack from Drybone Raider). Because of this, I managed to win the battle this time. If the opponent's attack had managed to hit some of my monsters, then it was certain that I lost the battle this time.


That was the post BATTLE MAGE SECRETS for this time. Thank you for visiting and taking the time to read. See you in the next post....

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500 HP1000 HP2000 HP5000 HP10000 HP15000 HP20000 HP

